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Regular WEBINAR held by TOKYO8, an agricultural support business with franchise expansion in Africa

Regular WEBINAR held by TOKYO8, an agricultural support business with franchise expansion in Africa

*View in browser* *Ascentia Holdings Co., Ltd.*
Press release: June 25, 2024
Regular WEBINAR held by TOKYO8, an agricultural support business with franchise expansion in Africa
*TOKYO8 GLOBAL, a franchise business that supports agriculture in Africa, Afghanistan, and the Global South, will hold a WEBINAR on July 17th*
Taiyo Yuka Co., Ltd. and TOKYO8 GLOBAL Co., Ltd. (Head office: Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director)
Taihei Ishida) will be holding a cultivation case report session for the biostimulant soil improvement material “Tokyo 8”, which is registered as an organic JAS certified material, in a ZOOM webinar format from 4:00 pm on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. TOKYO8 aims to provide agricultural support in the Global South in partnership with local communities.
GLOBAL has expanded its franchise operations to Asian countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, and Afghanistan, as well as African countries such as Malawi, Mauritania, and Mozambique. At WEBINAR, which is held twice a year, cultivation reports from each country and development reports from each country’s franchises are presented. In particular, in this WEBINAR, we will introduce the cultivation status of strawberries, tea, and rice, the production of “Bokashi” as an alternative to chemical fertilizers, and the development in collaboration with agritech ventures in countries of the Global South, both in Japan and overseas. We will bring you a report from the field. Advance registration is required for WEBINAR. Participation is free.

* TOKYO8 Co., Ltd.
GLOBAL (Headquarters: Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Taihei Ishida) is an agricultural support company established together with Ascentia Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Kobe City, Representative: Akira Tsuchiya) to spread the microbial material TOKYO8 overseas. It’s a startup. *
Taking advantage of the characteristics of the microbial material TOKYO8, we have designed a plant that allows for local production, and local production has begun in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malawi, Mozambique, Mauritania, and Afghanistan. *
Increasing food production is an issue in the world amid population explosion, while the effects of long-standing diversification of chemical fertilizers, climate change, and soaring chemical fertilizer prices due to the coronavirus pandemic and wars and conflicts occurring in various parts of the world are increasing. The
environment surrounding agriculture in Japan is harsh. *
The microbial material TOKYO8 is a plant activator (biostimilant) that has obtained JAS organic certification in Japan.It is not only effective on almost all agricultural products, but also takes advantage of the characteristics of microorganisms to be used locally in Japan as well. We have built the know-how to produce high-quality products and have begun expanding our business to countries around the world as a franchise of manufacturing know-how. *
Normally, when products are exported from Japan, the final price tends to exceed the price in Japan due to freight and customs duties, making it difficult to disseminate them locally. We need a system that will enable our franchisees to produce products, make it possible to sell products at prices that can be popularized locally, and make the business viable even in countries with low income levels in the Global South. *

WEBINAR continues to be held twice every year
The first WEBINAR of TOKYO8 cultivation case study report session was held in December 2021, and the second time will be held in August 2022 as an official side event of TICAD8 (Japan Tokyo International Conference on African Development held in Tunisia). Since then, the event has been held twice a year, in winter (January to February) and summer (July to August).
The door is wide open to participants, and we accept participants from a variety of backgrounds, from farmers to investors.
This WEBNAR will also consist of two parts: presentations from Japan and presentations from overseas.
Announcement from Japan
・Strawberry cultivation techniques enhanced by the effects of microorganisms ・Organic & pesticide-free agricultural production suitable for export ・Effective production of “bokashi” as an alternative to chemical fertilizers Announcements from overseas
・Domestic expansion method through collaboration with agritech ventures ・Results in rice cultivation
・Achievements in agricultural products exported to Japan
・Used for rural support in developing countries
(Please note that this may change depending on the circumstances of the speakers)

TOKYO8 production plant (Mozambique)
Farmer happy with increased harvest
TOKYO8 production plant (Afghanistan)
TOKYO8 products 2 liters
Please use this site as a place to gather information for everyone involved in agriculture both domestically and internationally, companies considering new business in the Global South, and those involved in agricultural support in the Global South.
[Event overview]
Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, Japan time Event format: ZOOM webinar
Language used: Japanese/English
Participation fee: Free
Participation qualifications
1. Tokyo 8 users or agents, 2. Farmers considering using Tokyo 8, 3. All companies, organizations, or individuals interested in Tokyo 8, 4. New businesses in the Global South. Companies considering
How to apply: Please enter the specified information in the
application form from the URL below.
* WEBINAR participation application deadline: July 16, 2024, noon Japan time* *For inquiries regarding TOKYO8’s global franchise*
Please enter the required information in this form. We will contact you separately.

[Program] (planned)
About cultivation results using Tokyo 8
Cultivation examples (Japanese section) 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Japan time Cultivation examples (overseas section) 6:00pm to 7:00pm Japan time Q&A time will be allocated to each section.
Programs are subject to change without notice.

What is TOKYO8? summarized in an easy-to-understand video
TOKYO8 introduction video “Secret story of birth ~A unique plant activator~”
TOKYO8 introduction video “Bring out the true value of plants!”
TOKYO8 introduction video “TOKYO8 unleashes! Cutting-edge microbial power”

Taiyo Yuka Co., Ltd. receives the 6th Japan SDGs Award and Deputy Head of SDGs Promotion (Minister of Foreign Affairs) Award for the biostimulant “Tokyo 8” project (March 2023)
Taiyo Yuka Co., Ltd.
Ascentia Holdings Co., Ltd.

*About this release details*

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