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Home » Grano 24K Co., Ltd. For the prevention of frailty in the elderly! Pre-sale of frozen soup to prevent frailty, “Healthy Habits Soup for Mother” will start on July 18th at MAKUAKE

Grano 24K Co., Ltd. For the prevention of frailty in the elderly! Pre-sale of frozen soup to prevent frailty, “Healthy Habits Soup for Mother” will start on July 18th at MAKUAKE

Grano 24K Co., Ltd.
To prevent frailty in the elderly! Pre-sale of frozen soup to prevent frailty, “Healthy Habits Soup for Mother” will start on July 18th at MAKUAKE
Eat healthy habits! Add a little to your regular meals to keep your mind and body healthy.
“Frailty” refers to a state of frailty in which physical and mental functions and social connections weaken as a person ages. If left untreated, it may require nursing care. The important thing is to notice it early and take appropriate measures. That way, you can prevent the progression of frailty and return to health. Grano 24K Co., Ltd. (Okagaki-cho, Onga-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture, CEO: Shuichi Koyakumaru) aims to create a lively, healthy and long-lived society by approaching “frailty prevention” from multiple angles through food, and from July 18th, MAKUAKE. We have started pre-order sales for “Healthy Habit Soup”.
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Do you know “frailty”? “I can’t eat delicious food anymore,” “I get tired easily and find it difficult to do anything,” and “I’m weighing less than before.” These trends may indicate frailty. “Frailty” refers to a state of frailty in which physical and mental functions and social connections become weaker as we age. If left untreated, it may require nursing care. The important thing is to notice it early and take appropriate measures. That way, you can prevent the progression of frailty and return to health. Furthermore, when we hear the term frailty due to aging, we imagine a physical frailty in which bones, joints, and muscles deteriorate, but there are many other aspects to this disease that go beyond just the physical body. “Psychological/cognitive” weakness such as depression and decline in cognitive function, and “social” weakness resulting from a loss of connection with society such as being a shut-in or eating alone. It is said that as each of these conditions progresses, the patient progresses to a state requiring long-term care. (From Frailty Prevention, Tokyo Medical Association, Public Interest Incorporated Association, However, since it is reversible (returning to a healthy state), approaches to prevention and progression prevention are recommended. is also valid. Therefore, by approaching frailty prevention from a multifaceted perspective through food, we aim to create a lively, healthy and long-lived society, and this frailty prevention food was born. [What does Wild Grape think of as a “frailty prevention diet”?] The 10 food groups recommended to prevent frailty are: sa (fish), a (fat), ni (meat), gi (milk), This is a frozen soup series that allows you to easily consume several items: ya (vegetables), ka (seaweed), yam (potato), ta (egg), dah (soybeans and soybean products), and ku (fruit).
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1. Prevention of physical frailty
A series supervised by a registered dietitian that allows you to easily consume nutrients that tend to be lacking. This product contains over 10g of protein per serving, focusing on energy and protein, which are especially important in preventing frailty. It also includes close-ups of specific nutrients of concern, such as salt, iron, and calcium.

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2. Prevention of mental (psychological/cognitive) frailty: For those who have no desire to eat, are unable to go out to eat, or don’t have the food they want to eat, for example, if the delicious food they ate at a restaurant = fun. This is a series that will bring back memories. We aim to improve children’s desire to eat, go out to eat, and go out while having fun memories such as, “Now that I think about it, what I ate that time was delicious,” and “I had fun going out to eat with
____.” In addition, the leaflet suggests “brain training” and simple stretches and exercises that can be done while heating the microwave, making it a fun way to prevent dementia.
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3. Prevention of connection (social) frailty: This product lineup allows you to feel like you are contributing to society by eating this one meal. For example, our products use “substandard vegetables” from local farmers and “underutilized fish” from nearby fishermen. We believe that this is an extension of the “sixth generation” initiative that Nono Grape has been conducting for many years, and that it is also an initiative that has social significance. The non-standard vegetables used in this one meal are packed with leaflets that tell you what kind of nutritional value they have and how much they are used, as well as a leaflet that shows the face of the producer and the characteristics of the unused fish. It is a product that allows you to feel a sense of social contribution and connection with society.

Overview of “frailty prevention diet”
■Frailty prevention frozen soup 3-meal set ¥1,800 (excluding tax) + shipping
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[Image 7:×1094.jpg] *This soup contains 11.8g of protein with 11 servings of glutinous barley soup. We use Kyushu chicken, sticky barley, konnyaku rice, and other original grain rice. We also use ingredients used in Chinese medicine, such as dates, pine nuts, goji berries, and ginger. Capacity: 150g
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*Japanese and Chinese curry soup It’s a soup that specializes in “chewing” with plenty of ingredients such as broccoli and lotus roots. Capacity: 150g
[Image 9:×870.jpg] *17 types of vegetable minestrone x 1100g contains only 0.2g of salt, making it a low-salt minestrone. We use 17 types of domestic vegetables, and the tomatoes are substandard tomatoes from Mr. Ota from the local Okagaki town. Capacity: 150g
[Image 10:×1707.jpg] The impetus for product development was my mother, Masako Yoshida, product planner in charge of development.The impetus for developing the “Frailty Prevention Food” came from witnessing my mother’s declining interest in food. My mother, who had a chronic illness and was prone to declining physical strength, had no appetite at all for a time, and because she thought eating would make her feel sick, she stopped eating properly, and she quickly became thinner and thinner. Even if I cook something to get protein and energy, I don’t touch it every day, and I feel like there is something that elderly people can eat that is nutritious and easy to eat at times like this. I did. I searched a lot, but all I could find was something closer to “nursing care food”, so I thought of something delicious and fun to eat as a “meal”, and this time, “Frailty Prevention Food Soup” was born.
[Image 11:×1706.jpg] As I researched “frailty”, I initially focused on the physical aspect of “nutrition,” but I learned that there are other aspects as well, such as cognitive and social aspects. Ta. At one point, a customer told me, “I used to go to eat at Otaku’s restaurant all the time! Now that I’m older and can’t drive anymore, I don’t go there anymore.” , I hope that you will remember the delicious and fun memories you had when you visited our restaurant, and that there will be people who remember those memories and say hello to you, and that you will definitely want to come to our restaurant again. I feel that people are thinking about this, and I think that by allowing them to experience that “fun feeling” at home, it may help prevent cognitive and psychological frailty. We did product development. This frailty prevention diet started with the idea of ​​creating something for my mother to eat, but we hope to deliver it to many seniors so that they can add it to their regular meals or help when they can’t eat it. I am.

Progress so far and future prospects ─ From “Come eat healthy” to “We will deliver health” ─
[Image 12:×1772.jpg] Until now, Grano 24K has been developing restaurant and bridal businesses centered on local production for local consumption and the 6th generation of the entire region, and developing products rooted in the region. Our efforts have been featured in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s selection of 88 agricultural and commerce collaborations, and as an example of advanced initiatives for local SDGs by the Ministry of the Environment. Among them, the health support restaurant “Nono Grape” with the theme of local production for local consumption has been blessed with the support of many friends and has expanded its stores across the country. We have been processing substandard vegetables and other vegetables collected from local producers into prepared dishes for restaurants and providing them to restaurants across the country. While the number of buffet restaurants is decreasing due to various social conditions, we have begun working on the development of frozen side dishes using substandard vegetables.
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In the process of developing a frailty prevention food for seniors, we have changed No No Grape’s catchphrase, “Come eat health,” to “We will deliver health.” We will continue to develop products that will help create a longevity society. In the future, we will continue to develop more flavor variations and products specializing in lactic acid bacteria, and deliver products that are delicious and easy to use to prevent frailty.
[Image 14:×1181.jpg] About Grano 24K Co., Ltd.
Company name: Grano 24K Co., Ltd. Head office location: 183 Teno, Okagaki-cho, Onga-gun, Fukuoka Prefecture Representative director: Shuichi Koyakumaru Established: February 1, 1995 Business details: Inns, restaurants, weddings, gifts, bread, confectionery manufacturing and sales, Ham sausage manufacturing and sales, side dish
manufacturing and sales HP: Online store:

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