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Home » The number of participants for the certification of the Japan Femtech Association exceeds 60,000! To commemorate the 3rd anniversary, a qualified person-only event will be held & a qualified person community will be

The number of participants for the certification of the Japan Femtech Association exceeds 60,000! To commemorate the 3rd anniversary, a qualified person-only event will be held & a qualified person community will be

-3rd Anniversary of Establishment – The number of participants for the certification of the Japan Femtech Association exceeds 60,000! To commemorate the 3rd anniversary, a qualified person-only event will be held & a qualified person community will be launched.
*Japan Femtech Association, General Incorporated Association* Press release: July 26, 2024
-3rd Anniversary of Establishment – The number of participants for the certification of the Japan Femtech Association exceeds 60,000! To commemorate the 3rd anniversary, a qualified person-only event will be held & a qualified person community will be launched.
*Since its establishment, the Japan Femtech Association
(Representative Directors: Naoko Yamada and Yuki Sekiguchi) has conducted various awareness-raising activities to improve women’s health literacy, and has had over 60,000 people take certifications supervised by doctors. I broke through people. *
Cumulative number of people taking certification exceeds 60,000 in 3 years Our association, which was established on July 21, 2021, is “Femtech Ambassador (Japan Femtech Association Certification Level 3) (hereinafter referred to as “Certification Level 3”)”, “Certified Femtech Expert (Japan FemTech Association Certification Level 2)” ( It consists of “Certified Femtech Senior Expert (Japan Femtech Association Certification Level 1)” (hereinafter referred to as Level 1 Certification). The total number of people who have taken the certification has exceeded 60,000, of which over 1,500 have taken the Level 2 certification.
Approximately 14% of the participants in Level 3 certification were male, and as awareness and understanding of “femteracy”, which is literacy related to femtech, spreads, there is an increase in the number of men who want to understand their families, colleagues, etc. I can say that it is progressing. Another feature is that the proportion of managers in their 40s and 50s, who are particularly in need of understanding, is increasing as the number of third-level courses at each company is increasing.
Certification Level 3 Attendee Attributes

The Level 2 certification provides a wide range of information through e-learning by doctors and experts and online examinations, including changes in women’s mind and body according to their life stages, health issues, associated risks, prevention methods, countermeasures, and how to interact with medical institutions. The content is easy to acquire, and in recent years, human resources personnel at companies have taken the course as part of efforts to promote diversity and the active participation of women, and companies have felt the need to understand health issues specific to women, and management More and more cases are being incorporated into job training and DE&I training. In response to the government’s “Women’s version of strong-boned policy 2023,” this trend is expected to become even stronger in the future.
Increasing femuteracy will enable men to maintain a balance between their mind and body from a long-term perspective, and will lead to men deepening their understanding of the women around them. This is to eliminate discrepancies in perceptions not only between families, but also within organizations and teams, and to realize “understanding of oneself,” “understanding of others,” and “mutual understanding” that transcend age and gender, and create a society in which all people can play an active role. We recommend that those working in organizations and management take this course as it will give them the support they need to achieve their goals.
It is a coined word that combines the concept of femtech, which solves health issues unique to women, and literacy, which refers to knowledge and ability. It is defined as the ability to correctly understand women’s unique health issues and gender issues, and to respond appropriately to themselves and others (in words and behavior).

Japan Femtech Association Certification Details

70 people who passed the 1st and 2nd level certification gathered from all over the country! Holding a community launch event limited to qualified people!
A networking event will be held in Otemachi, Tokyo on Saturday, July 20, 2024, where qualified people from all over the country who have passed the Certified Femtech Senior Expert (Certification Level 1) and Certified FemTech Expert (Certification Level 2) will gather. was carried out for the first time. In addition to those living in the Kanto region, 70 people from all over Japan participated, including people from Hokkaido to Fukuoka who all had the same aspirations to learn about femtherapy and aim for a well-being society.
The event was a great success, with a 100% satisfaction rate in the post-event survey, which included interaction with directors and officers, interaction with other qualified people, information on the latest femtech developments, and extensive group work. have become. During group work, each group exchanged opinions on the theme of “Changes after obtaining qualifications.” “I have deepened my understanding of how to solve my own health issues and my life has become easier,” and “I have improved the health of others not only at home but also at work.” Many opinions were exchanged, such as “I was able to understand the current situation” and “What should I do to help more people understand?”, and the participants showed their enthusiasm for future activities. The participants ranged in age from their 20s to their 60s, with many men also participating, making it a wonderful opportunity to deepen mutual understanding beyond age and gender differences.

Real voices of event participants
・I was encouraged by the fact that there are so many people I can call friends. (Female/30s)
・I was able to connect directly with people with the same aspirations and learned a lot. (Male/40s)
・I gained power through connections with highly literate people, and everything was a source of inspiration. (Female/60s)
・It was very helpful to hear examples of people using their
qualifications to help their businesses and companies. (Male/30s) ・I didn’t have the opportunity to discuss things within the company or with people close to me, so I was happy to be able to share the same thoughts! (Female/20s)
・I’m really glad to have found a friend who can share my concerns. (Male/30s) ・It was a great opportunity to meet like-minded people from other industries. (Male/40s)
・My horizons expanded as I listened to stories from people who are active in various places. (Female/40s)
・It was really nice to be able to exchange information with
like-minded people. (Female/30s)
Empathetic activity community “Team Femtech” launched!
Certification 1
We have announced the launch of a community of qualified people of Grade 2 and Grade 2. Our mission is to “increase the happiness level of the world through femuteracy.” It is planned to be operated mainly by qualified people as a place for over 1,500 diverse members to cross borders, gather, learn, and independently create activities. Representative Director Sekiguchi Yamada and other directors and advisors support the activities. We will decide on specific activities after the meetup meeting this fall.
Challenge the Femtech certification that 60,000 people have obtained! Certification level 3 is now available for free. Our association has released the “Japan Femtech Association Certification Level 3 (web exam, free)” that anyone can take at any time in 10 minutes. If you pass, you will be certified as a Femtech Ambassador and can download your certificate. We recommend that you first check your basic knowledge by taking this exam.
Click here to take the exam Now accepting applications for the 10th “Certified Femtech Expert Course (Femtech Association Certification Level 2)”
The “Japan Femtech Association Certification Level 2″ consists of two parts: a lecture by doctors and journalists, and an exam to solidify the knowledge. The program is entirely online and you can take and take the exam at any time during the period. In addition to
solidifying knowledge such as changes in the body and mind during life stages that are unique to women, mental care for working women, and the basics of femtech, those who pass the exam will receive the title of “Certified Femtech Expert” and a certificate of completion. . Click here for details and application Japan Femtech Association
Femtech is a coined word that combines the words “Female” and “Technology.” Refers to products and services that use technology to solve health problems and life stage issues faced by women. In Japan, it is also used as a word to express the entire movement.
Under these circumstances, based on the idea that “I want a society in which women can play an active role in their own way while maintaining a balance between body and mind at all times, depending on their life stage,” corporate executives, doctors, journalists, and developers are the founders. The Japan Femtech Association was established on July 21, 2021. In order to solve problems unique to women, we are conducting educational activities to spread correct knowledge about changes in women’s minds and bodies and hormonal balance.
Address: 3rd floor, RiseWell Building, 2-13-12 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0013
Business content: Development of femtech certification exams, training programs, etc.
*Inquiries from the press regarding this matter*
Japan Femtech Association Secretariat

*Inquiries regarding this matter*
Japan Femtech Association Secretariat
*About details about this release*