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Home » Japan Anger Management Association On June 20th (Thursday), Kumi Toda, representative director of our association, will be on stage, “A must-see for personnel and training personnel! Helpful for creating a healthy work environment! How to utilize a

Japan Anger Management Association On June 20th (Thursday), Kumi Toda, representative director of our association, will be on stage, “A must-see for personnel and training personnel! Helpful for creating a healthy work environment! How to utilize a

[Japan Anger Management Association] June 20th (Thursday),
Representative Director of the Association
Kumi Toda will be holding a free online seminar titled “A must-see for personnel and training personnel! Helpful for creating a healthy work environment! How to utilize anger management”!

*View in browser* *Levic Global Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 12, 2024
June 20th (Thursday), Representative Director of our association A free online seminar will be held with Kumi Toda on stage, “A must-see for personnel and training personnel! Helpful for creating a healthy work environment! How to use anger management!”
* Revic Global Co., Ltd. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kashiwagi)
The Japan Anger Management Association (located in Minato-ku, Tokyo) is a general incorporated association operated by
We will be holding a free online seminar entitled “A must-see for personnel and training personnel! Helpful for creating a healthy work environment! How to utilize anger management” with Kumi Toda on stage. ▼Click here for the special page*

About this seminar
We often receive the following concerns from corporate personnel and training personnel:

– I don’t know how to properly instruct, scold, or give feedback to my subordinates.
– I want to strengthen my company’s anti-harassment measures. – I want to know what it takes to create an organizational culture that embraces diverse values.
Learning the philosophy of anger management is useful for creating a work environment that achieves so-called psychological safety, where all employees can communicate well while respecting each other. The representative director of our association has given a wide variety of training and lectures at major private companies and government offices, and has given lectures more than 4,500 times and has given guidance to more than 220,000 people.
Kumi Toda will explain from an anger management perspective why anger management is effective in creating a healthy workplace culture at a company, and what is needed to make each employee and the company as a whole better.

Recommended for these people
– Corporate human resources personnel who want to achieve
psychological safety in their company
– For in-house training staff who want to review their curriculum – People who are worried about their own communication within the company Event overview
– Date and time: June 20, 2024 (Thursday) 15:00 – 16:00
– Holding format: Zoom online seminar
– Sponsored by: Japan Anger Management Association
– Speaker: Kumi Toda (Representative Director, Japan Anger Management Association)
– Participation fee: Free
– Capacity: 500 people (first come first served)
– Application deadline: June 19th (Wednesday) 23:59
– Special page:
– Sign up here *If you register for a meeting by filling out the necessary
information on Zoom, you will receive an email containing the meeting information for the day.


*Kumi Toda*
*Representative Director, Japan Anger Management Association* *Anger management consultant*
After graduating from university, she worked at Hattori Seiko Co., Ltd. (currently Seiko Group Co., Ltd.) in sales and as a secretary to the president of a music company. As a training instructor and consultant, he has held training and lecture jobs for private companies and government agencies. Has been a lecturer for 32 years. The number of speakers exceeded 4,500, and the number of instructors reached 220,000.
With themes such as “anger management,” “assertive communication,” and “instructor development,” the target audience ranges from new employees to managers.

We have received a wide range of requests and consultations, saying that we will be able to provide appropriate guidance, scolding, and effective feedback in one-on-one situations to prevent power harassment, and that we would like to utilize it in responding to complaints and achieving psychological safety, which will lead to countermeasures against harassment. We are responding to the request. His books have been translated and published in China, Korea, Thailand, and Taiwan, and have sold over 250,000 copies in total. What is anger management?
Anger management is a psychological training developed in the United States in the 1970s to help people deal with their feelings of anger. By learning anger management, you will be able to understand your own anger and establish good relationships with those around you. When it was first developed, it was established mainly in California as a correctional program for domestic violence, discrimination, and petty criminals. It has now been widely introduced in educational institutions and companies across the United States, and has been used for many years to improve educational and work environments, as well as improve learning and work performance.
In recent years, anger management has been recognized as important both in Japan and around the world, and its introduction has begun in public institutions, companies, educational settings, medical settings, etc. In Japan, the Japan Anger Management Association was established in 2011 as the Japanese branch of America’s National Anger Management Association, the world’s largest organization, to spread anger management into society, which the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology values.
About the Japan Anger Management Association
The Japan Anger Management Association aims to create a society where people do not attack others and where anger does not chain itself, by increasing the number of people who can manage anger, based on the philosophy of “Let’s break the chain of anger.”
* [Corporate overview] *
Association name: Japan Anger Management Association
Address: 4th floor, Sumitomo Real Estate Building Building 2, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0014
Representative Director: Kumi Toda
Established: June 8, 2011 (Heisei 23)
Business details:
Operation and certification of anger management qualification courses for individuals, support for training and activities of qualified course certifiers, implementation of anger management training and lectures for corporations.
About Levic Global Co., Ltd. (business management company)
Founded in 2005 as a group company of Withas Co., Ltd. (TSE Standard). We strive to operate our customers’ educational systems and provide LMS (Learning Management System), e-learning content, and videos for companies. Since the company’s founding, we have been providing optimal services based on the advanced technical capabilities and know-how we have accumulated.
* 【Company Profile】*
Company name: Levic Global Co., Ltd.
Location: 4th floor, Sumitomo Fudosan Shiba Building 2, 1-5-9 Shiba, Minato-ku, Kyoto
Representative: Osamu Kashiwagi, Representative Director and President Business details:
Provision of LMS (Learning Management System), e-learning content, videos for companies, operation and certification of anger management qualification courses for individuals, support for training and activities of qualification course certifiers, implementation of anger management training and lectures for corporations.

Contact information regarding this matter

* Japan Anger Management Association Secretariat*
[In charge] Kobayashi
TEL: 080-4944-4051
*About this release details*

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