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Home » We are looking for startups to take on the “Setouchi Angel Pitch” challenge!

We are looking for startups to take on the “Setouchi Angel Pitch” challenge!

Einsatz Lawyer Corporation
We are looking for startups to take on the “Setouchi Angel Pitch” challenge! ……
The “Setouchi Angel Community (SAC)”, which provides a venue for angel pitches to startups in the Setouchi region, has begun recruiting startups to take on the challenge of angel pitches in preparation for the first “Setouchi Angel Pitch”.
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“Setouchi Angel Community (SAC)” is a community of angel investors and VCs from all over the country who want to invest in and support startups in Chugoku and Shikoku.
*Click here for the press release when recruiting SAC investor members starts
In rural areas, there are few contact points with investors, and there are also fewer contact points with senior entrepreneurs who have experience receiving investment from investors, making it difficult to even consider the option of starting a startup.
In order to overcome this situation, the “Setouchi Angel Community (SAC)” will have carefully selected startups and entrepreneurs make pitches to its member investors.
“Setouchi Angel Pitch”
We have decided to hold an event and have begun selecting participants. All interested startups are encouraged to apply.
Supplementary prize
BOOTH for Startups is a plan to accompany and support entrepreneurs for 14 months after company establishment.
BOOTH for entrepreneur ~first 14-month plan
We provide this service for a fee to special startup companies. We will offer this plan to startup companies that have passed the document screening and participated in the Setouchi Angel Pitch and wish to use this plan.
Furthermore, we will provide this plan free of charge as a
supplementary prize to startup companies that participate in the Setouchi Angel Pitch and successfully receive angel investment and wish to use this plan.
[Plan overview]
This is a packaged advisory contract in which a professional alliance consisting of a lawyer, a tax accountant, and a judicial scrivener will accompany the entrepreneur for approximately 14 months from establishment to the first regular general meeting of shareholders (final settlement of accounts). We will accompany you with the aim of helping you design back office operations related to legal affairs, tax accounting, and learning how to operate them correctly.
Selection schedule
June 10, 2024: Recruitment of applicants begins
Mid-June 2024: Successful applicants who pass the document screening will be contacted.
July-August 2024 Recruitment will close when the number of successful candidates exceeds a certain number
Setouchi Angel Pitch held from June to August 2024
“Setouchi Angel Pitch” recruitment guidelines
[Target companies]
– Targeted at seed stage startups before PMF.
・It is also possible to apply at the idea stage.
・In principle, the applicant must be a stock company or an
entrepreneur planning to establish a stock company. If you are planning to use a vehicle other than a corporation, such as a limited liability company type DAO, please inform SAC management of 1. the vehicle you will select and 2. the reason for your selection at the time of application.
・We assume startups in Setouchi, but there are no strict requirements. Companies with ties to Setouchi or those considering doing business in Setouchi are welcome to apply. However, please note that if you pass the document screening, you will be required to be at the venue on the day of the pitch.
[Business area]
・There are no questions regarding the business field.
[Selection details]
The selection process is based on documents.
Please send a pitch deck that meets the configuration specified below to the email address below. (In charge: Judicial Scrivener Tetsuya Yuzuki) If you pass the document screening, you can participate in the Setouchi Angel Pitch.
[Specifications regarding pitch deck configuration, etc.]
・The number of slides is limited to 20 pages for the main text and 20 pages for the appendix.
・Please make sure that you can actually pitch within 10 minutes for the main story.
・Please be sure to include the following in your pitch deck: (1) Challenges
(2) Solution
(3) Strengths
(4) Business model
(5) Market
(6) Why now?
(7) Team
(8) Financing plan
(9) What to look for in an angel investor
(10) Future aspirations
For inquiries regarding this matter, please contact us using the website inquiry form below.
More details about this release: