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Home » Hexabase Co., Ltd. Hexabase’s AI-driven development limited-time “Create a requirements definition mockup in 90 minutes” speed experience campaign is underway

Hexabase Co., Ltd. Hexabase’s AI-driven development limited-time “Create a requirements definition mockup in 90 minutes” speed experience campaign is underway

[Hexabase Co., Ltd.] Hexabase’s AI-driven development limited-time “Create a requirements definition mockup in 90 minutes” speed experience campaign is underway

*View in browser* *Hexabase Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 20, 2024
Hexabase’s AI-driven development limited-time “Create requirements definition mockup in 90 minutes” speed experience campaign underway *Hexabase, which accelerates digitalization with AI and cloud development platforms, will focus on the “requirements definition” process in system development and will conduct a “requirements definition mockup” hands-on demo campaign for a limited time. *

Hexabase Co., Ltd. (nickname: Hexabase (Headquarters: Kanda-Suda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and CEO: Hidetoshi Iwasaki) is using AI-driven development to automate application development using generated AI on its development platform, Hexabase, to significantly reduce man-hours. We are implementing new features and are planning to release an alpha version this summer.

We will be holding a limited-time “Requirements Definition Mockup” experience demo campaign where you can actually try out the speed and content brought about by AI-driven development that combines “Hexabase” and generative AI (ChatGPT).
* ■Overview*
* ・Limited time “Create requirements definition mockup in 90 minutes” speed experience campaign ・Holding period: 6/17 (Monday) to 6/28 (Friday) *
A part of the “requirements definition” that previously took weeks or even months* can be reinterpreted as a “requirements definition mockup” and completed in a few hours*.
After your online hearing session, we will send you a requirements mockup within * <90 minutes※I recommend this hotel! *
・I kind of have an image of it, but I can’t put it into words. For those in charge of new business development who are worried about not knowing how to communicate this to engineers.
・For system integrators who want to quickly give form to system orderers’ requests and translate them into quotations and proposals. ・PMs who want to improve team communication efficiency

* ・Requirement definition mockup contents (deliverables) *
Text-based use case, action, function list, screen list, screen item list, wireframe for each actor
*Please note that the details may differ depending on the content of your consultation.
Requirement definition mockup content example
* ~Flow of the day~*
1. Apply from the hearing interview form
2. Online hearing interview (15-30 minutes)
3. After the interview, we will send you a requirements definition mockup within 90 minutes.
*We have prepared a feedback survey regarding the content, so please help us by answering it.

* ▼Apply now→* [What is a requirements definition mockup? ]
What is the meaning of “requirements definition” in the field of system development?
Is “requirements definition” unnecessary for agile development? Do you start “requirements definition” only after the plan is solidified? Is the “requirements definition” meaningless unless it is perfect enough to start development as is?
Hexabase believes that these are both correct and incorrect.

The meaning of “requirements definition” is, of course, the “design document” that is the basis for development. This would be true if it was a “requirements definition” in the context of proceeding with development according to the “requirements definition.” However, we are not interested in the output of “requirements definition” itself, but *
We are focusing on the “requirements definition” process. *

The meaning of the “requirements definition” process is to find branching points in decision-making in development and identify points that require verification and issues regarding specifications. In agile development, the development policy is determined little by little based on the results of user verification as the product is released. Therefore,*
It is not necessary to decide all the requirements clearly at the beginning. Rather, it is important not to decide everything at the beginning. *
However, blindly continuing to develop and test systems without understanding the overall picture of the system poses great risks in terms of quality and efficiency.

However, in the past, the amount of effort and time required for “requirements definition” was considerable, so redoing “requirements definition” many times just to form a basis for discussion is realistically possible for all projects. That wasn’t the point.

* With hexa-based AI-driven development, part of the “requirements definition” that previously took weeks or even months,
It can be reinterpreted as a “requirements definition mockup” and completed in just a few hours. The “requirements definition mockup” can be used as is.
It is not intended for proceeding with development in accordance with the document, but for identifying issues necessary for system planning or consideration of specifications. *

By creating a “requirements definition mockup,” the resolution of “fluffy plans” and “fuzzy specifications” increases, the discussions that should be held in the “requirements definition” process become more active, and the points at issue become clearer. It makes decision making easier.
By doing so, communication between the planning team and the development team will become easier, making it easier for the planning team to create a “verification plan” and for the development team to create a “development plan.” As a result, Hexabase believes that the quality of “requirements definition” in the sense of “design document” can also be improved.
On this special occasion for a limited time,
Please come and experience Hexabase’s new attempt at AI-driven development!

* ▼ Click here for application form *

* ■Hexabase new business development support service*
New business planning/investigation ⇒ Launch ⇒ Hypothesis/verification ⇒ This is an accompanying service that supports the digital utilization and systemization of new business development, incorporating the know-how of startup companies in accordance with the stage of business expansion.
The features of the new business development service are as follows. ・Providing a support menu for each phase of new business on a monthly basis ・Open source the sample app and launch an MVP at low cost
・Utilizes proprietary cloud service Hexabase for system development and provides an app (prototype) in about a month

* ■ Hexabase, a development platform that reduces system development speed to 1/3*

Hexabase is a cloud-based development platform that accelerates modern web system development. Using a unique microservices platform built on Kubernetes, we provide backend functions such as databases, user management, and workflows necessary for corporate business system and business development as cloud services.
Average occupancy rate: 99.99% or more
Number of active Kubernetes pods: over 650
Average API response time: 100ms or less
Number of databases in operation: over 3610
By utilizing Hexabase, companies that develop and use systems can focus on UI/UX development that can freely respond to individual user needs. It also enables continuous improvement and a system that can be scaled up to meet business requirements.

* ■ We are currently strengthening our organizational structure centered on engineers! *
Adopts “Super Flex”, which allows you to freely design your work style At Hexabase, which aims to improve work-life balance and productivity, and practices a family-first work style, we have adopted Super Flex, which allows members to freely design work styles to suit each member’s life phase. It is possible. In addition, although paid vacation is generally applied after six months after joining the company, Hexabase provides five days of welcome vacation that can be used immediately after joining the company.
“Respecting the diversity of our team and members” is a value that we have cherished since our founding.
Hexabase is a global team that works in various time zones, including Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Mexico, and the United States, regardless of nationality or area of ​​residence, to increase productivity and maximize output. You can design the way you work.

* -Currently recruiting positions-*
AI prompt engineer, IT consultant, PM, PMM, infrastructure engineer, sales, backend engineer, front engineer, marketing person, technical public relations person
* Recruitment page TOP: * **

* ■Company profile * Company name: Hexabase Co., Ltd.
English name: Hexabase, Inc.
Representative: Hidetoshi Iwasaki
Established: January 2016
Address: 1003 Tensho Akihabara Manseibashi Building, 2-23-1
Kandasuda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0041
Business content: Development and operation of cloud-based development platform “Hexabase”
X: @hexabase_jp

This article has been partially generated with the assistance of AI.