[Survey of 49 people] Questionnaire survey regarding Matsui
Securities FX (MATSUI FX)
*Advisor Navi Co., Ltd.*
Press release: August 14, 2024
[Survey of 49 people] Questionnaire survey regarding Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX)
*Advisor Navi Co., Ltd. (Location: Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Representative Director: Yukihide Taira, hereinafter referred to as our company) is a member of Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI
We have published the results of a survey regarding FX). *
Research company: Advisor Navi Co., Ltd.
Survey method: Internet questionnaire survey
Survey period: June 11, 2024 – June 25, 2024
Study population: 49 people
Detailed data of survey respondents: listed at the end
* Survey summary *
Currently, 87.8% of investors are trading with Matsui Securities FX, and only 39.5% of them use it as their main account. Based on this result, it seems that Matsui Securities FX is not fully meeting the needs of users compared to other companies.
The most common reason for discontinuing trading with Matsui Securities FX was “insufficient app functionality” at 50.0%. User satisfaction may be improved by introducing a demo trading system and working to eliminate lag during app trading.
On Matsui Securities FX’s five-point rating, 61.2% of respondents gave it 4 and 5 points, and 6.1% gave it 1 and 2 points. The fact that 32.7% of investors gave the service a mid-term rating of 3 points indicates that although the service has received a certain level of evaluation, there is room for improvement.
As for the positive aspects of Matsui Securities FX, “ease of small-amount transactions” was the most frequently cited answer at 56.3%. Next, “high functionality of the tool” and “low trading costs” were also praised, indicating that it is gaining popularity among investors who want to comfortably perform FX trading.
Regarding areas for improvement with Matsui Securities FX, the most common opinion received was “fewer types of currencies (42.9%)”. In addition, many investors cited the “low swap points” and “enhanced trading system,” indicating that there is a need for more support primarily for intermediate and advanced FX traders.
Questionnaire regarding usage history of Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX) First of all, at the moment, Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI
FX) or as a main account, and the reasons for not currently using an account.
Are you currently trading with Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX)? According to the survey, *87.8%* of investors answered that they trade, while *12.2%* of users did not trade.
This revealed that the majority of respondents actually use Matsui Securities FX to conduct FX trading.
From the survey results, it can be seen that * Matsui Securities FX’s platform and various services have received a certain level of evaluation from investors *.
Are you currently using Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX) as your main FX account?
According to the survey, only *39.5%* of investors who continue to use Matsui Securities FX answered that they use it as their main account. From this, the remaining *
It can be seen that 60.5%* mainly use other companies’ FX accounts.
This result highlights the situation in which Matsui Securities FX has not fully established itself among investors as a main account.
The reason why the usage rate as a main account is low may be due to differences in *functional superiority* and *ability to respond to investor needs*.
Why did you stop trading FX with Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX)? According to the survey, the most common reason for discontinuing transactions was “*The functionality of the app is inferior to other companies*”, which is a *majority*.
taken up by investors. Considering that other reasons accounted for 16.7%, it can be said that *improving the app* is an urgent issue for Matsui Securities FX.
Regarding the functionality of the app, specific opinions were raised such as “Unable to perform demo trading” and “There is a lag in the timing of trading execution”.*
There seems to be a need for additional functionality and improved processing speed*.
As you can see, Matsui Securities FX has a lot of requests for improvements regarding the app, but the actual app is *equipped with a wealth of tools*
. If you are curious about what features the app has, please refer to the column below.
What are the characteristics of Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX)? A thorough explanation of the advantages and disadvantages!
When considering the use of Matsui Securities FX, it is a good idea to keep in mind the concerns mentioned above.
Questionnaire regarding evaluation of Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX)
Next, we will discuss the five-level evaluation of Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX) and the results of a survey regarding good points and points that would like to be improved.
Please rate Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX) on a 5-point scale. According to the survey, the total of 4 points and 5 points for high evaluation was * 61.2%*, the total of 3 points for intermediate evaluation was * 32.7%*, and the total of 1 and 2 points for low evaluation was * 6.1%*.
The result was.
From this result, although Matsui Securities FX has received a certain level of evaluation, * there are a certain number of users who are not fully satisfied *
That can be read. In other words, this suggests that Matsui Securities FX still has room for improvement in its services.
In particular, Matsui Securities FX’s evaluation will become even more solid if it can understand the opinions of investors who gave interim evaluations.
Please tell me the good things about Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX). According to the survey, the most frequently cited strength of Matsui Securities FX was “* Ease of small-amount transactions* (* 56.3%*).” in particular,”*
Many people praise the ability to trade from a single currency unit*, as well as the ability to trade while minimizing risk and the ability to practice establishing your own trading methods*.
In addition, “*High functionality of the tool* (* 31.3%*)”, “*Low cost when trading spreads etc.* (* 27.1%*)”, “*
Thickness of support* (* 16.7%*
)” were taken up by many investors. In particular, “the completeness of chart creation and analysis tools” and “length of nighttime support hours” received high praise.
These positive evaluations indicate that Matsui Securities FX is a very attractive option for investors* who wish to make small investments, including beginners.
If you are curious about how much you can actually start trading, please refer to the column article below.
How much does Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX) start from? Explaining the required minimum amount and transaction unit
Please tell us what you would like to see improved about Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX).
According to the survey, many people said that “*there are not many types of currencies*”, accounting for *42.9%* of the total. As a result, it accounted for . Due to the small number of products available, investors’ trading options are also limited, leaving intermediate and advanced FX traders feeling unsatisfied.
is considered a problem.
In addition, many investors cited “*low swap points* (* 20.4%*)” and “*excellent trading system* (* 18.4%*)”.*
Opinions have also been received* requesting the establishment of a more practical demo account.
Furthermore, “* Insufficient support* (* 12.2%)*” and “* Abundance of FX-related information* (* 10.2%*
There are a certain number of investors who see this as an issue, and it can be seen that Matsui Securities FX is required to respond to diverse needs.
These requests are important opinions for improving the satisfaction of investors who trade with Matsui Securities FX. “* Expansion of supported currencies*” “*
Improving the trading system and improving the functionality of the app* “* Improving educational content related to FX knowledge and trading*
If measures such as this can be implemented, Matsui Securities FX’s reputation should become even better.
Through this survey
Through this survey, we have learned the evaluation of Matsui Securities FX (MATSUI FX) from investors and areas for improvement.
While many users trade with Matsui Securities FX accounts, the usage rate as a main account was low, and many were particularly
dissatisfied with the app’s functionality and trading system.
This feedback suggests points for improvement in the service, and it can be said that Matsui Securities FX is required to take measures to improve investor satisfaction.
Specifically, expanding the number of currencies handled and enhancing the functionality of transaction tools are considered effective.
Detailed data of survey respondents
Respondent’s gender
Age of respondents
*Advisor Navi Co., Ltd.*
Company name: Advisor Navi Co., Ltd.
Representative Director: Yukihide Taira
Established: May 29, 2019
Address: 8-1 Nihonbashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026 FinGATE TERRACE Business content: IFA consulting business, recruitment business, matching business between investors and IFA
URL: https://adviser-navi.co.jp
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