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Home » coco Co., Ltd. Coco Co., Ltd., which provides “on-site customer service DX service coco”, releases the “8th Store Visit Experience NPS(R) Benchmark Report”

coco Co., Ltd. Coco Co., Ltd., which provides “on-site customer service DX service coco”, releases the “8th Store Visit Experience NPS(R) Benchmark Report”

[coco Co., Ltd.] Coco Co., Ltd., which provides “on-site customer service DX service coco”, releases the “8th Store Visit Experience NPS(R) Benchmark Report”
*coco Co., Ltd.*
Press release: July 12, 2024
coco Co., Ltd., which provides “store on-site customer service DX service coco”, releases the “8th Store Visit Experience NPS(R) Benchmark Report”
*Store experience NPS(R) refers to the NPS(R) measured by a
questionnaire conducted in-store when a customer visits the store. * * “On-site customer service DX”
Coco Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Shunsuke Takahashi), which provides “Coco”, has compiled the NPS(R) data of store visits from Coco-using stores and compiled the average values ​​for each industry in a benchmark report. is created. *

Coco Co., Ltd. is a company that operates cloud services for stores, focusing on software and boasting a track record of attracting customers and improving store experiences at approximately 3,500 stores. This benchmark report has been released against the backdrop of the increased attention on NPS(R) in recent years. This is the 7th time, and we will be releasing information on six industries from which we have received a particularly large amount of response data: “automotive-related,” “food and beverage,” “studio,” “retail,” and “medical.” *

■Background of publication
In recent years, in the service industry centered on stores, NPS (R), which is said to have a high correlation with business growth, has been attracting attention as an important indicator of “service quality” in place of CS.

coco provides a cloud-based digital survey system that allows you to easily collect customer feedback. As a result, we are increasingly hearing from customers that “Actually, in the store service industry, the NPS(R) benchmark figures are not disclosed to the public, making it difficult to judge whether our own figures are good or bad.” I did.

Therefore, at coco, we have decided to take advantage of our support experience of approximately 3,500 stores and compile data from more than 430,000 NPS(R) responses to publish figures that can serve as benchmarks for each industry. We hope that these numbers will help you judge the quality of each store’s service.

■ Store visit experience NPS(R) by industry
In order to ensure its reliability as a reference indicator, we focused on industries with a large number of responses and aggregated them, resulting in the results shown below.
The highest score was for studios, followed by food and beverages.

■ Characteristics of changes from the 7th edition
This time, the medical industry has seen major changes since the 7th edition. It is difficult to discuss specific reasons for the fluctuations as each store has their own reasons, but the following trends were observed overall when it comes to high and low ratings.

・Are you focusing on communication between customers and staff? ・Are you conducting regular customer surveys and collecting feedback? ・Are you able to use the feedback provided by customers to make improvements?

■ How to measure coco’s store visit experience NPS(R)
coco’s store visit experience NPS (R) is a questionnaire that is sent via LINE when visiting each store, and basically has
customers/patients respond on the spot. This results in a high response rate, making it possible to obtain a sufficient number of feedback even with the limited number of customers visiting the store.

Additionally, the wording and timing of the questions at the time of request differ slightly depending on the store, so your score may go up or down depending on this. Please note that these are reference values ​​based on that assumption.

・Number of targeted responses: 78045
・Aggregation period: January 2024 to June 2024
・All industry scores: 29pt

■ Background of higher score than general NPS(R)
This time, some of those who are involved in NPS(R) analysis on a regular basis may have questions such as “Isn’t it too expensive?”, but as Coco Co., Ltd., We interpret the factors as follows.

・There are many stores that use coco that are confident in their customer loyalty.
・Since the measurements are taken on the spot when you visit the store, the values ​​are taken at the time when the best impression is immediately after the problem is solved.
・Most of the store’s customers are repeat customers, so there are many customers who are highly loyal to begin with.

In addition, stores offer flexible customer service, dedicated spaces, and services provided by experts, all in one place, so they are places with extremely high experiential value. Therefore, compared to non-face-to-face service industries such as consumer goods, for example, NPS(R) tends to be higher.

We will continue to strive to provide more accurate and reliable figures by further improving our services.

■ Inquiries regarding details
For more information regarding this report, including industry definitions, detailed number of responses for each industry, and comments (excerpts), please contact us using the contact information below. A representative will contact you as soon as possible.

Contact: csteam (at)

■ What is NPS(R)?
“On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend ○○ to a friend or colleague?”

NPS(R) is a survey method that uses this simple question to measure customer loyalty by identifying customer groups that support a company and customer groups that are at risk of defecting. The results of NPS(R) have been observed to have the strongest correlation with business performance growth, and when used correctly, it can transform a company’s culture to be customer-oriented and customer-centric, promoting transformation of the customer experience and contributing to business performance growth. .

*Net Promoter, Net Promoter System, NPS, and emoticons used in connection with NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Fred Reichheld, and Satmetrics Systems.

■About coco’s services
“Creating the No. 1 store in the area: Customer service enhancement platform” coco”, you can use a digital survey function, Google Map word-of-mouth acquisition, chat with customers, and various other functions to enhance customer attraction and improve business efficiency.

Since it is a communication tool centered on LINE and SMS (short mail), it can be easily implemented in stores. Make it a habit to conduct surveys and collect reviews to help attract customers, improve service, and increase staff motivation.

■Coco Co., Ltd.’s mission: Making “customer-oriented” a norm Nowadays, many companies are spending huge amounts of money on advertising to compete to attract customers.

However, if you think about it from a consumer’s perspective, I think the truth is that they would rather go to a store that makes an effort to provide better customer service and service than a store that wastes a huge amount of advertising money. We will create software that supports the “customer-oriented” service industry in order to realize this ideal in Japanese society.

[About coco Co., Ltd.]
Name: coco Co., Ltd.
Date of establishment: January 2013
Representative: Shunsuke Takahashi
Address: 3rd floor, Navi Shibuya V, 5-5 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Business content: Development and operation of internet services, various consulting services

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