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Announcement of the complete renewal of the website of Terajima Architects, a long-established design and construction firm in Tokyo.

Announcement of the complete renewal of the website of Terajima Architects, a long-established design and construction firm in Tokyo.
*View in browser* *Terajima Architects Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 11, 2024
Announcement of the complete renewal of the website of Terajima Architects, a long-established design and construction firm in Tokyo. ▲Top page of new corporate site
Terajima Architects Co., Ltd., which designs and constructs custom homes mainly in Tokyo and Kanagawa (Head office location: Meguro-ku, Tokyo Representative director: Shigeru Terashima CEO: Shoji Fukasawa Terajima Architects) has completely renewed its corporate website on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. At the same time as expanding the content, we have improved the UI by creating flow lines that allow smooth access to various websites and SNS operated by Terajima Architects. Additionally, we continue to support responsive design so that it can be viewed comfortably on a variety of devices.

Renewal date: Tuesday, June 11, 2024

■Background of the renewal
Terajima Architects will celebrate its 65th anniversary in 2023. When we think of a “construction company,” we used to have the impression that they specialize in construction, and that design comes second. There are many construction companies that provide beautiful homes, but since its founding in 1958 as Terashima Construction, Terajima Architects has been a pioneer of design construction companies that combine excellent design and construction, and has continued to develop housing along with the development of Tokyo. I have been involved in architecture. We continue to build homes today, supported by the relationships we have with over 500 owners who sympathize with our home building efforts.
In this website renewal, we have revised the content with a focus on communicating our progress and philosophy to date, expressing our gratitude to the owners and related businesses who have supported us. We have rebuilt both the design and content so that you can not only provide information about our company, but also experience our worldview.

≪Renewal details≫
・Improves visibility and usability by incorporating intuitive operation and simple design

The design is based on white and uses the corporate colors of black, gray, and gold. With smooth and pleasant movement of dynamic content and a clean and easy-to-read layout, we have made sure that users can enjoy a comfortable web experience.

・Significant renewal of content “History” that graphically represents 66 years of progress

The existing “History” page has been expressed in a more graphical design that incorporates dynamic elements. You can now view our history from our founding in 1958 to the present day, along with photos and columns.
・New content “Philosophy”

This is column-style content in which representatives and people in charge talk about their thoughts on general services such as house building, Terajima Architects’ role in society, team building, etc. It will be updated irregularly in the future.
At Terajima Architects, we would like to continue contributing to the realization of a comfortable work environment and a better society for everyone involved through advanced initiatives.
・A website that serves as the starting point for accessing various owned media and SNS accounts.

As of 2024, Terajima Architects has a corporate site, a service site that introduces specific examples and contents of custom-built homes and renovation services, and a site that introduces the
behind-the-scenes aspects of home construction and the lifestyles and lifestyles of people who actually live in custom-built homes. We operate a web magazine that introduces ideas and more. We have clarified the roles of the three websites and are making repeated improvements to each of them, with the aim of creating a simple structure that is easier for users to use and reach their desired information, as well as a sufficient amount of information.
Additionally, as of 2024, we operate seven official SNS accounts (instagram, YouTube, LINE, Pinterest, Threads, Facebook, and TikTok), and thanks to you, we have many followers and friend registrations.

In this corporate site renewal, we focused on enriching the content and improving flow lines with other websites, and planned to make it a hub for owned media, including SNS. We have set up simple and easy-to-understand links and banners so that users can smoothly transition to the desired media.

■About Terajima Architects Co., Ltd.
・Company name: Terajima Architects Co., Ltd.
・CEO: Shoji Fukasawa
・Head office location: Mirche Jiyugaoka 6F, 2-10-4 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo ・Year of establishment: 1958
・Main business: Contracting, design, construction, management and supervision of architectural and civil engineering works, consulting on architectural planning, planning and drafting of comprehensive regional development
・Capital: 30 million yen
・Number of employees: 33 people
・Average age: 41 years old

≪Terajima Architects is a company that supports the diverse lifestyles of people living in cities through the construction of homes≫

Terajima Architects Co., Ltd. was founded in 1958 as a construction company, and is currently a design office + construction company that employs many architects. We design and construct houses and renovate detached houses and condominiums in Tokyo and Kanagawa (with some exceptions). Architects who are well-versed in the housing needs unique to urban areas design and give shape to each building to create the most comfortable home in that location, based on the vision of “creating a high-quality lifestyle.” Our strength is in creating a building that embodies the lifestyle and values ​​of the homeowner and is optimized for that person.
We affirm the diverse values ​​and lifestyles of all people, and continue to support the lives of people in cities through housing construction.

Corporate site:
“Houses built with architects” Terajima Architects service site:
Official SNS information:
Digital magazine “More Life Lab.”:

■Inquiries regarding this matter
Terajima Architects Co., Ltd. Motohashi
TEL: 03-5726-9933 FAX: 03-5726-9903
Mobile phone: 080-6886-9356
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