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Home » Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Is “plain” the next trend after “brilliant”? Talent Yuchami challenges the “Jira imi Seasoning Rating Challenge” & “Jiraimi Seasoning” cooking!

Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Is “plain” the next trend after “brilliant”? Talent Yuchami challenges the “Jira imi Seasoning Rating Challenge” & “Jiraimi Seasoning” cooking!

Ajinomoto Co., Inc.
Is “plain” the next trend after “brilliant”? Talent Yuchami challenges the “Jiraimi Seasoning Rating Challenge” & “Jiraimi Seasoning” cooking!
Perfect for beginners. Introducing recipes using “plain seasonings” that can be made in the microwave and tips on how to make them. [Reiwa’s white gal Yuuchami and cooking expert Kasumi Moai with 1 million followers will be on stage]
June 12, 2024 @Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Head Office Building

In November 2023, Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (President: Taro Fujie; Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo) conducted a survey on changes in consumer values ​​before and after the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, more and more people in their daily lives prefer solid, plain things that have intrinsic value, rather than glamor and
flashiness.Especially when it comes to food, the taste of the ingredients is more important than what looks trendy or on social media. We have found that menu items that are healthy, stable and can be eaten for a long time are popular. Awareness survey on values ​​before and after the coronavirus pandemic: Awareness survey on cooking and seasonings: /p/000000038.000092524.html
Based on these results, we have developed seasonings that, although they do not stand out in a dish, play an unsung role as the main character, enhancing the flavor of the ingredients and enhancing the stability of the dish. On June 12, 2024, an event will be held to compare dishes made with “Jimi Seasoning” and dishes made with other seasonings. TV personality Yuuchami took to the stage and experienced the different flavors of the dishes.
[Image 1:×2600.jpg] From left: Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Seiya Yamazaki, Yuchami, and Moai Kasumi At the event, Yuchami-san will try and compare dishes made with “simple seasonings” and dishes made with other seasonings, and take on the ranking challenge of guessing which dish uses “simple seasonings.” Furthermore, we will talk about the benefits and points of using “plain seasonings” in cooking with Kasumi Moai, a cooking influencer with 1 million followers on Instagram, who is active as a cooking researcher and registered dietitian. After the session, we also tried cooking time-saving recipes using “plain seasonings” supervised by Moai.
Consumer trends have shifted from “looking” to “plain” after the coronavirus pandemic
At the event, Seiya Yamazaki from the Planning Group, Communication Design Department of our company, will talk about changes in consumer trends, important values ​​regarding food, and the characteristics of “plain seasonings” as revealed by the results of a November 2023 survey. explained.
■Changes in consumer values ​​that occurred before and after the coronavirus
[Image 2:×720.jpg]
[Image 3:×720.jpg] Specifically, after the coronavirus pandemic, there is a tendency for people to place more emphasis on items that are essential for daily life and items that can be used for a long time, rather than looking gorgeous or fashionable, as criteria for selecting daily necessities. I explained that the impression of the word is beginning to change from a negative one to a positive one.
■Food trends are more “low-key” than “flattering”
Next, regarding food trends, he explained that menus that people want to continue eating for a long time include stable and relaxing dishes such as “menus that make use of the best ingredients” and “standard menus.” We also introduced the existence of “jimi seasoning” as the perfect seasoning for making these delicious and easy recipes, as well as the seven characteristics of “jimi seasoning.”
[Image 4:×720.jpg] ■What is “plain seasoning”? ~7 features~
“Simple seasonings” are good at bringing out the taste of the ingredients. It is a seasoning with seven characteristics that make it highly versatile in cooking.
Specifically, it refers to the following seasonings.
[Image 5:×1200.jpg]

[Image 6:×157.jpg] Yuchami makes full use of her senses of taste and smell! Take on the rating challenge to guess which dishes use “plain seasonings”
[Image 7:×2600.jpg] After that, Yuchami took on a rating challenge in which she had to guess the dishes using “plain seasonings.”
This time, we prepared two types of dishes: “Komatsuna dipping” and “fried rice”, one using “plain seasonings” and the other using other seasonings. The students were asked to guess which dish uses “plain seasonings” as [A] and [B], respectively, and cooking expert Moai explained the key points.
■Which material has a stronger flavor? Question 1: “Soaked Komatsuna”
[Image 8:×2700.jpg]
[Image 9:×670.jpg] Result: [Correct answer] (Yuchami’s answer [A])
The first question was about soaking komatsuna, and we asked whether [A] or [B] had the best flavor of komatsuna.
Yuuchami was able to select the correct answer, [A], which uses “Hondashi”, a “plain seasoning”. Moai explained the characteristic of “jimi seasoning” that enhances the flavor of the ingredients, and Yuchami said, “So that means that “jimi seasoning” is good at bringing out ingredients! I admire people like that.”
■Which one has a more balanced taste? 2nd question “Fried rice”
[Image 10:×2600.jpg]
[Image 11:×755.jpg] Result: [Correct answer] (Yuchami’s answer [A])
The second question is to make fried rice with twice the appropriate amount of seasonings ([A]: plain seasonings, “whole chicken soup”, [B] salt), and which one has the most balanced taste? question. To Yuuchami, who answered this question correctly, Moai said, “Even if you add a lot of ‘plain seasonings,’ it doesn’t easily affect the balance and unity of the flavor.For those who are not used to cooking, I also recommend it.” Yuchami also agreed, saying, “I’ve also been helped by “Whole Chicken Soup.” It’s also great for people making their debut as a cook. Yuuchami answered both questions correctly and was certified as a “plain seasoning master.”
[Image 12:×2600.jpg] Talk session with Yuchami and Moai Kasumi ~ “Simple seasonings” that support a wide variety of dishes ~
In the talk session, Yuchami and Tomoai talked about the appeal of “Jimi Seasoning” while looking back on the rating challenge. ■Looking back on the rating challenge ~ A single seasoning can change a dish ~ Yuchami: “I thought that “Simple Seasonings” would be a good cooking partner for people who are new to cooking or who are busy. Moai: “The good thing about Jijimi Seasoning is that it’s quick to use, tastes perfect, and is hard to make mistakes.It’s great for beginners in cooking, but it saves time, so it’s great for busy working professionals and housewives. is a strong ally.”
■”Simple seasonings” are useful in all genres!
(When asked by the MC about how to use seasonings) Yuuchami: “’Hondashi’ is a stew, ‘Consommé’ is a hamburger steak, ‘Whole chicken soup’ is a soup…It gives me a Chinese-like image.” Moai: “That’s right, I used to think so too.But, there are infinite possibilities with “simple seasonings”, right?Not only for soups like miso soup and soup, but also for stir-fry It goes well with any cooking method, including cooking and steaming, and is a versatile item that can be used in both Japanese, Western, and Chinese cuisines. Yuchami takes on the challenge of making “chicken keema curry with 4 ingredients!? The key is the dashi” using “plain seasonings”!
[Image 13:×2600.jpg] At the end of the event, Kasumi Moai gave Yuuchami a recipe that takes advantage of the versatility of “simple seasonings.”
We received a lecture on how to make “chicken keema curry with just 4 ingredients!? The key is the dashi stock.”
■Moai’s explanation: Key points of the recipe
“‘Hondashi’ is a Japanese-style soup stock that uses three types of bonito flakes, and even with a small amount of ingredients, you can bring out the flavor of the ingredients and make it delicious! Also, since it is in a granular form, it mixes easily with the food, so the flavor is uniform.”

■Yuchami’s impressions
“It’s so delicious! You can use it in dishes you’ve never used before, so it’s a good idea to make ‘plain seasoning’ your cooking partner. Mabudachi!”
■About chaos map
[Image 14:×860.png ]
Moai introduced us to the seasoning chaos map, which visualizes the position of seasonings until the food is ready. As the unique characteristics of each seasoning are introduced like characters, Yuuchami says that if she were to compare herself to a seasoning, she would be “like mayonnaise,” and about her younger sister Yuicami, “She’s more solid than me. He compared it to “consommé,” a type of “simple seasoning.” In addition, some of the people I have friends with said, “Many of them are in the unsung hero zone or
individualistic zone, and especially those with whom they have known for a long time are in the unsung hero zone type.” Through the chaos map, they explained the charm of plain seasonings. Thank you for your understanding.
“4 ingredients! Chicken keema curry with dashi” recipe Cooking time: 10 minutes
[Image 15:×666.jpg] ▽Ingredients (for 2 people)
Minced chicken…160g
Onion…1/4 piece
Rice…2 cups
Hot spring eggs…2 pieces
A “Hondashi (R)”…2nd grade
A Ketchup…2 large
A Curry powder…2 large
A honey…1 large
A pinch of salt…
A water…130ml
A Grated garlic…1st grade
Parsley…as you like
▽How to make
1. Finely chop the onions.
2. Put 1., minced meat, and A into a heat-resistant bowl, mix well, wrap loosely in plastic wrap, and heat in the microwave at 600W for 5 minutes, then remove and mix.
3. Arrange step 2 on rice and top with hot spring eggs and parsley. ★Other “plain seasoning” recipes:
Rating Challenge 1. “Komatsuna dipping” recipe
[Image 16:×300.jpg] ▽Ingredients (for 2 people)
Komatsuna…3 plants
A water…100mL
A pinch of salt…
A “Hondashi”…1st grade

How to make
1. Cut the komatsuna into 5cm lengths and place them in a
heat-resistant container.
Cover with plastic wrap, heat in the microwave at 600W for 2 minutes, and drain. 2. Put A into a bowl, mix, and add the komatsuna from 1.
3. Serve in a bowl.
※The image is an image
Rating Challenge 2. “Fried Rice” Recipe
[Image 17:×299.jpg] ▽Ingredients (for 2 people)
Beaten eggs…2 pieces
Salt…a little bit
Pepper…a little
(1/4 of salt)
“Whole chicken soup”…0.5 small
Salad oil…1 tbsp

▽How to make
1. Heat oil in a frying pan, pour in the beaten eggs, and when they are half-cooked, add the rice and stir to loosen.
2. Add whole chicken soup and pepper and stir-fry further.
3. Once everything is mixed, put it on a plate.
※The image is an image
Speaker profile
[Image 18:×2700.jpg] Model/Talent/Actor Yuchami
Born September 8, 2001/22 years old/Osaka Prefecture/Model/Talent/Over 1.6 million SNS followers. The Cenozoic “Reiwa White Gal” who livens up any occasion with her overwhelming brightness and loud Osaka dialect.
“2022 Break Talent Female Category 1st Place Selection”
In addition to being a model, she is also active in variety shows as a talent. Gaining support from a wide range of people
■Yuchami’s comment
Once again, one seasoning that doesn’t stand out in a dish can make such a difference in taste! I thought. Over the past few years, as I’ve started cooking myself, I’ve become more particular about ingredients and seasoning, and I’ve started to pay more attention to the base of taste than just the appearance, but through today’s event, I was able to learn a lot about the appeal of “Simple Seasonings”. I would like to use the simple and amazing “Hondashi”, “Consommé”, and “Whole Chicken Soup” as new cooking partners. I will do my best to live up to the name of “master of plain seasonings”!
[Image 19:×720.jpg] Culinary expert/registered dietitian Kasumi Moaika
After graduating from a university specializing in nutrition, he got a job at a food manufacturer. He develops menus for a wide range of businesses, including national chain restaurants and mass retailers. After that, he worked as an advertising planner in the food field. Utilizing my experience of cooking for myself while working a busy job and my qualifications as a registered dietitian, I became independent as a culinary researcher. The “easy and time-saving recipes for working people” introduced on Instagram are very popular! 1 million followers on Instagram.
■Moai Kasumi’s comment
I used to work as an office worker, but by the time I got home after work, I was exhausted and wanted to eat something delicious that was easy to make! That’s why I started focusing on time-saving recipes. I think it’s good to have plain rice that doesn’t require too much effort, as long as it’s easy and delicious. At times like these, “simple seasonings” that bring out the flavor are essential. I hope that people who are new to cooking and people who live a busy daily life will enjoy cooking with “simple seasonings,” which can be used in any type of cooking and are reliable.
■Special site for “Jijimi Seasonings”
Introducing the charm of “jimiseasoning”:
■About Ajinomoto Group
With the corporate slogan “Eat Well, Live Well.”, the Ajinomoto Group will contribute to the well-being of people, society, and the earth through AminoScience(R) and achieve further growth.
The Ajinomoto Group’s sales in fiscal 2023 will be 1,439.2 billion yen. We are based in 34 countries and regions around the world, and sell our products in over 130 countries and regions (as of 2024). For more information, please visit

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