[Specified non-profit organization Fair Trade Label Japan]
The fair trade premium paid to producers in developing countries reached a record high of approximately 30.71 billion yen, an increase of 10% from last year.
*NPO Fair Trade Label Japan*
Press release: August 21, 2024
The fair trade premium paid to producers in developing countries reached a record high of approximately 30.71 billion yen, an increase of 10% from last year.
*Premiums will be used democratically by producers themselves for economic, social and environmental development. Utilized for investment in sustainable production and climate change
Banana grower in the Dominican Republic (C) Jose Garcia
Fair Trade International, which brings together approximately 100 producing and consuming countries around the world, including the certified NPO Fair Trade Label Japan, will be working on the following measures for the year 2022*
The fair trade premium paid to farmers and workers increased by 10% from the previous year to a record high of 222.8 million euros, or approximately 30.71 billion yen*
announced that it had been reached. Of that amount, approximately 98.24 million yen was sent from Japan. Fairtrade premiums are added to the sales price and paid to producer organizations, and are funds used for the economic, social, and environmental development of
cooperatives and local communities. As for how to use the premium, producers themselves democratically consider and choose how to invest in their business and region.
Of the 2022 Fairtrade Premium, approximately EUR 210 million (approx. 28.9 billion yen), and the premium over other products exceeded 12 million euros (approximately 1.6 billion yen). The fair trade premium sent based on fair trade products sold in Japan was approximately 98.24 million yen.
Small producer organizations invested 36% of their premiums in production and agricultural improvements, such as building processing plants and warehouses and purchasing agricultural inputs for their members. Additionally, 23% was used for economic benefits to farmers, such as direct cash payments and credit services to supplement income. On the other hand, workers on large-scale plantations spent 75% of their premiums on social investments such as education and housing, and 15% on economic benefits for workers and their families. As of 2022, 1,910 producer organizations are Fair Trade certified, of which 1,563 are small producer organizations (including contract production) and 347 are large farms (plantations) that rely on hired labor. These organizations are made up of 1,848,268 farmers and 197,118 workers.
Fair Trade offers an additional premium for products produced under organic certification standards. Of the 231,188 tonnes of Fairtrade coffee sold by producers in 2022, 64% was organic, and of the 730,176 tonnes of Fairtrade bananas, 63% were organic. Additionally, half of the producer organization’s fair trade cotton sales were organic. In 2022, women accounted for 21% of all Fairtrade farmers, with Fairtrade certified grains being the most common at 60%, seed oils and oily fruits such as olives at 41%, and dried fruits at 35%. 44% of Fairtrade workers are women, with farms producing fruit juice having the highest percentage of women (74%), followed by flowers and plants with 54% and tea with 52%.
■ *Voices from producers who have used Fair Trade Premium*
(C) Mohamed Aly Diabate
Cacao producer Sankara
Azeta is a graduate of the Women’s Leadership School and a member of ECAMOM in Ivory Coast. We run a fabric and cosmetics store with financial support from Fair Trade Premium. The Fairtrade Premium allows me to invest in my new business and have another source of income when cocoa production declines.
(C) Fairtrade Česko a Slovensko
Located in northern Colombia, this cooperative produces 382 tons of coffee annually, 70-80% of which is sold as fair trade. Through Fairtrade Premium, we receive approximately 63,000 euros each year. We also strive to prevent climate change (by planting trees on our farms, developing climate-smart cultivation methods, protecting local biodiversity, etc.), and our producers use natural rather than chemical fertilizers. I am using. Fairtrade premiums are used to repair farmers’ homes and buy new machinery for threshing coffee.
(C) Fairtrade NAPP
Ms Ranjana, an Indian herbal tea and spice farmer
By participating in Fair Trade, Maurya has been able to increase crop yields and growers’ profits. Additionally, the additional income received as a Fairtrade premium could be used to invest in the family’s future, such as paying for their children’s school fees. * [What is fair trade? ] *
Fair trade literally means “fair and just trade.” In normal
transactions, small-scale producers at the end of the day are still often forced to buy at a low price due to a lack of information on market prices and options for where to sell their products. As a result, problems such as a decline in the living standards of producers, child labor and forced labor aimed at cutting costs, environmental destruction due to excessive pesticides, and health hazards for producers are caused. Fair trade is a system that supports sustainable production and improved quality of life by trading products produced with consideration for people and the environment at a fair price.
Fair trade transactions include guaranteeing fair prices and paying premiums, prohibiting child labor and forced labor, and
environmentally friendly production. It is said to contribute to the achievement of all 17 goals of the United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), with eight in particular (Goal 1 Poverty, Goal 2 Hunger, Goal 5 Gender, Goal 8 Working Environment, Goal 12 Sustainable Consumption). and production, Goal 13: Climate Change, Goal 16: Peace, Goal 17: Partnerships).
* [Certified NPO Fair Trade Label Japan] *
A certified NPO established in 1993 and celebrating its 30th anniversary in November 2023. International Fairtrade Label
Organization (Fairtrade)
As a member of Fair Trade International), we are involved in the certification and licensing business of the international Fair Trade certification label in Japan, and Fair Trade
We will carry out awareness and advocacy activities. The International Fair Trade Label Organization is an international organization established in 1997 with the aim of solving global poverty issues through fair trade and realizing sustainable livelihoods for producers. Currently developing countries
More than 2 million producers and workers from 70 countries and members from 30 consumer countries are participating.
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