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National University Corporation Chiba University Information on the 18th High School Science Research Presentation

National University Corporation Chiba University
Information on the 18th High School Science Research Presentation ……
High school science research presentations are held in which high school students from all over the country gather to present the results of their daily research.In addition to awarding and
encouraging outstanding presentations, each student receives comments on the content of their research, and each student who participates receives useful advice. The special feature is that it can be accepted.
The 18th High School Science Research Presentation hosted by Chiba University will be held in the form of face-to-face poster
presentations. In addition, presentation materials will also be made available online.
Date of event
Poster presentation: Saturday, September 28, 2020 at Chiba University Nishi-Chiba Campus Gymnasium
Publication of presentation materials (online): September 25, 2020 (Wednesday) – October 1, 2020 (Tuesday)
(1) Recruitment period: August 27, 2020 (Tuesday) to September 2, 2020 (Monday) at noon
*Applications must be made through the school (person in charge of application). (2) Number of applicants: 400
*Even within the recruitment period, recruitment will end when the number of applications reaches 400.
(3) Details such as how to apply are available on the Chiba University High School and University Collaboration Support Office website.
How to hold it
poster presentation
(1) Presenters will present their research using the posters they brought with them at Chiba University on Saturday, September 28th. The size of the panel on which the poster will be pasted is 900mm wide x 1800mm tall.
(2) Posters will be replaced in the morning and afternoon to increase the distance between panels to prevent infectious diseases and heatstroke.
(3) Depending on the situation, there may be a limit on the number of participants at the presentation (for example, a system of rotating participants in the morning and afternoon). That judgment
The decision will be made by early September and the person in charge of application will be contacted.
(4) Excellent presentations will be recognized and published on the website of the Chiba University High School and University
Collaboration Support Office.
(5) The reviewers will post comments such as reviews to the presenters using the online system.
Publication of presentation materials (concurrently conducted via online system) Presenters create poster presentation materials (supported file formats: PDF, JPEG/PNG, MP4, MP4audio) and submit them to the online system. The online system used is LINC Biz Poster Session Plan [AIoT Cloud Co., Ltd.].
[Image:×616.jpg]        Last year (17th)
Field of research presentation
You can apply for the following eight fields of natural science research. We also accept presentations in English.
(1) Physics I (general physics, astrophysics, etc.)
(2) Physics II (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil and architectural engineering, robotics engineering, aeronautical engineering, etc.)
(3) Chemistry I (physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, etc.)
(4) Chemistry II (organic chemistry, biochemistry, environmental chemistry, etc.)
(5) Biology I (animal science, nutrition/pathology/physiology, psychology, etc.) (6) Biology II (plant science, horticulture, microbiology, etc.) (7) Earth science (geology, meteorology, etc.)
(8) Mathematics/Information
Entry fee
Personal information of participants (names, affiliated institutions, etc.), content related to research results (theme, abstract, etc.), as well as videos and photos taken on the day of the event, will be published in reports prepared by the organizer, on the website, etc. There may be cases.
Inquiries regarding this matter
Chiba University High School and University Collaboration Support Office TEL: 043-290-3526
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