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Home » What is “how to connect with customers” in the SaaS era? Bizibl hosts a webinar to learn the essence of fan communities and success stories from the author

What is “how to connect with customers” in the SaaS era? Bizibl hosts a webinar to learn the essence of fan communities and success stories from the author

What is “how to connect with customers” in the SaaS era? Bizibl hosts a webinar to learn the essence of fan communities and success stories from the author

*View in browser* *Bizibl Technologies Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 10, 2024
What is “how to connect with customers” in the SaaS era? Bizibl hosts a webinar to learn the essence of fan communities and success stories from the author
*60 minutes to explore the possibilities for lead generation, lead nurturing, and customer success! *
Bizibl Co., Ltd.
Technologies (Yomi: Visible Technologies, Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yohei Hanatani) welcomed Ryo Takahashi, author of “How to Create a First Follower” as a guest, and presented “How to Connect with Customers in the SaaS Era”. ” What is it?
A webinar entitled “60 minutes to learn the essence of fan
communities and success stories from the author” will be held from June 25th to 27th.
*Event overview*
In this webinar, we will provide ideas for using community marketing to solve the challenges faced by marketers at SaaS companies, regardless of BtoB or BtoC.
The lecturer was “How to create a first follower” at Tribal Media House Co., Ltd.
Ryo Takahashi is the popular author of “Marketing to create value for products and services together with fans” that you can learn from examples.
Based on the knowledge and implementation methods gained from successful cases, we will explore the possibilities of utilizing community marketing in lead generation and lead nurturing.
Anyone looking for new marketing strategies is welcome to join us.

*Today’s content*
Expectations for community marketing to solve SaaS marketing issues, misunderstandings about community marketing, what a first follower is, how to find and communicate the value of a first follower 2. Questions for SaaS companies when engaging in community marketing ・Is customer success the key to community success? Lead
nurturing?・What is there in the community that is not in the information provision or demo experience?
3. The potential of “learning communities” in prospect development for SaaS companies
・Introduction of usage examples offline and online (webinar, Slack, etc.) * Event date and time and recruitment requirements *
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 11:00-12:00 LIVE distribution
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 11:00-12:00 Recorded distribution
Thursday, June 27, 2024 11:00-12:00 Recorded distribution

Number of participants: First 50 people each time
Participation fee: Free
Distribution tool: Bizibl

* Speakers*
* Ryo Takahashi *
Tribal Media House Co., Ltd. Creative Director
Born in 1983, from Tottori Prefecture. After working at an advertising company, joined Tribal Media House in 2010. Engaged in corporate marketing strategy construction, promotion planning, and execution. So far, we have worked with major airlines, fashion brands,
Responsible for sports brands, cosmetics brands, beverage
manufacturers, etc. His books include “How to Create a First Follower” (Shoeisha) and “Enthusiastic Customer Strategy

*Takaho Maeda*
Bizibl Technologies Customer Success
Since 2006, he has been involved in supporting project management hypothesis planning and progress on various themes such as IT, manufacturing, education, medical care, health, government, welfare, and entertainment. His activities include writing books on project management, training, and providing training programs. Since 2014, he has been engaged in sales, marketing, sales promotion, and public relations support projects that utilize video. His publications include “How to proceed with projects that don’t go as planned” (Senden Kaigi).

* Company Profile*
Bizibl Technologies Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director Ryohei Hanatani
Address: 11F, 2-2-1 Kanda Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054 Established: October 2018
Business content: Development and sales of webinar marketing SaaS “Bizibl” URL:
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