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Home » 20th Commemorative Special Project “Me and My Hanshin Train & Eco-Friendly Hanshin Train” We are looking for everyone’s drawings under two themes!

20th Commemorative Special Project “Me and My Hanshin Train & Eco-Friendly Hanshin Train” We are looking for everyone’s drawings under two themes!

Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
20th Commemorative Special Project “Me and My Hanshin Train & Eco-Friendly Hanshin Train” We are looking for everyone’s drawings under two themes!
Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Fukushima-ku, Osaka City, President: Yusuke Kusu) will hold a painting contest again this year, and will be holding a painting contest from July 22nd (Monday) to September 6th (Friday). We are looking for paintings. This year, to commemorate the 20th anniversary, we have added the theme of “Eco-friendly Hanshin Train” to the theme, and will hold the event as “Me and My Hanshin Train & Eco-friendly Hanshin Train.”
This contest provides an opportunity for children to become familiar with drawings, and is also an opportunity for them to become more familiar with the Hanshin Railway. Last year, we received 4,251 entries. Using child-like flexible and free thinking, we will ask you to draw a “Hanshin train full of dreams and kindness.”
The grand prize winner will experience being a Hanshin Railway station master for a day, and the grand prize and runner-up prize winners will be invited to Kidzania Koshien with their parents and children. In addition, all applicants will receive a participation award. Details of the painting contest “Me and My Hanshin Train &
Eco-friendly Hanshin Train” are as follows.
[Image 1:×340.jpg] [About the painting contest “Me and My Hanshin Train & Environmentally Friendly Hanshin Train”]
[Image 2:×210.jpg] Since this competition is an initiative to provide children with an opportunity to become familiar with drawings, Hankyu Hanshin is promoting the contest with the pillars of “creating the local environment” and “nurturing the next generation” in order to create a “city that people want to live in for years to come.” This event will be carried out as part of the Holdings Group’s social
contribution activities, “Hankyu Hanshin Future Dreams and Towns Project.”
[Sponsor] Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
[Co-sponsor] Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Co., Ltd.
【Application Requirements】
1 Theme “Me and my Hanshin train” “Eco-friendly Hanshin train” 2 Application requirements: Ages 4 and over – Elementary school students (as of April 1, 2024)
3 Application period: Must arrive between July 22, 2024 (Monday) and September 6, 2024 (Friday)
4 Art materials: free crayons, watercolors, etc.
5 size
Drawing paper cut into quarters (length 380mm x width 540mm) *Please write horizontally.
6 How to apply
On the back of the work, please write your postal code, address (from prefecture), name (furigana), age, phone number, school name (kindergarten name, etc.), and grade (not required if you do not belong to one). , please send it to the address where you applied. 7 Where to apply
2-12-15-202 Kawaramachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka City
Within Business Solution Co., Ltd.
“Me and My Hanshin Train” Secretariat
8 prizes
○Grand prize 1 point
1-day stationmaster experience, Kidzania Koshien admission ticket (4 people per group),
Book card (10,000 yen worth), Hanshin Train goods, certificate ○Semi-Grand Prize 2 points
Kidzania Koshien admission tickets (4 people per group),
Book card (5,000 yen worth), Hanshin Train goods, certificate ○ Excellence Award (Me and My Hanshin Train Category, Environmentally Friendly Hanshin Train Category) Total of 20 entries
Book card (3,000 yen worth), Hanshin Train goods, certificate *All applicants will receive a participation award.
*Prizes and participation awards are scheduled to be shipped in early November. *Prize contents are subject to change.
9 published
・Grand prize and runner-up works will be displayed as posters hanging inside Hanshin Railway trains.
(Scheduled from late October)
・All award-winning works will be introduced on our website etc. (scheduled from late October)
10 Notes on application
・When applying, please be careful not to bend the work (packing method is up to you).
・Please note that when posting award-winning works on our website, etc., we will publish your address (city name only), name, and grade level.
・Entries are limited to one work per person.
・Works must be created by the applicant.
・Entries submitted will not be returned.
・For applications, it is assumed that the consent of the guardian has been obtained.
・We are not responsible for any accidental damage or loss of submitted works. ・After submission, we will not be able to modify or cancel your work. ・We cannot respond to inquiries regarding the selection process. ・All costs required for creating and submitting works must be borne by the applicant.
・The copyright of the submitted work and all rights derived therefrom shall belong to our company (Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd.). ・Personal information provided at the time of application will be used for announcing and posting winning works, contacting winners, and shipping prizes, etc. Furthermore, we will not disclose or provide such personal information to any third party other than the
outsourcing company without the consent of the individual or guardian (unless permitted by law).
・All works may be displayed on posters at stations and on trains. 11 Contact us
Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd. Corporate Planning Office (Public Relations) TEL: (06) 6457-2130
Please visit our website for more information.
Under the brand slogan, “Taisetsu”, the Hanshin Group will continue to face the “taisei” of each customer and continue to work together as a group to provide a unique Hanshin brand experience. We will continue to live up to your trust and expectations.
[Image 3:×225.jpg] Hanshin Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
Release Publisher: Hankyu Hanshin Holdings
   1-16-1 Shibata, Kita-ku, Osaka City

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