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Home » NN Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 2nd senryu contest sponsored by NN Life that composes the thoughts of a “management’s wife” “My husband is the president” wife’s murmuring senryu winning work announced

NN Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 2nd senryu contest sponsored by NN Life that composes the thoughts of a “management’s wife” “My husband is the president” wife’s murmuring senryu winning work announced

NN Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
2nd senryu contest sponsored by NNN Life that writes about the thoughts of a “wife of a business manager” Winning works of senryu poems from wives whose husband is the president announced
Decided from a total of 1,965 applications! The grand prize was “‘I’ll protect you and the company.’ Proposal.”
An information site for wives of business owners operated by NN Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (President: Marius Popescu, Head Office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as “NN Life”), which supports small and medium-sized businesses in Japan through life insurance. Tsugunowa (hereinafter referred to as Tsugunowa) has selected 29 award-winning works for the 2nd “My Husband is the President” wife’s tweet Senryu.
Tsugunowa wanted to create a place where wives of business owners could share their feelings and support their wives, so in 2022 Tsugunowa created the “Husband is the CEO” wife’s tweet Senryu. We have started recruiting. This is the second time the event has been held, and will be held from December 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024, including poems about the daily thoughts of living as a business owner’s wife and episodes of sadness, joy, and sadness. , we solicited poems from family and friends to support the wife of a business owner, and a total of 1,965 poems were collected.
“My husband is the president” Wife’s tweet Senryu Award-winning work Among the submitted works, the “Best Prize” (1 piece), the “Chairman of the Jury Award”, the “Tsugunowa Award”, the “Female President’s Kokotomo Hiroba Award” (1 piece each), and the We will announce the “Encouragement Award” (5 points), “Small Business Support Award” (5 points), and “Honorable Mention” (15 points). In addition, the episodes of the four works that won the Grand Prize and the Excellence Award are expressed in manga as the thoughts of the wife of a business owner, and are posted on Tsugunowanai’s official page ( /senryu2/) along with the work.
Grand Prize (1 point)
“I’ll protect you and the company” Proposal
Author name: Mitsumecha
Selected Senryu artist Rie Yasumi
A heart-pounding, thrilling proposal scene. The words conveyed to me by the other person became phrases. Senryu allows you to incorporate colloquialism (speech) to create a lively composition, so you used that effectively. I could feel that she was reliable and proud of her husband, who spoke like a businessman and said, “The company too.” Furthermore, this poem also contains the weight of the years that the two of them have accumulated since then.
-Prizes-Experience gifts that allow couples to enjoy time together, such as accommodation and dinner at long-established inns and luxury hotels.
[Image 1:×1025.jpg]
[Image 8:×37.png] Excellence Award (3 points)
-Prizes – Catalog gifts of your choice, such as Wagyu steak, seafood such as crab and blowfish, and seasonal fruits.
[Jury Chairperson Award]
You’re eating. Lunchtime from a parent’s perspective.
Author name: Saruri
[Comment] Selected Senryu artist Rie Yasumi
This poem describes how he runs his company while valuing a family atmosphere. I feel very warm. A particularly good point is Kamigo’s words, “You’re eating.” You can make it look like you are talking directly to the employee or watching from a little distance, which will expand the image. The content of this work allowed me to imagine how I interact with young employees in a caring manner in a variety of situations on a daily basis.
[Image 3:×1025.jpg]
[Image 8:×37.png] [Tsugunowa Award]
My husband’s back turned from not passing on to passing on.
Author name: Rookie
[Comment] Selector: Mr. Atsushi Iseda
(Supervised by Tsugunowa, an information site for business owners’ wives) This is a wonderful piece of work that perfectly expresses the change in the child’s feelings toward business succession in just 17 characters. We can see a scene in which the child’s feelings change as he comes into contact with his father’s work. Taking over a parent’s business does not require much determination, but in the end, it may be the father (the company president) who has supported the child all his life.
[Image 5:×1025.jpg]
[Image 8:×37.png] [Kokotomo Hiroba Award for Female Presidents]
Wife waiting for the president, connecting customers with talk Author name: Maronkoron
[Comment] Selector: Chikako Furuta
(Advisor for “Kokotomo Hiroba for Female Presidents”)
I also realized this in one sentence. You can clearly see the hardships faced by the business owner’s wife. I was also serving tea to customers and making small talk while my husband was running as hard as he could to get back to the office in time for his
appointment. Customers also talked about various things. I also became a better listener. I believe that the reason my conversation has improved now is because of this conversation. When I came across this phrase, I was keenly aware that this was also intended to help me pass on the business.
*”Kokotomo Hiroba for Female CEOs (” is a community site for female business owners who suddenly have to take over the business due to the death of their husband or family member.
[Image 7:×1025.jpg]
[Image 8:×37.png] Encouragement Award (5 points)
・The anniversary is more important than the day of the founding of the company. ・Internal conflict: Do not bring it into the company.
・Name the living room a branch office and help (Aino Usagi)
・Meeting for drinks after returning home (Spring, Autumn, Winter) ・Don’t save up fat stress receipt (Nekoyanagi)
Small Business Support Award (5 points)
・Director who doesn’t have a subject only when calling his wife (a monster-manufacturing wife with self-affirmation)
・My young son calls me Shacho (president) instead of dad (there are many different names)
・The president’s wife who rides a bicycle is just a name (chi) ・I want to protect my adopted son-in-law (heir daughter) who bears the brunt. ・Invoice “Don’t throw everything away! ” Wife’s voice (General Affairs GL) *The “Small Business Support Award” selects works that match the purpose of this project, regardless of the 5-7-5 format.
-Prize-One set of your choice will be presented from three sets developed by small and medium-sized enterprises.
(A) Full Pro Farm “Set of 3 bottles of Shinshu apple juice made from apples without leaves, apple butter, apple jam (puree), dried apples, and apple spice”
(B) Yoda Farm “A set of 3 types of sauces (shio koji, BBQ sauce, ketchup), tomato “mi”, and rich tomato juice made with tomatoes grown in Yamanashi, a rich natural environment.”
(C) KURUMU “A set of face wash, cream, and toothpaste containing plenty of Montmorillonite, a natural domestic clay that makes your skin smooth and your teeth smooth.”
Honorable mention (15 points)
・Family finances are tight due to congratulatory and condolence expenses (Emitaso)
・I’m in trouble, I suddenly came home, and I had lunch (gypsophila) ・Turn sideways and quickly mutter “Cost rate” (Naniwaya Azuki) ・Decide on your successor while you are still healthy (Wiseman) ・Rehearsal of instructions to wife from the night before (Mirfa) ・Hold tone For the forgotten president: “Dad, call” (Rin)
・Don’t raise your voice for the sake of your employees when it comes to price increases
・I am called “Okami-san” and am still in my 30s (Tori)
・Always a family trip with work (shioshio)
・Before starting work, join hands with the previous generation ・Thanks to you, my wife is also impressed with my work (red apple) ・Yorozugoto (zashiki warashi) that approaches the number of main jobs ・Go out together, work together, return together (Michiko)
・Former president, now a chef at home (strawberry picking)
・I work, but retirement benefits are just a dream.
-Prize-OKOSHIYA TOKYO’s 12-piece set of okoshiya 24 pieces
General review: Senryu artist Rie Yasumi
I was really looking forward to seeing what kind of senryu would be gathered this time as well.The senryu murmured by my wife, “My husband is the president.” We made the selection process while reviewing each submitted work one by one. The prize-winning entries were those that adhered to the five-seven-five standard format, and those that showed good taste in word choice.
Overall, there were many good pieces that honestly expressed their feelings, which left an impression on me. I feel that through making senryu, I often become aware of events and thoughts that I would otherwise have overlooked. I would be happy if you could continue to enjoy Senryu casually. For example, we recommend adding a poem to an email or letter. Why not enjoy senryu as a good means of
[Image 9:×305.jpg] “My husband is the president” Wife’s tweets about Senryu
As a supporter of small and medium-sized enterprises, NNN Life provides “support that goes beyond insurance payments.” During these activities, I came to know of a situation in which a wife was forced to suddenly take over her husband’s business due to his sudden death, and was suffering. Therefore, we operate “Tsugunowa” in order to support the smooth business succession of small and medium-sized enterprises by encouraging advance preparation in the event of the sudden departure of the current business owner or inheritance. While speaking with wives of small and medium-sized business owners, including those who are self-employed, I learned that they rarely have the opportunity to meet, talk, and share their concerns with people in the same situation or position. Therefore, we wanted to create a place where wives of business owners could share their feelings and support their wives, so we called for senryu tweets from wives whose husbands are the president.
[Second “My husband is the president” wife’s tweets Senryu official page]
・Senryu artist Rie Yasumi
・Lawyer Atsushi Iseda (Supervisor of “Tsugunowa, an information site for business owners’ wives”)
・Chikako Furuta, Representative Director of Furuta Shokai Co., Ltd. (Advisor for “Kokotomo Hiroba for Female Presidents”)
What is “Tsugunowa, an information site for business owners’ wives”? A business succession information site registered by the wives of over 8,000* small and medium-sized business owners nationwide (*as of the end of April 2024). Under the supervision of Mr. Atsushi Iseda (lawyer) of the Emergency Business Succession Audit Association, a general incorporated association, we support the smooth business succession of small and medium-sized enterprises by encouraging advance preparation in the event of the sudden departure of the current manager or inheritance. .
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