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Home » Daiei Sangyo Co., Ltd. Certification for organizations contributing to national resilience: “Business contin uity and social contribution” Obtained resilience certification for the first time in the construction industry in Gun ma Prefecture

Daiei Sangyo Co., Ltd. Certification for organizations contributing to national resilience: “Business contin uity and social contribution” Obtained resilience certification for the first time in the construction industry in Gun ma Prefecture

[Daiei Sangyo Co., Ltd.] Certification for organizations contributing to national resilience: “Business continuity and social contribution” Obtained resilience certification for the first time in the
construction industry in Gunma Prefecture
*Daiei Sangyo Co., Ltd.*
Press release: August 22, 2024
Certification for organizations contributing to national resilience: “Business continuity and social contribution” Obtained resilience certification for the first time in Gunma Prefecture’s construction industry
*Recognized for proactive efforts to contribute to society*
* Daiei Sangyo Co., Ltd. (Head office: Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture Representative Director and President Kazuaki Totsuka)
Daiei Sangyo (hereinafter referred to as Daiei Sangyo) acquired “Resilience Certification” in July 2024 with the aim of building a strong corporate structure, such as preparing BCP/BCM regulations, disaster response manuals, and implementing various effective trainings. I did. This is the first time a construction industry in Gunma Prefecture has obtained this certification. *
* ・What is the “Resilience Certification” certification for
organizations contributing to national resilience?*

The government’s Cabinet Secretariat National Resilience Promotion Office has a system to certify businesses that support the purpose of national resilience and are actively engaged in business continuity initiatives as “organizations contributing to national resilience.” In February 2016, we established the “Guidelines for Certification of Organizations Contributing to National Resilience”.

Resilience certification is carried out by the Resilience Japan Promotion Council, a general incorporated association that has received confirmation from the Cabinet Secretariat’s National Resilience Promotion Office that it meets the requirements of a certification organization.
Reference: Resilience Japan Promotion Council

By having our company’s business continuity efforts evaluated from an expert’s perspective during the examination, we were able to obtain issues for further improvement in business continuity.

In the future, we will continue to strive to provide regular disaster prevention education and develop disaster prevention leaders with the aim of building a system to strengthen risk resilience, and as a company that makes proposals regarding the environment and disaster prevention, we will work to further improve our BCP training. Masu. * ・Initiatives for further resilience*

In line with the acquisition of “Resilience Certification,” Daiei Sangyo is utilizing temporary materials that apply ultrafine particle photocatalysts that it has successfully developed in-house to eliminate NOx around the site, which is an air pollution problem, to purify the air, and to make temporary materials antifouling. We will brand and trademark the “EDC construction method”*1, an
environmentally friendly construction method that contributes to society and contributes to disaster prevention, with environmentally friendly construction that achieves results and high resilience capabilities.

As an environmental consideration, ultrafine particle photocatalysts are applied to flat panels used for temporary enclosures, soundproof panels and sheets used for noise and dust control, etc. to remove NOx and purify the air, as well as to improve antifouling effects. We will actively implement activities to reduce water usage by reducing the number of times cleaning is done.

As a social contribution consideration regarding disaster prevention, we have established a crisis management office headquartered at our headquarters to improve our company’s resilience in the event of a disaster and enable quick response to nearby residents, and we have a disaster prevention specialist* at each site. Place 2. Aiming to create a strong society that is prepared for natural disasters and infectious disease disasters, the site will be coated with
anti-infectious disease coating using ultrafine particle photocatalyst technology, implement cluster countermeasures, and serve as a last-minute evacuation center for nearby residents. Additionally, it is possible to set up an on-site office using solar panels to charge mobile phones and provide Wi-Fi power in case of an emergency.

Daiei Sangyo will continue to conduct high-level technological research through industry-academia collaboration, disseminate the added value of the patented method and patented ingredient technology for ultrafine particle photocatalysts that we have developed in-house, and further enhance our credibility as a resilient company.・We will strive to create a society that is resilient to infectious diseases and natural disasters by working to reduce the risk of infectious diseases and improve the living environment, including disaster prevention, civil life and economic activities.

*1 “EDC” in “EDC method” has two meanings.
Environmental=Environment Disaster prevention=Disaster prevention Consideration=Consideration
Earth=Earth Defend=Protect Continuation=Continuation
*2 The basic philosophy of a disaster prevention specialist is “self-help, mutual assistance, and collaboration,” and activities to improve disaster prevention capabilities in various places in society. The Japan Disaster Prevention Agency certifies that they have acquired sufficient awareness and a certain level of knowledge and skills to meet the expectations.
This is the person who was.
1. Self-help: Protect your own life.
2. Mutual assistance: Help each other in the community and workplace to prevent damage from spreading.
3. Collaboration: Citizens, companies, local governments, disaster prevention organizations, etc. work together.
* ・About Daiei Sangyo Co., Ltd.*

Based in Maebashi City, Gunma Prefecture and Tokyo, we are developing a business centered on “environmental and disaster prevention business.” In addition, by leveraging our experience in environmental maintenance such as demolition work, asbestos removal, and industrial waste treatment, we also develop and manufacture high-quality ultrafine particle photocatalysts through joint research with Gunma University, a national university corporation. Since our founding in 2000, with the slogan “Contribute to the realization of an
eco-friendly future and a sustainable society,” we have strictly complied with all laws and regulations related to our business activities, centered on the “environment and disaster prevention” business. We believe that continual efforts to reduce the burden on the environment are our social contribution as a company, and we engage in voluntary environmental management activities on a daily basis.

In order to realize a more sustainable society, we will work on Eco Action 21 and SDGs, which are measures to prevent global warming, and will devote ourselves to environmental conservation and environmental load reduction initiatives and social contribution projects.

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