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Home » SChinatown. B△MDIVA releases their first dance video in three years “24SS Dance Video “Like What (Freest yle)”!!

SChinatown. B△MDIVA releases their first dance video in three years “24SS Dance Video “Like What (Freest yle)”!!

[SChinatown.] B△MDIVA releases dance video “24SS Dance Video “Like What” for the first time in three years
(Freestyle)” announced!!
*SChinatown LLC.*
Press release: August 16, 2024
B△MDIVA releases their first dance video in three years “24SS Dance Video “Like What (Freestyle)”!!
*B△MDIVA’s past contest challenges and videos of their first sponsored event will be inserted at the beginning to convey their history and hope for realizing their dreams to viewers. *
scene from B△MDIVA 24SS Dance Video “Like What (Freestyle)”
* August 8, 2024, from Osaka –
B△MDIVA, an up-and-coming female hip-hop dance crew based in Kansai, has released their first dance video in about three years, produced by creative agency S(C)hinatown. “B△MDIVA
With the theme of “Evolution 1.0″, you can get a glimpse of their past experiences and growth. Furthermore, “This is our lifestyle. is Kansai, Japan. This is our
Based on the concept of “Evolution.”, they will send out a message of living their dreams, including pride in being based in Kansai, hip-hop’s high self-affirmation attitude linked to the songs used, and women’s empowerment. *
*Video work link* MA!KA IG: @maika_bamdiva
RYOKA IG: @ryoka_bamdiva
takara IG: @takara_bamdiva
AKARI IG: @akari_bamdiva

*Staff list*
Chief Director: Akitomo Ri @vkitomori (S(C)hinatown.)
DoP/Editor: Yusuke Okuyama @yusukedayo (S(C)hinatown.)
Production Advisor: Makoto Ono @makoro__ (S(C)hinatown.)
Sound Edit (Intro): Juiceon @juiceon_thabap (S(C)hinatown.)
Choreography/Dance/Art Direction: B△MDIVA @____bamdiva____
Production: S(C)hinatown. @schinatown

*Organization overview*
SChinatown LLC:
A creative agency that loves street dance fashion and Japanese and American Chinese culture. We also handle marketing communications and branding support for individuals and organizations at all stages, as well as various creative production.

An up-and-coming female hip-hop dance crew from Osaka and based in Kansai. Not only dance, but the lifestyle itself gives people inspiration and energy. She is also good at social media presence and sends out highly fashionable content derived from dance. A crew with unique collective power that can flexibly respond to commercial work. *
This work emphasizes the strengths of the collaboration between S(C)hinatown. and B△MDIVA, presents the expansive emotional value of dance videos, the affinity between dance and advertising, and the artistic and fashionable nature of dance videos. It is also intended to explore new experiences and businesses. *