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Home » Sex Education Online Event Mr. Shigemi and Mr. Yakki, authors of the media platform for personal brands “the Letter”, and FamiOne experts talk about the sex education event

Sex Education Online Event Mr. Shigemi and Mr. Yakki, authors of the media platform for personal brands “the Letter”, and FamiOne experts talk about the sex education event

FamiOne Co., Ltd.
Mr. Shigemi and Mr. Yakki, authors of the media platform for personal brands “theLetter”, and FamiOne experts talk about sex education events
Children’s sex education event hosted by FamiOne will be held online on July 27th
FamiOne is a healthcare support service that provides welfare benefits for corporate employees and support for local government residents, with the vision of “Creating a society where everyone who wishes to have a child can live a happy life.” https:// FamiOne Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yusuke Ishikawa, hereinafter referred to as the Company), which operates, etc., is OutNow Inc. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Itaru Hamamoto, hereinafter referred to as A conversation article between Daisuke Shigemi, a professional influencer who runs a personal media outlet, and Yakki Sensei was published on theLetter, a media platform for personal brands provided by OutNow).
▼Click here for the full press release From FamiOne, Yuka Nishioka, a certified infertility nurse, and Sayaka Toda, a clinical psychologist/certified psychologist, spoke with their respective teachers, and to commemorate the publication of the article, they appeared on their “theLetter Media”. We will be distributing free invitation codes for “Summer Vacation Special! Children’s Sex Education 2024”.
[Image 1:×630.jpg] About the conversation plan
The conversation was held by obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. Yakki, certified infertility nurse Nishioka, obstetrician and gynecologist Daisuke Shigemi, and clinical psychologist/certified psychologist Sayaka Toda. We discussed sex education for children from various angles with two teachers who also have clinical experience, and the content of the article is full of their unique characteristics. In the article, we are distributing free invitation codes for the online event “Summer Vacation Special! Children’s Sex Education 2024” to be held on July 27th, so please take this opportunity to register and participate.
Click here for the official website of Sex Education
[Introduction of theLetter author]
[Image 2:×630.jpg] Conversation article: Why is Japan’s sex education lagging behind? Click here for “Family sex education and the future as discussed by an obstetrician-gynecologist and a clinical psychologist.”
[Image 3:×630.jpg] Click here for the conversation article “[Special Project] A conversation with a sex education expert” About theLetter
TheLetter is a platform where professional influencers, such as those who have written books, gather to build their own personal media. The person in charge will match distribution to affiliated media, collaboration with companies, collaboration with other writers, etc., and individual writers can have multiple business models such as subscriptions and advertisements.
“theLetter” is currently seeking collaborations with companies such as interviews. If you are a corporation that is interested in case studies, please contact us using the inquiry form below.
[Image 4:×705.png ]
Event overview
[Date and time] Saturday, July 27, 2024
[Holding method] Online event using Zoom’s webinar function *You can enter and leave the room midway through, and your name and face will not be shown.
[Application URL] [Participation fee] 1 day 1,000 yen
*Free admission for companies and local governments provided by or affiliated with FamiOne, and for those who enter the code in the theLetter’s conversation article.
[Capacity] 200 people each time
[Target age of children] Lower elementary school grades (1st to 3rd grade) / Upper elementary school grades (4th to 6th grade) / Junior high school students
10:00-10:30 -For lower grades of elementary school (1st to 3rd grade)- Theme: “Nice to meet you, sex education”
11:00-12:00 – For upper elementary school students (4th to 6th grade) – Theme: “Step-up sex education”
13:00-14:00 -For junior high school students- Theme: “Sex education for the future”
15:00-16:00 -For parents and related parties- Theme: “Ask the experts! Sex education to protect the next generation”
-please note-
*This is an online event via zoom.
*Please watch in a location with good radio waves, such as a Wi-Fi environment, where high-speed communication is possible.
*Online events may be recorded and edited before being distributed as a video. *Since we are using a webinar, participants’ names and faces will not be displayed.
Overview of welfare service “FamiOne”
We provide support through two axes: creating a culture for the entire organization and individual support for those involved.
The welfare service “FamiOne” supports corporate health management from two aspects: “Improving employee literacy and fostering a company culture through seminars/training by experts” and “Supporting individual employees through online health consultations.” We support the promotion of work-life balance, and the advancement of women. Employees of companies that have adopted “FamiOne” can consult on a variety of topics online with qualified outside nurses, psychologists, career counselors, etc., regardless of the time or place. By providing an environment where employees can consult anonymously and without the company knowing, we can expect to increase psychological safety and improve employee satisfaction. Furthermore, by consulting with people about their concerns early on and becoming aware of their own physical and mental conditions, it is possible to encourage behavioral changes and prevent problems from occurring.
In addition, we will provide seminars/training for all employees by professional instructors to increase the literacy of the entire company. Approximately 70% of female employees hope that their superiors and those around them will understand, especially regarding health issues specific to women*1. We contribute to expanding the range of support by providing accurate knowledge and promoting understanding to people other than those involved, such as managers and supporting employees. Seminar/training themes can be customized*2 according to the needs and challenges of each company.
From September 2018, we started offering corporate welfare programs. In addition to introducing welfare programs to companies such as Odakyu Electric Railway, TBS Welfare Association, and Taisei Corporation, we also provide seminars to companies such as Sony, All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. (ANA), and the Itochu Labor Union. We also provide services to local governments, including Yokosuka City in Kanagawa Prefecture, Nagasaki Prefecture, Suginami Ward in Tokyo, Setagaya Ward in Tokyo, Mihara City in Hiroshima Prefecture, Oura Town in Gunma Prefecture, and other prefectures, core cities, and cities with tens of thousands of people. We provide a wide range of services to all wards, towns and villages.
*This service is not a medical practice and does not provide diagnosis or prescription.
*1 Source: From the Working Women’s Wellness Improvement Committee website (Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 2023-5, survey results of 3,500 working women + 200 company representatives)
*2 Covers a variety of topics, including basic knowledge of
infertility treatment, awareness of preconception care such as egg freezing, health issues such as menstruation, PMS, and menopause, life planning, human relationships, and mental care.
-About us-
FamiOne Co., Ltd.
Address: 2F-C, Shibuya Dogenzaka Tokyu Building, 1-10-8 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043
Representative Representative Director Yusuke Ishikawa
Date of establishment: June 1, 2015
・Famione Healthcare Consultation
・Infertility treatment net
・Ovarian age check kit FCheck
・Intrauterine flora CHECK KIT
▶︎Famione Corporate welfare service ▶︎“Pregnancy LINE Support Project” for local governments
[Contact information regarding this matter]
Famione Co., Ltd. Public Relations Department Email: TEL: 080-2243-6995

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