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Home » New Peaks Co., Ltd. “NEWSTREAM for StartUp” released | Low-cost, high-quality online conference that reali zes efficient lead acquisition and branding

New Peaks Co., Ltd. “NEWSTREAM for StartUp” released | Low-cost, high-quality online conference that reali zes efficient lead acquisition and branding

[New Peaks Co., Ltd.] “NEWSTREAM for
StartUp” released | Low-cost, high-quality online conference that realizes efficient lead acquisition and branding

*View in browser* *New Peaks Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 12, 2024
“NEWSTREAM for StartUp” released | Low-cost, high-quality online conference that realizes efficient lead acquisition and branding *Accelerate branding and lead acquisition for startup companies with NEWSTREAM for StartUp, which provides comprehensive support from planning, distribution, and customer acquisition*
Check the service details here: New Peaks Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / Representative: Yoshitsugu Kobayashi / hereinafter referred to as the Company) has launched a new online conference service* “NEWSTREAM for
announced. This service is for startup companies to efficiently acquire leads and strengthen branding, rebranding, and lead
acquisition from potential customers.
*Start-up industry requires increased awareness among potential customers* Japanese startups face the challenge of efficiently generating potential customer leads and positioning themselves in the market with limited marketing resources.
Especially in the post-funding growth phase, you need to quickly and effectively increase your market visibility and strengthen your branding.
Why is it necessary to approach potential customers?
In recent B2B marketing, when introducing a service, we have business negotiations with an average of four companies, but data shows that 83% of the time, the order is placed with the first vendor we approach.
It is said that the key to business growth is whether or not you can get the “first impression”.
In addition, online events (especially webinar content) make a significant contribution to all phases of customers’ purchase consideration phase, contributing to the acquisition of first thoughts through awareness, interest, and understanding.
Therefore, our company developed “NEWSTREAM for StartUp” to solve these BtoB marketing issues.
This service provides a solution for startups to effectively acquire leads with limited marketing resources.
*Low-cost, high-quality online conference “NEWSTREAM for StartUp”* “NEWSTREAM for StartUp” has the following features:
1. * All-in-one support from planning to distribution to attracting customers *

Based on the success story of the online conference “SPEAKS” sponsored by our company, we will provide comprehensive support from planning, casting, recording, editing, and distribution. This allows you to hold high-quality conferences at low cost without using your own resources.
2. *A track record of supporting over 300 companies, mainly BtoB and SaaS companies*
We realize content production with high viewer satisfaction derived from event marketing support.
3. * Support for attracting customers is also possible *
Using the list we have and our own customer acquisition know-how, we can acquire leads at a low unit price and on a success fee basis. * ▶︎Check the details of NEWSTREAM for StartUp: * **

Support record *Partial excerpt
actual footage
We not only help with production for our clients, but also use our own conference holding know-how to support planning, production, sponsorship, customer attraction, and management from an organizer’s perspective.
* ▶︎Download conference cases:* **
About New Peaks Co., Ltd.
* “Transformation of content marketing without love” *
Today, we are overflowing with content that focuses too much on short-term efficiency and individual KPIs and ignores the user experience.
We thoroughly consider our customers’ business and human emotions. We will redefine the boring common sense of conventional event marketing.

Company name: New Peaks Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Yoshitsugu Kobayashi
Head Office: THE FORUM Sendagaya 3F, 1-13-11 Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Establishment date: October 11, 2018
*About details about this release*

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