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Home » Technologies Co., Ltd. Technologies Co., Ltd.’s HR system for temporary staffing companies, “jobs,” has begun to be implemented at 83 branches operated by the TeiK Group (TeiK Works Tokyo Co., Ltd., SK Consultant Co., Ltd., and 7 other companies).

Technologies Co., Ltd. Technologies Co., Ltd.’s HR system for temporary staffing companies, “jobs,” has begun to be implemented at 83 branches operated by the TeiK Group (TeiK Works Tokyo Co., Ltd., SK Consultant Co., Ltd., and 7 other companies).

[Technologies Co., Ltd.]
Jobs, an HR system for temporary staffing companies developed by Technologies Co., Ltd., has begun to be implemented at 83 branches operated by the Teikei Group (Teikei Works Tokyo Co., Ltd., SK Consultant Co., Ltd., and 7 other companies).

*View in browser* *Technologies Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 11, 2024
Jobs, an HR system for temporary staffing companies developed by Technologies Co., Ltd., has begun to be implemented at 83 branches operated by the Teikei Group (Teikei Works Tokyo Co., Ltd., SK Consultant Co., Ltd., and 7 other companies).
*-“Jobs” is a solution for improving business efficiency and increasing sales for temporary staffing companies-*
Technologies Co., Ltd., which develops SaaS business, IT solution business, and renewable energy business (Head office: 1-27-6 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0072)
Shirokane Takanawa Station Building 9F
Stock code: TSE Growth 5248) is Teikei Works Tokyo Co., Ltd. (160-0022), a member of the Teikei Group, a major comprehensive human resources company.
Keio Shinjuku 3-chome Building 7F, 3-1-24 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo), SK Consultant Co., Ltd. (3-1-24 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022)
Keio Shinjuku 3-chome Building 2F) We have begun implementing the in-house developed HR system for temporary staffing companies, “jobs”, at 83 branches operated by 7 other companies.

“JOBS”, a SaaS HR system developed and provided by Technologies, solves the problems faced by temporary staffing companies such as labor shortages and the burden of cumbersome work, and also helps to comply with frequently revised laws and regulations. I have
contributed from a DX perspective. For example, “jobs” has a CRM (Customer
Management) function has been implemented, allowing temporary staffing companies to conveniently manage clients and staff. In addition, a CRM that specializes in dispatching can be connected to LINE, helping dispatching companies who are having difficulty hiring new employees to easily contact existing dispatched workers, and also allowing dispatched workers to contact them with just one click. It is designed to allow you to express your intentions to the dispatch company. DX (Digital
Transformation) is becoming more prevalent in the temporary staffing industry, but there are still many temporary staffing companies that do not have full-time staff dedicated to systems, and many companies are at the mercy of the rapid turnover of temporary workers and laws and regulations that are revised every year. “jobs” has established a system that allows you to use the system with peace of mind even after the system is introduced, by adopting an easy-to-understand flat-rate usage fee structure and by assigning dedicated support personnel to dispatch companies.
This time, the introduction of the system to 83 branches operated by the Teikei Group, a major comprehensive human resources company, was due to the recognition of this initiative, and also because “jobs” is a staffing solution system that supports large stores, various industries, and workplaces. This is proof that it is.

“Jobs” not only provides a system for temporary staffing companies, but also allows temporary staffing companies that use “Jobs” to handle their daily work to receive new customers, new orders, and recruitment of temporary workers. We will continue to contribute so that we can focus our resources on recruitment, expand sales, and ensure stable operation of our temporary staffing business. We aim to become a true DX solution for temporary staffing companies.

*What is “jobs”?*
jobs is an HR system that supports temporary staffing businesses. We support customer and temporary worker management in the temporary staffing business and the creation of forms and contracts, which are the complicated tasks associated with this, and reduce work hours, such as moving away from the Excel and manual input work that has traditionally taken up time for temporary staffing companies. can be reduced. In addition, the biggest feature is that it is a solution for temporary staffing companies that is equipped with functions that can help increase sales for temporary staffing companies, such as LINE linkage functions that contribute to staff acquisition and project acquisition. *
Reference: Dispatch/contract/recruitment business management system for small and medium-sized businesses|jobs ( )
(Comments from each company)
* Manabu Hatakeyama, Director of Technologies Co., Ltd.*
We are very happy that Teikei Group, which provides excellent services as a comprehensive human resources company, has introduced “jobs”. We will continue to strengthen this initiative for the TeiK Group and strive to contribute to staffing services in more industries. * Mr. Manabu Wakatsuki, Representative Director and President of Teikei Works Tokyo Co., Ltd.*
We have decided to adopt “jobs” as our new DX tool. We hope that this will enable us to work even harder to improve operational efficiency and solve problems for clients and temporary staff. We have high expectations for the functions that will be implemented in “jobs” in the future to improve sales.
We will continue to use “jobs” to flexibly respond to changes in the times and establish a solid position as a leading logistics staffing company.

* ■Company profile*
Company name: Technologies Co., Ltd.
Head Office: Shirokane Takanawa Station Building 9F, 1-27-6 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0072
Established: August 5, 2014
Representative: Hiroki Yoshihara
Capital: 630.3 million yen
Contact: 03-6432-7524
*The company names and product names listed are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
*The information contained in this press release is current as of the date of announcement. Please note that this information is subject to change without notice.
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