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Home » Matter of Trust Japan General Incorporated Association Started rolling out Matter of Trust Japan’s “re:hair,” a rebrand of the US-based “Clean Wave Project” for Japan.

Matter of Trust Japan General Incorporated Association Started rolling out Matter of Trust Japan’s “re:hair,” a rebrand of the US-based “Clean Wave Project” for Japan.

Matter of Trust Japan General Incorporated Association
Started rolling out Matter of Trust Japan’s “re:hair,” a rebrand of the US-based “Clean Wave Project” for Japan.
The official website is also released today!
Matter of Trust Japan (General Incorporated Association, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Ayako Hama) is a member of the “Clean Wave” initiative, which was started by the NGO Matter of Trust (San Francisco, USA, Representative: Lisa Gauthier).・We are pleased to announce the launch of “re:hair (hair as a resource for the earth),” a rebranding of the “re:hair project” for the Japanese market.
[Image 1:×352.png ]
In 2023, “Clean Wave” is an activity that is gaining recognition for “Hair Mat”, which uses hair to help absorb oil that has flowed into the ocean, which is a method other than hair donation for medical wigs. ·project”.
On the other hand, it is being actively used for agriculture and planting around the world, and there continues to be little awareness of uses other than “hair absorbing oil”. .
In addition, in terms of the use of human hair, which is unprecedented in Japan, preconceptions and images were predominant, and there were certain barriers to widespread acceptance.
We hope that by sending out the message that “hair is a resource,” we will be able to revamp existing concepts and lower the barriers that pose challenges.
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Thoughts behind the project name “re:hair
The English words that end with [Re] are as follows.
Recycle, Recovery, Renewable, Remeditation, etc.
One thing that these English words have in common is that there are many keywords that remind us of environmental conservation.
We coined the word “re:hair” by adding the “re” to the word “hair” and defined it as a project that brings about harmony between people and the earth by utilizing hair as a resource.
The oil spill accident caused by a Japanese ship running aground off the coast of Mauritius in 2020 is still fresh in the memory. The initiative was launched in Japan after an organization that uses human hair, which would normally be thrown away, was featured in the news as a countermeasure against oil spills that have a serious impact on marine life.
Members with a variety of ideas gathered together to engage in activities, including people who genuinely wanted to protect the natural environment, people who had been taking steady action for friends living near Mauritius, and people who wanted to solve environmental issues by starting a business. Thanks to the cooperation of many people who agreed with us, the circle of our activities is expanding.
Environmental issues require urgent measures on a global scale. Based on Matter of Trust’s philosophy of turning “surplus” into “value,” we would like to work on solving issues in Japan.
The official website summarizing the activities has also been released! Today, we will be releasing an official website that summarizes our activities and how to participate in the project.
In addition to disseminating information on SNS, we will provide useful information to everyone who is interested in this project and wants to participate.
Official website
Official SNS
■ Matter of Trust Japan General Incorporated Association
Our organization aims to connect “surplus” and “need” and use existing resources to help people harmonize with the earth and spread the rich cycle of nature.
[Image 4:×1045.jpg] ■ Group overview
Established December 19, 2023
Address: 2-12-15 Seta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158-0095
Representative Director Nasako Hama
Contact information:
Business content
・Upcycling activities using human hair and animal hair, environmental conservation activities
・Production and sales of hair mats and hair booms (oil mats and oil fences) ・Development and sales of other products related to this business ・Increase awareness of business activities and PR activities ・Holding seminars, events, social gatherings, etc.
・Publishing journals and publications related to this project ・Other business necessary to achieve the purpose of our corporation More details about this release: