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Generative AI Japan took the stage and exchanged opinions at AIPT hosted by the Liberal Democratic Party

Generative AI Japan took the stage and exchanged opinions at AIPT hosted by the Liberal Democratic Party

*View in browser* *Generative AI Japan General Incorporated Association*
Press release: June 10, 2024
Generative AI Japan took the stage and exchanged opinions at AIPT hosted by the Liberal Democratic Party
General Incorporated Association Generative AI Japan (Location: Tama City, Tokyo, Representative Director Miyata
On May 29, 2024, Hiroaki (hereinafter referred to as “GenAI”) participated as a lecturer at AIPT (a team hosted by the Liberal Democratic Party that discusses the evolution and implementation of AI) and exchanged opinions. . From GenAI, Urushihara
Director Shigeru, Director Yasuaki Omata, Kuniyoshi
Three members, including Keisuke, Executive Director, participated and gave a presentation and exchanged opinions on creating a system for strengthening application development capabilities in the field of generative AI.
*Top left of the image (from left) GenAI Director Omata, Director Kuniyoshi *Bottom left of the image (from left) GenAI Director Omata, Director Kuniyoshi, ELYZA Representative Mr. Soneoka
*About the exchange of opinions on the day*
Based on the current state of AI-related budgets and support items in Japan, this is a compilation of proposals for creating a system for strengthening generative AI application development capabilities in the future. On the day, ELYZA representative
Mr. Soneoka also took the stage, and there was a lively exchange of opinions. We will make use of this exchange of opinions to deepen future discussions.
From the presentation materials
From the presentation materials
* ・AIPT (AI Evolution and Implementation Project Team) Overview * Presentation date and time: May 29, 2024
Liberal Democratic Party AI Project Team note (House of
Representatives member Takuro Komori note)
Liberal Democratic Party AI Evolution and Implementation Project Team | House of Representatives member Takuo Komori (

* About Generative AI Japan General Incorporated Association * It was launched in January 2024 with the aim of increasing Japan’s industrial competitiveness by promoting the use of generative AI, developing rules and guidelines, and making recommendations through industry-academia collaboration.
The representative director is Professor Hiroaki Miyata of Keio University School of Medicine, and 18 directors and advisors, including experts from academia and cutting-edge companies, have joined as members, and over 50 companies (as of May 2024) have joined as members.

* Group overview *
Name: Generative AI Japan General Incorporated Association
Registration date: January 9, 2024
Representative Director: Hiroaki Miyata
Auditor: Masamitsu Harada
Address: 1-34 Ochiai, Tama City, Tokyo
*About this release details*

*Download press release materials*