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Home » Kikagaku Co., Ltd. Holding a community event where DX human resources development staff from major companies share their knowledge! Details of the next event will also be announced.

Kikagaku Co., Ltd. Holding a community event where DX human resources development staff from major companies share their knowledge! Details of the next event will also be announced.

Kikagaku Co., Ltd.
A community event will be held where DX human resource development staff from major companies will share their knowledge! Details of the next event will also be announced.
“DX-Education Hub” is a community limited to DX human resource development staff operated by Kikagaku Co., Ltd., a leading company in DX human resource development.
Kikagaku Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Masahiro Osaki), which develops education businesses related to cutting-edge technologies including artificial intelligence and machine learning, employs approximately 20 people from major companies’ human resources departments and DX promotion departments. In March 2024, we held a DX human resource development community event “DX-Education Hub vol.1” in which the following people participated. We would also like to inform you that the next community event will be held in September 2024.
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■ The importance of DX human resource development and corporate issues As the momentum for DX increases, the development of DX human resources has become an urgent issue for many companies. To promote DX, it is essential to have human resources who are familiar with digital technologies and can utilize them to solve business issues. However, many companies face the following challenges:
Difficult to set goals and clarify development plans for DX human resources development
The knowledge and skills acquired through training etc. are not utilized in actual work.
There are variations in digital literacy and education levels within the company.
Currently, each company is tackling these issues through trial and error. ■ The significance of sharing knowledge between companies
Under these circumstances, Kikagaku serves as a hub that connects companies focusing on DX human resource development, providing a place to share issues and knowledge. The community hosted by Kikagaku aims to be a place where those in charge of companies working on developing advanced DX human resources can obtain the following benefits. You can share what issues and concerns each company is facing. From case studies of advanced companies, you can get ideas for improving your company’s development measures and leading to organizational reform.
The community formed through events serves as the basis for continuous information exchange and collaboration.
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As a leading company in DX human resource development, we will strive to create synergies between companies based on this community. ■ Contents of past events
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At the community event held in March 2024, SUBARU Co., Ltd., which is working on developing advanced DX human resources, shared case studies and participants actively exchanged opinions. The participating companies introduced specific initiatives on the following themes. Goal design for DX human resource development
Points of training for new employees
Key points for reskilling existing employees
We also held a discussion on the theme of “core education issues and solutions,” and participants shared a variety of issues and solutions, as shown below.
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Through this sharing of knowledge between companies, each participant was able to obtain suggestions for solving issues in DX human resource development.
■ Voices of participants
We received positive feedback from participants, including the following: It was very helpful to be introduced to many initiatives including actual examples.
It was a very meaningful time as there are few opportunities to exchange opinions with multiple people from outside the company. We received hints from the efforts of companies that are facing the same challenges as our company.
As a result, we received many requests to continue holding the event as a place to share know-how on DX human resources development and to form a community.
■ Notification of next event
Kikagaku will continue to regularly hold community events with the theme of DX human resources development. The next event will be held on September 11th (Wednesday) with the theme of “Establishing an industry standard for defining DX human resources.” We look forward to your participation in DX promotion and digital human resource development.
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■ About Kikagaku Co., Ltd.
Mission: “Release the power of people through the ideal education” We support corporate DX in the human resources field with a focus on education. To date, we have supported over 85,000 students and approximately 800 companies in promoting DX. It is characterized by problem-solving training (PBL) that uses real data, and provides customized training tailored to company issues. In order to realize the promotion of DX in companies, we provide various services such as defining human resources requirements, developing development roadmaps, and visualizing assessments and skills. In addition, we operate contracted development of AI models, consulting, and a school for working adults specializing in AI and data science.
▶ Company profile
Representative: Masahiro Osaki, Representative Director and President Established: January 17, 2017
Head office location: 4F Shibuya East Place, 2-6-4 Shibuya,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
▶ Company information materials

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