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Alu Co., Ltd. Announcement of “etudes Basket” release

Alu Co., Ltd.
Announcement of “etudes Basket” release
You can create your own original set from e-learning content and provide it to the employees who need it at the right time.
Alu Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Bunshiro Ochiai; stock code: 7043; hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a company that provides educational services for working adults using human resource development data and machine learning technology. We are pleased to announce the release of etudes Basket, an e-learning service that allows you to create your own set according to your company’s needs.
[Image 1:×802.png ]
Popularization and challenges of e-learning
E-learning, which allows students to learn without being restricted by time or location, has become more familiar due to advances in digital environments and the expansion of content. From the perspective of supporting employees’ self-development, it is common for companies to provide all employees with “unlimited access” to e-learning as part of their welfare program, but in reality, employees have to decide which content is necessary for them. In some cases, students may not be able to imagine how they can grow by learning, and the students themselves may not be making as much progress as the company expects.
Therefore, we have developed the e-learning “etudes Basket”, which promotes independent learning and produces training results by providing the necessary e-learning to the necessary employees at the necessary timing in just the right amount.
Overview of “etudes Basket”
“etudes Basket” makes it possible to carefully select essential content based on your company’s organizational and human resources strategies and deliver it to your employees. Alu’s e-learning has more than 100 contents centered on portable skills, created by leveraging the knowledge we have cultivated through over 20 years of human resource development support, and is systematized by rank and skill. I am. With “etudes Basket,” you can select content that suits your company’s human resource development issues and combine them according to your rank and work. By encouraging students to take the set created in this way with a certain amount of compulsion, the results of training will be produced and the introduction to independent learning will be realized.
Additionally, since multiple sets can be created under one contract, human resources managers can tackle the essential issues of human resource development without being burdened with complicated administrative procedures.
1. structured content
Organized content makes it clear what to learn and when.
1) Role axis (by role)
[Image 2:×994.png ]
2) Skill axis (by theme)
[Image 3:×993.png ]
*Katz model:
A framework proposed by Robert Katz for considering the ratio of abilities required depending on the position. It is used when creating guidelines for human resource development and organizational development, and when designing training content.
2. Create a set according to your company’s training issues
You can freely combine the contents, and can solve various training issues. 1) “Role axis” + “Skill axis”
[Image 4:×984.png ]
2) “Role axis” x “Skill axis”
[Image 5:×1000.png ]
About Alu Co., Ltd.
Alu Co., Ltd. opens up all the possibilities for people for a world full of dreams – all the possibilities
Under our mission of “–”, we conduct human resource development support projects with the theme of “being particular about the results of training.” We provide rank-based training for a wide range of people from new employees to management, provide themed education programs such as the development of global human resources and DX human resources, and even provide e-learning using the learning management system “etudes”. Through these efforts, we support the growth of organizations and individuals from the perspective of human resource development. The entire group is engaged in business with the aim of solving the diverse challenges of client companies by proposing and implementing solutions that are individually optimized for each client.
Contact information regarding this matter
・Alu Co., Ltd. Corporate Department Tel: 03-6268-9791
・Homepage inquiry form

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