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Home » Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd. Announcement of application for approval to establish an association (application for business approval) for the “Odori Nishi 4 Minami District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project” in central Sapporo

Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd. Announcement of application for approval to establish an association (application for business approval) for the “Odori Nishi 4 Minami District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project” in central Sapporo

Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Notice of application for approval to establish a partnership (application for business approval) for the “Odori Nishi 4 Minami District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project” in central Sapporo ……
Dear everyone
Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo;
Representative Executive Officer and President: Kiyoyuki Tsuchimoto; hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has announced the
“Redevelopment Project” as one of its growth strategies in its new medium-term management plan “WAY 2040 Stage 1.” Expansion – Nationwide expansion of creating places that attract people -”, but we would like to inform you about the “Odori Nishi 4 Minami District Type 1 Urban Redevelopment Project”, which we are proceeding with right holders in central Sapporo. We would like to inform you that the Redevelopment Preparation Association has submitted an application to the Mayor of Sapporo for approval to establish an urban redevelopment association on June 21, 2019. An urban redevelopment association is scheduled to be established after the screening and approval procedures by Sapporo City.
This project will enhance commercial, business, and exchange functions, introduce a luxury hotel with international standard accommodation functions, develop a multi-layered pedestrian space, develop the first energy center south of Odori, and strengthen environmental considerations and disaster prevention functions. By doing so, we aim to contribute to increasing the value of downtown Sapporo and create a base that will lead the way in a sustainable and attractive downtown Sapporo.
■Image perspective
[Image 1:×719.jpg] Building exterior image perspective
■Business overview
(1) Location map
[Image 2:×1221.png ]
(2) Schedule
[Image 3:×259.jpg] (3) Architectural plan
[Image 4:×781.jpg] (4) Maintenance policy
[Image 5:×625.jpg]

(5) Maintenance details
[Image 6:×845.jpg]
[Image 7:×1059.jpg] Lower-rise exterior image perspective
[Image 8:×1334.jpg] Atrium interior image perspective
■ Initiatives for SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
Through our activities as a “Bazukuri Company,” we work to resolve environmental and social issues and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by increasing satisfaction through two-way communication with each stakeholder.
[Image 9:×458.png ]
■Company overview
Our company was established in 1947 as the owner of stock exchange buildings in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka, etc., which play a central role in Japan’s financial markets, and we have continued to add color to the cities by creating places. . The fundamental value common to the Heiwa Real Estate Group’s work is to attract people through the creation of various places. We will work together as a group to create attractive spaces.
Company name: Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Establishment date: July 1947
Representative: Kiyoyuki Tsuchimoto, Representative Executive Officer and President
Head office location: 1-10 Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Company website:
[Contact information regarding this matter]
Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd.
General Affairs Department Public Relations/Branding Promotion Office Corporate Planning Department IR Office
TEL: 03-3666-0182

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