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Audio Association of Japan General Incorporated Association “OTOTEN2024” association event & seminar announcement!

Japan Audio Association
“OTOTEN2024” Association Event & Seminar Announcement!
“4-hour continuous request competition” where everyone can enjoy the songs they want to listen to, etc.
The Audio Association of Japan (Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Chairman: Riko Ogawa) will hold “OTOTEN2024” at the Tokyo International Forum for two days, June 22nd (Saturday) and June 23rd (Sunday), 2024. We will inform you about association events and seminar information. Glass building G701
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G701 event
Glass building G407
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G407 event
Characteristics of each event and seminar
Glass building G701
In addition to the annual publisher events sponsored by audio magazines, to commemorate the 30th year of the Japan Professional Music Recording Awards, Eiji Uchinuma will look back on recording methods and sound creation, and introduce past award-winning works. . Also, following last year, we will be holding a request competition on the 23rd (Sunday) where participants can enjoy the sound sources they bring in. From anime songs, game music, and VTubers that you don’t usually get a chance to listen to at audio events, please bring the sound sources you really want to listen to to G701.
Glass building G407
We will be holding a student-priority seminar for students of music universities and audio vocational schools, as well as students who aspire to work in the audio industry. An immersive audio environment has been built in this room, and it is a valuable opportunity to attend seminars given by engineers from audio manufacturers and famous studios. There will also be an introduction to immersive works by the AES Japan Student Chapter and the Japan Music Studio Association, which anyone can participate in.
How to participate in the event
1. Priority will be given to students for admission to seminars for students of music universities, audio vocational schools, and students aspiring to work in the audio industry. To apply, please visit “Association Events/Seminar”
( on the OTOTEN2024 official website. The general public is welcome to participate, but please note that if the capacity is reached, you may not be able to participate in the event.
2. No advance application is required, except for the student priority seminar held in G407. Please come directly to each room. Please arrive at each room 15 minutes before the start time, as it will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
3. For details on exhibitor events other than association
events/seminars (G701, G407), please contact each exhibitor. Regarding OTOTEN2024 visitor pre-registration
Admission to OTOTEN2024 requires advance registration. Please register from the official website.
OTOTEN2024 pre-registration page:
OTOTEN2024 official website: Japan Audio Association official website: Japan Audio Association Official X: Japan Audio Association Official Facebook: Japan Audio Society Official YouTube: that’s all
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