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Home » TAC Co., Ltd. For people in charge of human resources development Experience the approach to organizational change to improve corporate value! A workshop experience and networking event will be held on June 21st (Friday) to visualize value and en

TAC Co., Ltd. For people in charge of human resources development Experience the approach to organizational change to improve corporate value! A workshop experience and networking event will be held on June 21st (Friday) to visualize value and en

TAC Co., Ltd.
[For people in charge of human resources development] Experience the approach to organizational change to improve corporate value! A workshop experience and networking event will be held on June 21st (Friday) to visualize value and energize both inside and outside the company.
NEC Management Planning, which received the “Intellectual Property Achievement Award” in recognition of its intellectual creation cycle activities, design management, and effective use of intellectual property, took the stage.
TAC Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Toshio Tada), which operates an educational business such as providing guidance for many national qualifications and certification exams, such as certified public accountants and tax accountants, is a company with a human resources training department for corporations.・We will hold an event for educational personnel on Friday, June 21, 2024, titled “Organizational Transformation to Improve Corporate Value Based on the Redefinition of the Role of the NEC Design Organization.”
[Image 1:×420.jpg] Details/Application URL:
With the rapid evolution of technology and changes in industrial structure, things that used to sell often no longer sell. In the coming era, companies will be required to discover issues on their own and create new value by prototyping solutions using various
approaches.Continued efforts to create value based on purpose will help companies It is essential for sustainable growth.
Under such circumstances, we will explain the key points for improving corporate value using the case study of NEC, which is attracting attention for its organizational reforms that have had a positive impact on stock prices.
NEC has newly established a corporate branding department within its corporate planning department in fiscal 2022. In addition to developing internal and external brand strategies, we also promote human capital management in collaboration with human resources. In April 2024, we received the “Intellectual Property Achievement Award” in recognition of our achievements in intellectual creation cycle activities, design management, and effective use of intellectual property.
This time, how did you carry out organizational reform based on what the organization should be? We will invite Mr. Ide, general manager of the Corporate Design Department of NEC’s Corporate Planning and Sustainability Promotion Division, to give a lecture on the key points for improving corporate value.
How did the organization change? How were you able to create an internal/external mindset? We will teach you how to resolve conflicts and how to visualize invisible corporate value through a design approach. He has actually been involved in organizational change, so I can tell you his real story.
There will also be time for a networking session, so if you are an educator who wants to approach your company’s services or new business development from a different angle, or want to change your
organization but don’t get everyone together, please take a look at this first step in design thinking. This event is recommended for human resources professionals looking for further education. We want you to be excited through this event, so please participate by gathering information! We are also looking forward to hearing from people in charge of education and human resources.
Who I would like to recommend
・Those who want to transform a professional organization such as design and create new value ・Those who want to know examples of culture reform and organizational reform ・Those who are looking for reference examples for new businesses and services ・Those who are in a rapidly changing environment Those who are looking for what is needed from an organizational and human perspective in this era. Those who are looking for examples of how design management has had a positive impact on society and stakeholders. What kind of education after design thinking? Those who are looking for ways to provide support and encourage organizational change.
Seminar overview
Date: June 21st (Friday) Time: 16:30-20:00
0.16:00-16:30 Opening 1.16:30-18:30 Workshop 2.18:40-20:00 Social gathering 3.20:00 Closing party Venue: We will contact you at the time of application. Participation fee: Free (reservation required) Application deadline: June 21, 2024 (Friday) 12:00 Details/Application URL:
1. Introduction
・Instructor self-introduction ・Introduction of NEC 3. History of NEC’s organizational change
・History of design ・History of NEC’s design ・Redefining the role of design as a new business development function ・Updating design functions to accelerate business activities 4. Redefining the role of design as a management strategy function
・What have we done as an organization to accelerate corporate activities?  How to overcome frustration in an organization How to create organizational strength with a common mindset ・What happened as a result?5. work experience
・Design approach ・Visualize the value of your company or organization Lecturer introduction
[Image 2:×250.jpg] Mr. Hiroki Ide
NEC Corporate Planning and Sustainability Promotion Department Corporate Design Department General Manager

Graduated from Tama Art University. At NEC Design Co., Ltd., he is involved in the development of a wide range of products and services, from products to UI/UX. Since 2014, he has been involved in various projects as a business development member in NEC’s business
development department. Engaged in management of the design department since 2018. Current position from April 2022.
[Image 3:×250.jpg] Taisuke Kondo Lecturer, General Incorporated Foundation Intellectual Property Research and Education Foundation, Intellectual Property Education Association, Business Manager, Management Design
Subcommittee Representative Secretary (Intellectual Property Association of Japan) Former member of the Value Design Management Working Group (Cabinet Office) Bunka Fashion College Part-time lecturer Future value creation seminar “BUILD” Coordinator “Broadly defined design” specialty school DXD camp lecturer/facilitation director
1994 Graduated from Okayama University Faculty of Law / 2020 Graduated from Kanazawa Institute of Technology Graduate School of Innovation Management (MBA) Joined a major correspondence education company in 1996. Mainly involved in planning and editing of assessment services, academic ability surveys, etc. In 2003, he participated in the establishment of the Intellectual Property Education Association and the creation of the Intellectual Property Certification, a private certification. Served as deputy secretary general and secretary general, and was involved in the transition to the national
certification (intellectual property management skill certification) in 2008. After transitioning to the national certification, in his current role, he was responsible for the dissemination and management of certification exams, the management of the Intellectual Property Management Skills Association, and human resource development projects such as intellectual property analyst certification courses. After the publication of the Management Design Sheet, he worked on its dissemination activities in cooperation with the Cabinet Office, and was involved in corporate support (mainly in the area of ​​new value creation). He also teaches courses on the theme of value creation. Company Profile
Company name: TAC Co., Ltd. Representative: Representative Director and President Toshio Tada Founded: December 1980 Business details: Personal education business, corporate training business, publishing business, human resources business Main company: Kanda Misaki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8383 Town 3-2-18 Human resources education service introduction site for corporations: More details about this release: