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Home » HQ Co., Ltd. Decided to develop a new welfare HQ, “childcare and nursing care support function (tentative name)” in response to the revision of the Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Act

HQ Co., Ltd. Decided to develop a new welfare HQ, “childcare and nursing care support function (tentative name)” in response to the revision of the Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Act

[HQ Co., Ltd.] Decided to develop a new welfare HQ, “childcare and nursing care support function (tentative name)” in response to the revision of the Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Act
*HQ Co., Ltd.*
Press release: July 18, 2024
Decision to develop a new welfare HQ, “childcare and nursing care support function (tentative name)” in response to the revision of the Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Act
*We decided to develop a function for the next-generation welfare platform “Cafeteria HQ” that supports listening to and considering individual wishes regarding balancing work with childcare and nursing care. The results of a survey of 189 companies regarding their policies for responding to legal revisions, worries and concerns, etc. are also released*
HQ Co., Ltd. (pronounced H-Q, head office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Shoji Sakamoto), whose vision is to “transform welfare benefits from costs to investments,” is a company based on the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act, which is scheduled to go into effect in April 2025. Following the revision of *
Developed a function called “Child Care/Nursing Care Support (tentative name)” that supports companies’ duty to listen to individual wishes and provide consideration to employees regarding the balance between work and childcare/nursing care*
We have decided to incorporate this into our next-generation welfare platform, Cafeteria HQ.

Details of this function will be announced in the e-mail newsletter “Revised Childcare and Family Care Leave Law News”, which provides the latest information on the revised Childcare and Family Care Leave Act.

We have also published the results of a survey conducted by *189 companies regarding response policies, concerns, and concerns as of June 2024 regarding the revision of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act*.
* ▼ Mail magazine “Revised childcare and family care leave law news” * This is an e-mail magazine that delivers the latest information on the revised Childcare and Family Care Leave Act. *We will notify you of the latest information such as feature details*, so please register. **

* ■ Background of provision: Increased burden on companies due to major revisions to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act* The Child Care and Family Care Leave Act Amendment Act was passed and enacted by the Diet on May 24, 2024. The purpose of this amendment is to take measures to support workers so that both men and women can balance work with childcare and nursing care.

The main points of the law revision can be divided into three main points: – * Expansion of measures to realize flexible work styles according to the age of children *
– * Expanding the obligation to publish the status of childcare leave taken and promoting and strengthening measures to support the development of the next generation *
– *Strengthening support systems for balancing work and nursing care to prevent people from leaving their jobs for nursing care, etc.* * [Reference articles/materials] ▼ Major revision points & QA collection of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act in 2025 *
* ▼ [Effective in 2025] Explaining the key points of the revision of the Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Act! Latest information for July 2024*

With this amendment, employers will be able to *
It is our duty* to “inform each employee of the system, listen to their wishes, and give consideration to the issue of balancing childcare, nursing care, and career.”
Companies are obligated not only to build systems to support work-life balance, but also to manage their operations, such as conducting individual interviews. In addition, the execution of this work requires expertise in human resources and labor affairs, and it is expected that the burden of responding to the amendments will increase for many companies.
* ▼ Hearing implementation period *
– *Childcare*
– Appropriate timing from when the employee reports pregnancy or childbirth until the employee turns 3 years old (+ regular interviews are desirable)

– * Nursing care aspect *
– When employees faced and applied for care

* ▼Contents that require action*
– *Childcare*
– Explanation of the system
– Confirmation of intentions such as working hours, work location, desired usage period regarding work-life balance support system, etc.
– Confirm intention to take childcare leave and postpartum paternity leave – Confirming the circumstances and intentions of children with disabilities or single-parent families, etc.

– * Nursing care aspect *
– Individual dissemination of information and intention confirmation regarding work-life balance support systems, etc. – Providing information on work-life balance support systems at an early stage (age 40, etc.) before facing nursing care, etc.

* ▼ Consideration of intentions*
– *Childcare*
– Adjustment of personnel allocation, workload, review of use and period of work-life balance support system, review of working conditions, etc.
– (Further desirable content) Extend the period of use of short-time work system and leave to care for the child if the child has a disability
, considering the number of days granted for childcare leave in the case of single-parent families, etc.

– * Nursing care aspect *
– Employers are obligated to make efforts to allow workers to choose telework as a way of working during the nursing care period.

* ■ Solution: “Childcare/nursing care support function (tentative name)” in cafeteria HQ*
“Cafeteria HQ” utilizes AI for the “cafeteria plan” (selective welfare program), in which companies provide employees with a certain amount of points, and employees can freely select and use menu items within the range of those points. It is a “next-generation welfare program” that “reinvents” traditional welfare programs by incorporating a recommendation engine to solve traditional problems.
“Cafeteria HQ” URL:

At a low price of 200 yen per month, we solve the problems of conventional welfare programs such as “the diverse needs of each employee,” “There are so many systems that it is difficult to manage them,” and “They are only used for entertainment purposes, resulting in wasted costs.” We provide solutions that make full use of technology, such as “optimal individual support using AI,” “one-stop welfare,” and “maximizing return on investment.” It can also be expected to be used as a means of human resource development and management strategy.

We have developed a new function, the Childcare and Nursing Care Support Function, to make it easier to comply with the revisions to the Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Act, and have installed it in Cafeteria HQ.
I have decided to do so.

This function not only makes it easier to listen to individual intentions and respond to obligations of consideration regarding balancing childcare and nursing care, but also allows employees to receive more detailed support.

Regarding the details of the function, we will take into account the ministerial ordinances scheduled to be announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in the future, and have had repeated discussions with many companies to promote specific design and development so that the function can better solve problems. We will announce it again.
* ▼ Mail magazine “Revised childcare and family care leave law news” * This is an e-mail magazine that delivers the latest information on the revised Childcare and Family Care Leave Act. *We will notify you of the latest information such as feature details*, so please register. **

* -Document download-*
* Cafeteria HQ in 3 minutes: * * HQ series in 3 minutes: *
* Cafeteria Plan Explanation Guidebook: *

* -Term explanation-*
* What is cafeteria plan: * * What is welfare benefits: * * ■Information regarding “Cafeteria HQ” service release briefing session (online)*
* Date and time: *
– Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 12:00-12:45
– Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 13:00-13:45
– Wednesday, August 21, 2024, 12:00-12:45
– Wednesday, September 4, 2024, 13:00-13:45
*The content will be the same for all dates.

Anyone is welcome to participate, so please feel free to apply using the application form below.
* ▼ Click here to apply for the briefing session *
* ■Results of a survey of 189 companies about their policies for responding to legal changes, worries and concerns: Companies are having difficulty responding to legal changes*
We surveyed 189 companies about their response policies, concerns, and concerns as of June 2024 regarding the revision of the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act.

It has become clear that companies have a wide range of questions and concerns, and that they are struggling to respond because they do not know where to start at this time, as ministerial ordinances regarding the revised law have not yet been issued.
*1) Measures that companies answered are “implementing” or “planning to implement” in response to the revised Childcare and Family Care Leave Act (multiple selection, n=189)*
– Many companies responded that they have implemented or plan to implement “shortened working hours” or “telework.”

On the other hand, many human resources managers believe that measures that would be too expensive to implement on a
company-by-company basis, such as improving childcare facilities, or drastic system changes, such as introducing a discretionary labor system, are too difficult to deal with in response to legal revisions. .
* 2) An example of “things that companies are worried about in response to the revisions to the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act” (descriptive) *

Companies are required to interview their employees, but it is extremely troubling to see how far they can listen to and consider the opinions of fixed-term employees, part-time employees, and part-time employees rather than full-time regular employees.
– Considerations for employees who do not have children, etc. – There is likely to be a sense of inequality as this is a company that has on-site work such as stations and drivers.
– I feel that it is a challenge to change the mindset of executives and managers.
– Slow progress in encouraging men to take childcare leave – In the case of a company with a large number of employees, there is a limit to “individual support”, so there is a sense of the challenge of how to respond.
* ■ About HQ Co., Ltd.*
* [HQ Co., Ltd. Company Profile] *
Representative Director and President: Shoji Sakamoto
Address: 2-8 7SE/2 Yotsuyamotoshiocho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Established: March 2021
Business details: Provision of next-generation welfare platform “Cafeteria HQ” and remote work support platform “Remote HQ”
Product site URL:
Corporate website URL:
HQ Owned Media “Welfare Navi”:
List of seminars hosted by HQ:
* [Origin of company name “HQ”] *
The company name “HQ” has two meanings: “HQ – Headquarters” and “HQ – Humanity”. Quotient: Represents human-like intelligence. We provide support that makes each person feel like they are at home, allowing that person to blossom into their human intelligence. I would like to use the power of technology to create social infrastructure that supports people’s lifestyles.

* [Representative Director Profile] *
Shoji Sakamoto/CEO of HQ Co., Ltd.
In 2021, he founded HQ Co., Ltd. in the wake of the coronavirus and managed it with the theme of “solving social issues x maximizing corporate value.” Prior to founding the company, he served as Director and CFO at LITALICO, which operates employment support businesses and education businesses for people with disabilities, and was in charge of IPOs, corporate divisions, new businesses, etc.

* [Recruitment information] *
HQ Co., Ltd. has a vision of “transforming welfare benefits from costs to investments,” and is aiming to “transform the welfare industry,” and is looking for associates to pioneer the company’s early years.
We were founded in March 2021, and in November of the same year we launched Remote HQ, a welfare program specializing in remote work, as our first service. In April 2022, we conducted our first external funding, and in November 2022, we announced Series A funding of 700 million yen. Then, in April 2024, we launched the next-generation welfare platform “Cafeteria HQ” and evolved into a comprehensive welfare startup.
I feel that now is the time to revolutionize Japan’s work style and the social system that supports each and every irreplaceable individual.
The challenge we are aiming for is a long-term and grand one. In order to change society, the participation of great human resources is of the utmost importance.
If you are interested in taking on the challenge of industrial transformation with us, please apply for a casual interview.

* ▼Recruitment page* * ▼List of available positions* * ▼If you would like to have a casual interview, please click here* * [Contact information regarding this matter]*
HQ Co., Ltd. Public Relations Officer Hirakawa
Email: TEL: 03-6823-3487

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