Okamura Co., Ltd.
Received the 10th Female Engineer Training Success Award sponsored by Japan Society of Engineers.
Mai Morita, Director of the Work Design Institute, Work Style Consulting Division, Office Environment Business Division, Okamura Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Representative Director, President and Executive Officer: Masayuki Nakamura), was appointed by the Japan Society of Engineers. We received the “10th Female Engineer Training Success Award” sponsored by the Cabinet Office Gender Equality Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
The “Female Engineer Training Success Award” is an award that recognizes individuals and organizations that have achieved
outstanding results in the development of female engineers, and has been held since 2014 in order to promote and support the success of female engineers in industry. I am.
[Image: https://prtimes.jp/i/103401/132/resize/d103401-132-5606b210422e7325fba9-0.jpg&s3=103401-132-8050e02b6fe8e39d9d7b7534cce227b1-3900×3620.jpg] Okamura Co., Ltd. Office Environment Business Division Work Style Consulting Division Work Design Research Institute Director Mai Morita After completing his master’s degree at graduate school, Morita joined the company and engaged in product planning. After leaving the company to pursue a doctoral course, he rejoined the company after obtaining his doctorate and is active as a researcher.From 2022, he will serve as the director of the Work Design Institute, a research institute related to work styles and working spaces. Masu. Taking advantage of his career as a first-class architect, he presents papers at various academic conferences, speaks at business events and lectures, and writes books on work styles and spaces. In addition, he has been involved as a director in the four-year co-creation project “Work in Life Labo.” sponsored by our company since its inception, and has contributed to our company’s work satisfaction reform “WiL-BE.” We also worked hard to develop the basic concept. These activities have had an impact on the development of female engineers, such as leading to female employees within the department obtaining doctoral degrees, and have served as role models for female employees, supporting the career development of female engineers and contributing to their development. It was evaluated.
From the perspective of diversity, equity, and inclusion, the Okamura Group strives to create a work environment where each employee can demonstrate their abilities, regardless of gender. We are implementing measures to deepen this understanding. In addition, in the
“Medium-term Management Plan 2025,” “human resource development and improvement of job satisfaction” is one of the items to strengthen the management foundation, and in order to achieve this, each employee will continue to envision their future career and grow through diverse experiences. As part of our ongoing “career journey,” we are creating opportunities for employees to continue learning and taking on challenges based on mutual understanding among employees.
□ Okamura website Sustainability information Pursuing employee job satisfaction