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Home » Asmark Co., Ltd. We will exhibit at Humap, a comprehensive employee activity service DX General EXPO 2024 Tokyo Summer

Asmark Co., Ltd. We will exhibit at Humap, a comprehensive employee activity service DX General EXPO 2024 Tokyo Summer

Asmark Co., Ltd.
We will exhibit at Humap, a comprehensive employee activity service [DX General EXPO 2024 Tokyo Summer]
We have demo screens for the attendance management tool “Sekinavi” and the harassment and compliance survey “CHeck”.
Asmark Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shoichi Machida)’s employee empowerment service Humap will be held at Tokyo Big Sight from June 11th (Tuesday) to June 13th (Thursday), 2024. We will exhibit at “DX General EXPO 2024 Tokyo Summer”.
Humap will be exhibiting at “DX General EXPO 2024 Tokyo Summer” to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from June 11th (Tuesday) to June 13th (Thursday), 2024.
At the Humap booth (South Hall 4th floor/booth number: S18-09), we have demo machines that allow you to see the attendance management tool “Sekinavi” and the harassment and compliance survey “CHeck” questionnaire screen. We’ll be expecting you.
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Benefits for visitors ~Free trial of each service~
●Attendance management tool “Sekinavi”
●Harassment prevention “CHeck”
●ES survey “ASQ”
●Thanks card “Smile Bonus”
Event overview
Name: DX General EXPO 2024 Tokyo Summer
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 – Thursday, June 13, 2024 10:00-17:00 each day Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (South 1-4/West 3-4 Halls)
Sponsor: DX General EXPO Executive Committee
“DX Comprehensive EXPO” is one of Japan’s largest (*) comprehensive DX exhibitions, where DX solutions for improving business efficiency, reforming work styles, and strengthening management foundations are gathered together. Human resources, general affairs, accounting, DX promotion, marketing, sales, and managers of companies considering DX conversion can compare and consider the latest products and services, and learn about the latest trends at DX seminars led by prestigious instructors. can do. At the venue, you can experience product demos while talking directly with representatives from exhibiting companies, making it easier to find the best product for your company, even if it is difficult to judge solutions online.
* Comparison of exhibition area with similar exhibitions (according to research by DX General EXPO Executive Committee)
About our services
Asmark’s employee empowerment service “Humap” Attendance management tools, online thank you cards, ES surveys, power harassment prevention law measures, pulse surveys, RPA implementation support. We will solve your company’s problems with six services to choose from.
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