Water Alintech Co., Ltd.
Shizuoka City and A Holdings have signed a partnership agreement to solve environmental problems through a comprehensive subcritical water system.
Disseminating solutions to domestic and international PFAS pollution problems from Shizuoka City to the world. Establishing a new corporation and contributing to solving global environmental problems through a “comprehensive subcritical water system”
A Holdings Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Fujiyoshida City, Yamanashi Prefecture, President and CEO: Hideo Awai, hereinafter referred to as the Company) aims to create a society with zero environmental pollution through next-generation water technology using patented subcritical water comprehensive system technology. Together with Takashi Namba), we have been working on a demonstration experiment to remove PFAS contamination at the Miho Rainwater Pumping Station in Shizuoka City, where high concentrations of PFAS were detected. In response to the experimental results that showed a maximum of 88.7% contamination removal success, our company and Shizuoka City decided to promote the promotion of initiatives related to the removal and detoxification of PFAS in the environment and the social
implementation of a “comprehensive subcritical water system” that will achieve the SDGs and become an environmentally advanced city. We would like to inform you that we have concluded a partnership agreement on August 21, 2024 (Wednesday).
[Image 1: https://prtimes.jp/i/148246/1/resize/d148246-1-c46d063a288001becc98-8.jpg&s3=148246-1-8ef57f55342f80a6e5d2ecd1a6825485-3900×2600.jpg]
[Table 2: https://prtimes.jp/data/corp/148246/table/1_1_0c83dc150865bf020f4b254ea616cd83.jpg ]
■Background of the agreement
In Shizuoka City, high concentrations of PFAS, far exceeding the national provisional guideline values, continued to be detected in waterways and well water around factories in Shimizu Ward. PFAS, also known as “eternal chemicals,” penetrated underground and flowed into the Miho rainwater pumping station as rainwater, generating over 10,000 tons of highly concentrated water per day during rainfall. We have heard that Shizuoka City has set up a countermeasures team within city hall and is exploring ways to deal with this problem, and we would like to propose a demonstration experiment for removing PFAS contamination using our comprehensive subcritical water system. I was able to do so.
After laboratory verification, we installed a pressurized flotation separation device using our special technology at the Miho rainwater pumping station in July of this year, and began demonstration experiments to remove PFAS contamination. As a result of about a month of demonstration experiments, we were able to successfully remove up to 88.7% of PFAS contamination (*as of August 6, 2024).
Based on these results, Shizuoka City and our company will continue to conduct demonstration experiments aimed at removing contamination to below the national provisional guideline values. We will also collaborate towards research and social implementation of PFAS contamination removal technology using a comprehensive subcritical water system, realize Shizuoka City as an SDGs environmentally advanced city through business development based in Shizuoka City, and use a comprehensive subcritical water system to help people around the world. Today’s agreement was concluded with the aim of promoting solutions to environmental issues.
■Future outlook
The “Subcritical Water Comprehensive System” not only separates and removes PFAS from contaminated water, but also breaks down PFAS to a harmless molecular level. It can also be applied to remove radioactive substances such as tritium and reduce CO2 and dioxin emissions during industrial waste treatment.
With the establishment of a new corporation and the participation of Shizuoka City, we will promote research and development to utilize the functions of this “comprehensive subcritical water system” from multiple angles. The new corporation will contribute to the
realization of Shizuoka City as an SDGs advanced city, as well as the creation of a wide-area SDGs model city in collaboration with Yamanashi Prefecture and Shizuoka Prefecture.
■Summary of comprehensive partnership agreement
1: Technical research and social implementation of subcritical water comprehensive system
– Removal of contamination to below the national provisional guideline value through continued demonstration experiments at the Miho rainwater pumping station
– Promoting the removal and detoxification of PFAS in the environment through social implementation of a comprehensive subcritical water system
2: Realizing an SDGs environmentally advanced city through business development based in Shizuoka City
– Recycling waste into resources (compost, hydrogen, etc.) by applying technology of subcritical water integrated system
– Disseminating solutions to all environmental problems from Shizuoka City through commercialization
3: Establish a new corporation and contribute to solving environmental problems around the world
– Removal of radioactive materials
– Reduction of CO2 and dioxin in industrial waste treatment
– Decomposition of removed PFAS to molecular level
■Future initiatives
1) Established a new corporation and Shizuoka City participated 2) Commercialization of comprehensive subcritical water system equipment for PFAS sources and PFAS-contaminated areas in Japan and overseas
3) Manufacture and sale of PFAS-free natural water and Japan’s first water purifier with PFAS removal device for PFAS problem areas 4) Development and commercialization of ultra-compact subcritical water treatment equipment that can be installed at home
5) Treatment of household waste/industrial waste with zero CO2 and dioxin, recycling of waste
6) Research on medical treatment for people exposed to the environment ■What is “Subcritical Water Comprehensive System”?
The “Subcritical Water Comprehensive System” is our proprietary next-generation equipment that applies conventional subcritical water treatment technology, and is being developed and researched by our group’s “Water Alintech Co., Ltd.” The system is made up of three devices: a “subcritical water treatment device,” a “pressure flotation device” that removes PFAS, and “various fermentation devices.”It removes PFAS, tritium, etc. from contaminated water and contaminated soil. Removal of radioactive materials and industrial waste treatment with zero CO2 and dioxin
We are proceeding with research aimed at social implementation.
[Image 2: https://prtimes.jp/i/148246/1/resize/d148246-1-5a1fb3a7b764ef606b2a-0.jpg&s3=148246-1-a82de31c1d5635c89d8b92aac2895c8b-3900×1749.jpg] -Mechanism of PFAS removal using “pressure flotation separation device”- Explanatory movie URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PfLFVQJH0I
[Image 3: https://prtimes.jp/i/148246/1/resize/d148246-1-960df8b69f1dc502546a-0.jpg&s3=148246-1-8fbfb01c876a71e34c135580bf3579dd-2252×1318.jpg] ■Comment from Shizuoka Mayor Takashi Namba
[Image 4: https://prtimes.jp/i/148246/1/resize/d148246-1-b3fc67525727cae8be5b-8.jpg&s3=148246-1-7c28415b625ee545dcea9f23dd941866-179×180.jpg] The PFAS problem that occurred in Shizuoka City had become a very serious problem, with large amounts of rainwater flowing into public water bodies. The chief’s job is to “protect the lives and property of citizens”, and while he is searching for a technology that can effectively remove contaminated water by making full use of various networks, A Holdings President Awai and Suzuki I was able to meet the teacher. When I asked him about the technical structure of the “Subcritical Water Comprehensive System” in detail, I felt that it had potential as a technology that could be expected to produce immediate results. I am very happy that we were able to successfully conclude a cooperation agreement today. This PFAS problem is not limited to Shizuoka City, but high concentrations of contamination have been observed throughout Japan, and it is presumed that the problem is spreading all over the world. We hope that the results of Shizuoka City and A Holdings’ advanced challenges based on scientific evidence will lead to solving environmental problems around the world. ■Comment from Hideo Awai, President and Representative Director of A Holdings
[Image 5: https://prtimes.jp/i/148246/1/resize/d148246-1-11b99006ff667b2b75b0-8.jpg&s3=148246-1-5b612727fbd08782233621c76521cc14-109×113.jpg] First of all, I would like to express my gratitude, excitement, and determination. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Shizuoka City. We are grateful that within a year of our relationship, we decided to “let’s work together to solve environmental problems” and concluded a partnership agreement.
Next, I was impressed. We were thrilled to see so many media, government, and financial institutions attend the signing ceremony. Please let us know your opinions on how we can help solve
environmental problems. And please give me lots of guidance. Finally, it’s a decision. A Holdings Group operates its business with the aim of “saving humanity. saving the earth.” We aim to establish a new corporation with Shizuoka City and capital by the end of the year. Please let me express my determination to succeed with everything in my life.
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