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Home » VENTURE FOR JAPAN General Incorporated Association Signed collaboration agreement with Kyoto Bunkyo University and Ueda Head Office

VENTURE FOR JAPAN General Incorporated Association Signed collaboration agreement with Kyoto Bunkyo University and Ueda Head Office

General incorporated association VENTURE FOR JAPAN
Collaboration agreement signed with Kyoto Bunkyo University and Ueda Head Office A first for a university in the Kansai region! The three companies will promote initiatives related to developing human resources who will play a role in regional innovation and building regional networks to support this development.
On June 11, 2024, VENTURE FOR JAPAN (Representative Director: Yosuke Komatsu, hereinafter referred to as “VFJ”), a general incorporated association, will acquire shares in Kyoto Bunkyo Gakuen Kyoto Bunkyo University (President: Masami Mori, hereinafter referred to as “Kyoto Bunkyo University”). We have concluded a collaboration agreement with the company Ueda Head Office (Representative Director and President: Mitsuyasu Okamura, hereinafter referred to as “Ueda Head Office”). The purpose of this agreement is to contribute to the formation and development of sustainable local communities by promoting initiatives related to the development of human resources who will play a role in regional innovation and the construction of regional networks to support them, based on comprehensive collaboration. I am. This is the first time for VFJ to conclude a partnership agreement with a university in the Kansai region. In the future, we will expand career options for even more students starting from Kyoto Prefecture, including students at Kyoto Bunkyo University.
Background to the conclusion of the cooperation agreement
VFJ offers a unique program for young people who aspire to become entrepreneurs and have a strong desire to grow, in which they work for two years as a business manager directly under the management of a local company, contributing to the formation of a local startup ecosystem in each region. doing. In November 2023, we entered into a partnership agreement with Ueda Head Office for the development of young entrepreneurs in the region and the promotion and development of local companies. This time, by entering into a collaboration agreement with Kyoto Bunkyo University, we will design educational programs such as classes to develop innovative human resources rooted in the local community, while further expanding career options for students. . November 21, 2023: Click here for the release of the collaboration agreement with Ueda Head Office
Cooperation agreement details
(1) Matters related to the development and exchange of human resources who will play a role in regional innovation
(2) Matters related to building industry-government-academia networks that support regional innovation
(3) Matters related to research and research activities related to regional innovation
(4) Other matters deemed necessary after consultation between the three companies.
Features of the “VENTURE FOR JAPAN” program
This program is designed after VENTURE FOR AMERICA, a program run in the United States where young people aspiring to become entrepreneurs work for two years in a management position at a local startup. Young people who aspire to become entrepreneurs or who have a strong desire to grow seek growth opportunities and work for a limited period of two years as business managers directly under the management of local small and medium-sized enterprises or venture companies that lead the industry*1. ” and the growth of “companies” and “regions.” Young people will work in very difficult positions such as business managers directly under management, but it is because they are given
responsibility that they will grow significantly. A strong support system that includes initial training (5 days), semi-annual interim training (2 days), regular reading sessions, study sessions on accounting and finance, mentoring and coaching, and opportunities for dialogue with famous entrepreneurs. We are preparing. Since 2020, participating companies have expanded beyond Tohoku to all over Japan, and 46 young people have participated in this program so far. *1.If the job seeker expresses their intention to continue working, it is possible to continue working after two years.
Upon conclusion of the cooperation agreement
[From Yosuke Komatsu, Representative Director of General Incorporated Association VENTURE FOR JAPAN]
We are very happy and grateful that we have concluded a three-company agreement with Kyoto Bunkyo University and Ueda Head Office. We would like to be fully involved in contributing to the formation and development of a sustainable local community by nurturing the next generation and building local networks that will change you and the local community for the better. I look forward to working with you in the future.
General Incorporated Association VENTURE FOR JAPAN Corporate Profile Address: 9-15-404 Kasuga-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-0821
Representative Director: Yosuke Komatsu
Established: November 8, 2022
Business details:
1. Growth support business for Japanese companies
2. Recruitment business (paid employment agency license number 04-U-300325) 3. Education and training business
VENTURE FOR JAPAN Reference information
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