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Home » Municipal DX Promotion Council, General Incorporated Association Announcement of publication of “Municipal DX Guide Vol. 3” / Special feature 1: “Disaster prevention DX: Saving lives with technology” / Special feature 2: “Generative AI/ChatGPT: Loc

Municipal DX Promotion Council, General Incorporated Association Announcement of publication of “Municipal DX Guide Vol. 3” / Special feature 1: “Disaster prevention DX: Saving lives with technology” / Special feature 2: “Generative AI/ChatGPT: Loc

[Municipal DX Promotion Council, General Incorporated Association] Announcement of publication of “Municipal DX Guide Vol.3”/Special Feature 1
“Disaster Prevention DX: Saving lives with technology” / Special feature 2 “Generative AI / ChatGPT: Local government reform using generative AI”

*View in browser* *Municipal DX Promotion Council, General Incorporated Association* Press release: June 11, 2024
Announcement of publication of “Municipal DX Guide Vol.3” / Special feature 1 “Disaster prevention DX: Saving lives with technology” / Special feature 2 “Generative AI / ChatGPT
: Local government reform using generative AI”
The Local Government DX Promotion Council (GDX) has published “Municipal DX Guide Vol.3”.
Special Feature 1, “Disaster Prevention DX: Saving Lives with Technology,” introduces the efforts of the Disaster Prevention Division of the Minato City Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Office at the beginning. As a new development in disaster prevention DX, we will also focus on the innovative efforts of other businesses and delve into the current status and possibilities of utilizing digital technology in the disaster prevention field.
In Special Feature 2, “Generative AI/ChatGPT
: Local government reform using generative AI” is the theme, and we will deliver the challenges of advanced local governments and the latest trends. We provide inspiration for local governments, businesses, and citizens to work together to create safe, secure, and prosperous local communities.
(“Municipal DX Guide vol.3″ will be delivered to DX and disaster prevention staff of local governments nationwide, as well as to GDX members)

“Municipal DX Guide Vol.3” Special feature 1: Disaster prevention DX: Saving lives with technology Special feature 2: Local government reform using generative AI
Special Feature 1: Disaster Prevention DX: Saving lives with technology * A complete picture of disaster prevention DX promoted by Minato City, which realizes more efficient disaster response and prompt information dissemination *
Mr. Masayuki Torii, Manager, Disaster Prevention Division, Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Office, Minato City
Minato Ward, with a population of over 300,000 people, requires efficient disaster response with limited personnel. We asked him about Minato City’s disaster prevention DX efforts, such as information gathering and analysis using the latest technology, and creating a system for disseminating information.
Mr. Masayuki Torii, Manager, Disaster Prevention Division, Disaster Prevention and Crisis Management Office, Minato City
“Experience” changes disaster prevention awareness and emergency behavior ─Possibilities of XR technology in disaster prevention and response Alpha Code Co., Ltd. Director, Founder and CTO Takuhiro Mizuno VRider, a metaverse solution that does not require an internet connection Alpha code that develops COMMS. We will explore the strengths of this content, which allows multiple people to experience “public help,” “self-help,” and “mutual help” in a digital space through shared experiences, and the potential of utilizing XR technology in the disaster prevention field.
Alpha Code Co., Ltd. Director, Founder and CTO Takuhiro Mizuno Realizing a reliable perinatal medical care system even in times of disaster and in depopulated areas
Melody International Co., Ltd. CEO Yuko Ogata
Melody International is working on the development and dissemination of the perinatal telemedicine platform “iCTG”. We asked about efforts to realize a safe and secure perinatal medical care system, based on examples of its use in times of disaster and in depopulated areas. Melody International Co., Ltd. CEO Yuko Ogata
MCR pioneers city development through citizen cooperation – Aiming for a safe and livable city through utilization during normal times and cooperation during disasters –
MCR Consortium Secretariat
Local government citizen collaboration platform “My City Report for A consortium that provides “citizens”. We will introduce how it can be used during normal times to solve regional issues, and how it can be used to create a safe and secure town, such as collecting damage information during disasters.
MCR Consortium Secretariat
Helping local governments improve their disaster prevention
capabilities by streamlining stockpile management
Aegis Co., Ltd. Disaster Prevention Service Specialist Takashi Shirai Aegis focuses on issues with local government stockpiles and develops stockpile management services that utilize its inventory know-how. We asked him about his contribution to strengthening the disaster prevention capabilities of local governments through the perspective and skills unique to private companies.
Aegis Co., Ltd. Disaster Prevention Service Specialist Takashi Shirai New possibilities for evacuation centers realized by the “Rakuraku Shelter Tent” Art Depot Co., Ltd.
Art Depot develops and sells tents for shelters based on the concept of “tents that anyone can easily use.” We will introduce our efforts to create a comfortable evacuation center environment that takes privacy into account.
“Easy Shelter Tent”
Weather disaster risk visualization system that supports disaster prevention capabilities of local governments – HalexForesight! Harex Co., Ltd. Business Solution Division Business Manager Tsuneyoshi Umame Harex utilizes advanced weather data processing technology to support local governments’ disaster prevention responses. We spoke about efforts to help local governments strengthen their disaster prevention capabilities by visualizing weather disaster risks using
Harex Co., Ltd. Business Solution Division Business Manager Tsuneyoshi Umame Special feature 2: [Generative AI/ChatGPT] Local government reform using generative AI
Yokosuka City, the “Land of Generative AI,” promotes operational efficiency with ChatGPT
Mr. Kohei Ota, Director, Digital Government Promotion Office, Corporate Planning Department, Yokosuka City
Yokosuka City has introduced ChatGPT to all its offices and is taking on the challenge of using AI to improve work efficiency and unleash the creativity of its employees. We asked about the background, effects, and prospects of advanced initiatives.
Mr. Kohei Ota, Director, Digital Government Promotion Office, Corporate Planning Department, Yokosuka City
Breaking away from passive DX. Local government-led DX realized with generative AI
Hiroyuki Kawaguchi LLC Representative Partner Hiroyuki Kawaguchi “Sanitizer” that supports safe use of ChatGPT
Hiroyuki Kawaguchi LLC, which developed “Gateway.” We will explore the significance of AI utilization led by local governments and the prospects for realizing true local government DX that breaks away from vendor dependence.
Hiroyuki Kawaguchi LLC Representative Partner Hiroyuki Kawaguchi
The Local Government DX Promotion Council (GDX) is an organization that promotes the digital transformation of local governments and aims for the sustainable development of local communities. In collaboration with each local government, we support the resolution of regional issues and the creation of innovation using digital technology. We will act as a bridge between local governments and businesses, providing a place for partnerships that accelerate regional
revitalization through digital transformation. Please feel free to contact us.
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