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Home » Twenty Four Seven Co., Ltd. The reason you don’t start exercising is not because you have a weak will! 24/7Workout conducts beginner support campaign based on data

Twenty Four Seven Co., Ltd. The reason you don’t start exercising is not because you have a weak will! 24/7Workout conducts beginner support campaign based on data

[Twenty Four Seven Co., Ltd.]
The reason you don’t start exercising is not because you have a weak will! 24/7Workout conducts beginner support campaign based on data *Twenty Four Seven Co., Ltd.*
Press release: August 1, 2024
The reason you don’t start exercising is not because you have a weak will! 24/7Workout conducts beginner support campaign based on data *[Limited time] We are running a great campaign until September 30th. * Auspicious day of August 2024
To all members of the press
Twenty Four Seven Co., Ltd.
Personal training gym “24/7” operated by Twenty Four Seven Co., Ltd. (President: Reihiro Kojima, Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo)
“Workout” is running a “Beginner Support Campaign” for a limited time from August 1st to September 30th, 2024.
Easy to start even for beginners! Support campaign underway!  * 24/7 has successfully helped over 100,000 people (*1) on their diets and has over 89 stores (*2) nationwide.
Workout is a personal training gym that aims to help people lose weight by eating three meals a day, with the philosophy of “leading all human beings to the best body they’ve ever had.” *
All training content is custom-made by professional trainers, carefully tailored to each customer, so it is popular among people who are new to exercise. *
All stores are conveniently located within a 10-minute walk from the station. In addition to being open until 24:00, you can rent all the drinks, shoes, and clothing you need for training free of charge. It is characterized by overwhelming ease of access. *
(*1) Cumulative number of members who have attended one or more sessions as of the end of February 2024. Including those who cancel mid-term or receive a full refund
(*2) As of July 2024
Reasons why it is difficult to start exercising

“Lack of exercise is bad,” “I need to exercise for my health,” “I want to lose weight by moving my body,” etc., but very few people actually start exercising. Additionally, there are many people who cannot continue and finish after a short period of time even if they start.
According to research data, there are three reasons why people who are not good at exercise are unable to start exercising: psychological, social, and physical.
1. *Psychological factors*
(*3)・Low self-efficacy…If a person is aware that “I have poor athletic ability” or “I’m not good at exercise,” it will be difficult to start exercising. Research shows that low self-efficacy reduces motivation to continue exercising
・Experience with failure: If you have tried exercise in the past but it didn’t work or you couldn’t continue, you won’t be able to try again.
・Fear and anxiety: Anxiety about physical pain and fatigue associated with exercise is the cause.
2. *Social factors*
(*4)・Lack of support…If you lack support and encouragement from those around you, your motivation will decrease. Conversely, research shows that support from others increases motivation to continue exercising.
・Social pressure: People may avoid exercising due to social pressure to exercise at gyms, etc., or because they are concerned about what others will think of them.
3. *Physical factors*
(*5)・Time constraints…It is difficult to find time for exercise in a busy life, and especially when people have heavy work and family responsibilities, exercise becomes a low priority.
・Equipment and facility issues: If you don’t have a suitable exercise facility nearby or don’t have the necessary exercise equipment, it can be difficult to start exercising.
(*3) Bandura, A. (1997). Self-Efficacy: The Exercise
(*4) Bauman, A. E., Reis, R. S., Sallis, J. F., Wells, J. C., Loos, R. J. F., & Martin, B. W. (2012). Correlates of physical activity: why are some people physically active and others not?
(*5) Giles-Corti, B., & Donovan, R. J. (2002). The relative influence of individual, social and physical environment determinants of physical activity. Social Science & Medicine, 54(12), 1793-1812.
Features of 24/7 Workout that thoroughly lower these three hurdles As mentioned above, research data shows that if a person is unable to start exercising even if they want to, it is not because the person has a weak will.
At 24/7Workout, we have lowered these three hurdles and provided many customers with an environment that is easy for anyone to start, easy to attend, and easy to continue.
1. * Lower psychological hurdles *
・Trainers who have made it through the difficult recruitment rate of 3.13% (*6) undergo communication skills checks and training during the selection stage. Utilizing our wealth of knowledge and experience, we will listen closely to our customers’ hearts, eliminate their concerns, provide accurate support to help them gain confidence, and guide them to achieve their goals.
2. * Lower social hurdles *
・Training will be conducted one-on-one between you and a
professional trainer in a completely private room. You can exercise with peace of mind without worrying about other people’s eyes. 3. *Lowering physical hurdles*
・All stores are conveniently located within a 10-minute walk from the station, and have a wide range of business hours from 7:00 to 24:00, so you can visit according to your lifestyle. Additionally, we provide everything you need for training, such as drinks and clothing, so you can come empty-handed.
(*6) Ratio of number of hires to number of job applicants from July to December 2023
For everyone who wants to change. Beginner support campaign
I’m not good at exercise, but I want to do my best and change myself… We believe that such a feeling is the most precious and that we want to respond to that wish.
Therefore, we at 24/7 Workout have prepared a campaign to support beginners for a limited time until September 30th (Monday).
Why not take advantage of this campaign, where you can join for a better deal than usual, and take one step forward?
[Campaign benefits]
– Membership fee 0 yen!
– Popular personal training 30 minutes → 0 yen!
– Plus protein and stretching tickets, and 2 months free of 24/7 Online Fitness!
■Implementation period: From Thursday, August 1, 2024 to Monday, September 30, 2024
■Applicable conditions: Those who have applied for a personal training course, signed a contract, and confirmed payment by September 30, 2024.
Click here for details
Even though I wanted to start exercising, I couldn’t do it because I felt like I wasn’t good at it, and I couldn’t continue. There are many people like that.
In fact, most of the people who attend 24/7 Workout and successfully lose weight are beginners to exercise.
 24/7 Workout will continue to strive to be a force for everyone who wants to change.
* ■Company profile*
Twenty Four Seven Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director and President Reihiro Kojima Established: December 28, 2007
Head Office: 36F, Atago Green Hills MORI Tower, 2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo URL:
Business details:
Our main business is operating personal training gyms, and in 2012 we started a 24/7 personal training business offering one-on-one training in private rooms, using a three-meal diet as one of our methods. Workout” (89 stores as of July 2024), and was listed on the TSE Mothers (currently Growth Market) in November 2019. We aim to be a company that provides a wide variety of services that enrich people’s lives and is always needed by people around the world.
that’s all

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