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Marriott International Marriott International conducts extensive research among affluent travelers in six markets in Asia Pacific

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Marriott International conducts extensive research among affluent travelers in six Asia-Pacific markets
~The changing face of luxury travel revealed~
[Image:×2194.jpg] 68% of respondents are increasing their spending on leisure travel, and 74% are planning a trip within Asia Pacific
Australia will surpass Japan as top destination over next 12 months, with 46% planning to visit
India’s wealthy are driving luxury travel, with 89% of Indian respondents planning to increase their spending in the next 12 months The main reason for choosing luxury travel is to enjoy gourmet food, with 88% of respondents planning their vacations around food. Three new personas of luxury travelers revealed
Marriott International (Headquarters: Maryland, U.S.; Representative Director and CEO: Anthony Capuano) is a luxury travel company targeting 1,202 high-net-worth individuals in six countries: Australia, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, and India. We conducted an awareness survey. This research reveals the latest desires and travel preferences of affluent travelers in Asia Pacific. Within the Asia-Pacific region, 68% of respondents said they plan to increase their travel spending in the next 12 months, and 89% of Indians said they plan to increase their travel spending in the next 12 months. 74% of respondents planned to travel within the Asia Pacific region, and 88% said their main purpose for traveling was to enjoy food. Additionally, one in four people (25%) are planning a trip to celebrate an anniversary or other occasion. This research reveals three new personas of luxury travelers. “Venture travelers” who look for business opportunities while traveling; “experience connoisseurs” (millennials) who travel in search of spiritual enrichment;
“Adventurer.” Share valuable experiences with your peers The study found that affluent travelers are traveling longer and more
frequently, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Respondents plan an average of six leisure trips in the next 12 months, and 33% plan to take at least seven trips this year. On average, short-term stays lasted three nights and long-term stays lasted two and a half weeks. Over 70% of respondents choose to travel with family or friends, as for many people, the closeness and connection with their companions enriches the travel experience. The most popular destination is Australia (46%), followed by Japan (42%) and Hong Kong (27%). 69% of India’s high-net-worth travelers plan to visit Australia, making it the most popular destination for travelers from Indonesia, Japan and Singapore. In India, where the insatiable travel market is the most vibrant, 89% of wealthy people say they plan to increase their travel spending. People often travel with family or friends to commemorate important milestones or attend private functions or events, with 38% of respondents choosing to travel with friends and 33% of respondents choosing to travel with friends. is planning a celebratory trip. Attractiveness of food It was found that 88% of respondents choose a destination for the purpose of discovering new foods and experiencing cooking. Almost half (49%) consider their ideal evening out to be a meal at a fine dining restaurant, reflecting their awareness of food trends. Furthermore, 83% choose their destination to visit
award-winning restaurants, and 35% are willing to spend more on unique culinary experiences. It was found that 81% of respondents base their hotel selection on fine dining options, and 83% choose destinations where they can visit famous restaurants. New Personas for Travelers As the number of travelers with more disposable income to spend their vacations increases and the population ages, this study reveals three new personas of affluent travelers. 1. Venture Travelers Venture travelers, the next generation of leisure travelers, choose
destinations with business opportunities. While venture travelers enjoy vacations with their families and loved ones, they are always on the lookout for business opportunities. Entrepreneurs at heart, Venture Travelers explore the area, shop for local specialties and antiques, and seek to build business connections with local
communities. 2. Experience Connoisseurs Experience connoisseurs are primarily millennials who plan leisure travel as a means of seeking personal enrichment and as an investment in their physical and mental well-being. We thoroughly explore a destination and seek out unique and special experiences that suit us. 3. The Timeless Adventurer The Timeless Adventurer is a passionate explorer who breaks the stereotype of the 65+ senior traveler and seeks to immerse himself deeply in a destination. I’m less interested in tourist attractions and more drawn to the things that give a destination its own feel, the things that make a place unique and memorable. Comments from Oriol Montal, Managing Director, Luxury, Asia Pacific (excluding China): “This report provides deeper insight into the behavior and motivations of elite travelers in Asia and the Pacific. This research reveals new types of travelers: those discovering new food experiences, those traveling with family and friends, and those seeking connections with local communities. , Marriott International can better understand how to serve this discerning traveler segment.”
The full text of the New Luxe Landscapes Report can be downloaded
below. – Survey Overview – Conducted by Marriott International Luxury Group from Thursday, April 18, 2024 to Monday, May 13, 2024, targeting 1,202 people who frequently travel overseas, mainly for leisure purposes. This is a research report. The survey targeted the richest 10% of residents in Australia, Singapore, India, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan, with 200 responses from each market. For detailed data on the preferences of affluent travelers within Asia Pacific, please see ANNEX A. About Marriott International Marriott International (NASDAQ:MAR), headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, has more than 30 major brands and approximately 8,900 properties in 141 countries and territories. Marriott operates hotel and franchise and resort ownership programs around the world. We also offer an award-winning travel program, Marriott Bonvoy(R). For more information, please visit For the latest company news, visit, Facebook
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ANNEX A: 10 FUN FACTS ABOUT THE CHANGES IN LUXURY TRAVEL IN APAC India is the most vibrant travel market, with 89% of HNWI respondents planning to increase their spending on leisure travel. We aim to take an average of 6 trips throughout the year, with short trips averaging 3-4 nights and long vacations lasting 2-3 weeks. The most independent travelers are Singaporeans. While 43% of respondents across the Asia-Pacific region say they prefer to travel independently, 61% of Singaporean respondents prefer to travel independently and plan their own itineraries. The most pressing social issue is sustainability. 80% of respondents said they consider a hotel’s sustainability and environmental practices when deciding where to stay, showing that many wealthy travelers are conscious of the environmental impact of their travels. 43% of respondents want local food to be served in hotel restaurants, and a further 35% expect food waste to be disposed of properly. Australians are the most likely to take longer holidays. Australians are entitled to a minimum of four weeks of annual leave, so it’s no surprise that they take the longest holidays, with 73% of respondents planning to take at least two weeks and 33% planning to take three or more weeks. doing. Similarly, one-third of Indonesians plan to travel for three weeks or more. The results showed that the most important element in a luxury experience is a sense of security. Most people (91%) say a safe environment is more important to them than exceptional service (41%), a special experience (36%) or a truly personalized experience (33%). did. It turns out that the number one reason people shop abroad is to buy locally manufactured products. Shopping is a big part of traveling for wealthy people, with 85% of respondents saying the availability of local products is an important consideration when deciding where to travel. Koreans are the most likely to spend time in hotel facilities. 54% of respondents said they would rather spend time at a hotel or resort than explore local attractions and interact with locals. The most preferred cuisine is authentic local cuisine, with over 62% of respondents saying they would prefer exploring unfamiliar local flavors over their home country’s cuisine. The most important part of a luxury holiday is discovering new destinations, with 78% of respondents saying this was important or very important. The most rewarding luxury experience is being in an immersive and sophisticated space, with 80% of respondents defining luxury travel as being surrounded by refined craftsmanship and exquisite design.
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