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Home » “Sustainability assessment measures by EcoVadis certified training partner” free seminar held on September 2 , 2024 (Monday)

“Sustainability assessment measures by EcoVadis certified training partner” free seminar held on September 2 , 2024 (Monday)

“Sustainability assessment measures by EcoVadis certified training partner” free seminar held on September 2, 2024 (Monday)
*Perry Johnson Holdings Co., Ltd.*
Press release: July 26, 2024
“Sustainability assessment measures by EcoVadis certified training partner” free seminar held on September 2, 2024 (Monday)
*Experienced “EcoVadis certified consultant” explains the key points for improving evaluation points ~ Free viewing available online from 15:00 on Monday, September 2, 2024 (advance application) ~*
Perry Johnson Holding Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Representative Director and President Seto
Yuko) has not only received an evaluation of their company from the sustainability rating agency EcoVadis (headquartered in France), but has also been certified as an “authorized training partner.” We have decided to hold a free seminar (live streaming) on
​​sustainability evaluation measures with the title “A new era of sustainability: A thorough explanation of EcoVadis etc.”, which will incorporate our extensive support experience.
Regarding corporate sustainability initiatives (environment, human rights, labor, ethics, governance, etc.), they not only communicate their own efforts, but also have them evaluated by external
sustainability evaluation organizations such as EcoVadis, RBA, and Sedex (SMETA). It is expected that evaluation results will reach a certain level or higher. In addition, in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases in which these requirements are widely required in the supply chain in a form similar to transaction conditions, regardless of industry.
As described above, with the globalization of manufacturing, logistics, etc., the importance of receiving evaluations as part of supply chain management is increasing.
However, as the environment changes, evaluation standards tend to increase year by year, and many companies are finding it difficult to respond.

In this seminar, our company, which is certified as an EcoVadis official training partner, will begin with a basic explanation of sustainability, and will also explain the key points of
countermeasures for the “evaluation by EcoVadis” (important evaluation points).
Based on our many years of experience in providing support for corporate activities, we aim to develop services that go beyond just superficial sustainability measures to support sustainability activities that truly contribute to society and contribute to the further development of business. It is based on the core.
We look forward to your participation if you are making a sincere effort to improve the quality of your sustainability activities.

◆Date and time
Monday, September 2, 2024 15:00-16:30

1. About the basics of sustainability
2. Overview and corresponding points regarding sustainability evaluations such as EcoVadis

◆ Target audience (for these people)
I. We would like to collect information because our business partners have requested that we undergo an evaluation by a third-party sustainability evaluation organization such as EcoVadis.

 II. Previously, I had won a bronze medal at EcoVadis, but because the evaluation standards have been rising year by year, I am currently unable to get a bronze medal at EcoVadis.
Difficult to obtain dal

III. I want to rank up from the current level (e.g. bronze medal → silver medal)

If you would like to aim for corporate activities that contribute to society and business development, rather than superficial
sustainability activities, please join us.

◆Holding method
Live streaming (Webex)

★Seminar information

* ●Perry Johnson Holdings Perry Johnson Consulting Co., Ltd.* The company was originally a statistical methods consulting company founded by Perry Lawrence Johnson near Detroit, Michigan, and expanded into Japan in 1995. In November 2013, due to group business
integration, Perry Johnson
Established a corporation. 8,600 including building an internal control system that complies with the Companies Act and Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, building an ERM (integrated risk management system) and compliance system, training to formulate a BCP (business continuity plan), introducing a personnel evaluation system, various ISO standards, building a food safety scheme, etc. We have a track record of supporting more than 10,000 cases.

* 【Company Profile】*

Company name Perry Johnson Holding, Inc.
Head Office Ebisu Prime Square Tower 9F, 1-1-39 Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Established November 2013 (Group business integration)
Representative Director and Chairman Perry Lawrence Johnson
Representative Director and President Yuko Seto
Business content ・Business consulting business (Perry Johnson Consulting) URL:
・Management system certification business (Perry Johnson Registrar) URL:
・Education and training business (Perry Johnson Academy)
Branches Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka

*About details about this release*