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Home » Omelette Co., Ltd. Held on June 16, 2024! Highlights of Global Wind Day 2024 in Noshiro

Omelette Co., Ltd. Held on June 16, 2024! Highlights of Global Wind Day 2024 in Noshiro

[Omelette Co., Ltd.] Held on June 16, 2024! Highlights of Global Wind Day 2024 in Noshiro

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Press release: June 11, 2024
Held on June 16, 2024! Highlights of Global Wind Day 2024 in Noshiro *Global Wind Day in Noshiro is a festival commemorating World Windmill Day held every June in Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture. It has been decided that the event will be held on June 16th in 2024. Introducing the latest article introducing the highlights. *
Source: Global Wind Day in Noshiro
Information published in “Festival in honor of World Windmill Day – Highlights of Global Wind Day 2024 in Noshiro (held on June 16, 2024)” ・Global Wind Day, a wind energy festival held around the world ・Highlights of Global Wind Day in Noshiro 2024
・Global Wind Day in Noshiro City
・Let’s go to “Global Wind Day in Noshiro 2024”
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Source: Global Wind Day in Noshiro
Global Wind Day was started in 2007 by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) and the European Wind Energy Association (WindEUROPE) to communicate the importance of wind energy to people around the world. In 2007, wind power generation was beginning to attract attention from around the world, but its importance was not yet fully recognized. Therefore, Global Wind Day was established to raise awareness and promote the spread of wind energy.

Global Wind Day is held on June 15th every year, and more than 100 countries around the world participate and more than 1,000 events are held.
* Pick up highlights of Global Wind Day in Noshiro 2024! *
Tour the work boat Red Star! Source: Global Wind Day in Noshiro A work boat is essential for maintenance of offshore wind power generation. You can tour the inside of the Red Star, which is actually used at Noshiro Port. The ship tour, which was held again in 2023, was very popular.
Entering the windmill tower Source: Global Wind Day in Noshiro This content allows you to tour the inside of the windmill tower, which is normally not open to the public.
Painting on the windmill tower Source: Provided by Noshiro City The annual windmill tower drawing contest. A different theme is decided every year. This year’s theme is Fune. This is a fun project to see children’s drawings based on their free ideas.

We also introduce nine other attractions, including a quiz event, a band performance, and a corner where you can enjoy Noshiro’s specialty products.
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*Global Wind Day in Noshiro 2024 Event Overview*
Date and time: Sunday, June 16, 2020, 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Location: Noshiro Port Omori Ryokuchi Park (Omoriyama, Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)
*In case of rain: Noshiro Yamamoto Wide Area Exchange Center (3-2 Kaieisaka, Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture)

About “Energy Town Noshiro”
In Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture, Japan’s first large-scale commercial operation of offshore wind power will begin in 2022. This site not only covers the topic of wind power generation, but also provides a wide range of explanations about renewable energy and environmental issues. This is a website where Omelette Co., Ltd. manages interviews and articles with the cooperation of Noshiro City.
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