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Skillbridge Co., Ltd. Released AI interview service for hiring IT engineers

[Skillbridge Co., Ltd.] Released AI interview service for hiring IT engineers *Skill Bridge Co., Ltd.*
Press release: August 27, 2024
Released AI interview service for hiring IT engineers
SkillBridge Co., Ltd. (Location: Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Representative Director: Sato) uses AI technology to support corporate recruiters.
Motoki) released an AI interview service for hiring IT engineers on August 27, 2024. In recent years, the demand for IT engineers has been increasing due to the promotion of DX, and companies that previously outsourced IT-related work to other companies are now hiring IT personnel in-house. However, the challenge is that interviewers lack the expertise to hire the right people. SkillBridge’s AI interview has created its own evaluation index and is now able to handle specialized evaluations that cannot be covered by conventional personality tests. SkillBridge uses AI-based interviews to help streamline the hiring process, discover diverse talent, and reduce hiring costs.

Company website:

Issues in hiring IT engineers
A report by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry estimates that there will be a shortage of approximately 790,000 IT human resources in 2030. In recent years, the number of companies promoting DX (digital transformation) has increased, and the demand for IT human resources is increasing. IT technology is evolving day by day, and specialized areas are becoming more segmented. One of the reasons why the supply of human resources cannot keep up is that it is difficult for traditional engineers to respond to the latest IT technology due to their different specialties. There is competition among companies to secure IT human resources, and recruitment is becoming more difficult due to the cost and cost aspects of finding human resources.

Companies that already have IT talent are reviewing their employment conditions and creating a comfortable working environment to prevent engineers from leaving their jobs. The number of engineers working as freelancers is increasing, and in the first place, there are not many IT talent outflowing to the job market. Even if applications are received, it is difficult for non-specialist human resources personnel to properly identify the specialized skills needed within the company, and the problem is that a mismatch with the human resources required by the workplace is likely to occur.

Features of AI interview service
1. Comprehensive metrics
SkillBridge’s unique evaluation criteria comprehensively evaluates the skills necessary for engineers, including not only technical ability but also problem-solving ability and communication ability.

2. Objective evaluation using AI
You can make hiring decisions based on the report automatically generated by AI. If you only evaluate people, there is a risk that the evaluation will be biased due to differences in the experience of the interviewers. By using AI reports when making hiring decisions, we can achieve more objective and fair evaluations.

3. Score specific specialized skills
We incorporate specific specialized skills into our evaluation criteria. There are five evaluation items: system design, code quality improvement, performance optimization, new technology introduction, and security measures. We score each skill and comprehensively evaluate the candidate’s abilities required by the company.

Skillbridge’s AI interview service
1. Interview by AI avatar
An AI avatar will communicate with applicants in real time through the screen. The interview format is the same as the in-person online interview. The AI ​​generates questions based on the answers, so even if the answer doesn’t get the point across, you can listen to the candidate in more detail and draw out the candidate’s thoughts. You can also choose not to display the avatar, or use it with only audio.

2. Recruitment decision support
After the interview with the AI, an evaluation report will be automatically generated. The interview results are displayed in a radar chart with scores for each of the five evaluation items (system design, code quality improvement, performance optimization, new technology introduction, and security response). Furthermore, we will also report the reasons for the evaluation for each evaluation item.

You can download the video of the interview, and you can also check the conversation between the AI ​​avatar and the candidate.

* ■Explanation of each evaluation item*
* System design *
When designing a system, quantify the required capabilities. Judgments will be centered on problem analysis skills, solution proposals, and risk management.

*Code quality improvement*
Code quality is an indicator of the readability, usability, and efficiency of programming instructions. Scores will be based on the ability to analyze current issues, clarity of explanation, and experience in quality assurance.

*Performance optimization*
Determine whether you have the skills to optimize system performance. Make sure your optimization strategy is appropriate, your plan is specific, and you have the skills to measure performance.

*Introduction of new technology*
Measures skills for implementing new technology. Scores are given on whether teams can plan preparations and deeply evaluate the
technologies they plan to incorporate.

*Security compatible*
In terms of security response capabilities, we judge the
appropriateness of immediate responses, planning for recovery, and effectiveness of long-term measures.

3. dashboard
Recruiters can manage interview progress from the dashboard. The following items can be checked from the home screen.

・Number of job openings
・Cumulative interview in progress
・Cumulative applications completed
 └ Number of people for whom interviews have been completed
・Application completion rate
〔└ Percentage of people who have completed interviews among the total number of applicants
・Progress graph
 └ Displays the number of people currently being interviewed and the number of people who have completed their interviews by day.

You can also move to the job list, job creation, and support inquiry screen from the home screen.

Flow of job creation
1. Entering basic information
Enter the job title, company name, AI interview type, and recruitment summary. Select “IT Engineer Recruitment” by AI face vaccination. 2. Entering preliminary questions
You can set preliminary questions. It is designed to ask questions in text and receive answers in text. If there are no preliminary questions, no settings are necessary.

3. public
Click the publish button to publish the job. A link for applying will be displayed from the job listing, so share the link with candidates.

Application process (candidate experience)
1. Apply
Click the “Apply” button from the shared link.

2. entry
Enter your name, phone number, and email address.

3. Answers to preliminary questions
If preliminary questions are set, answer them in writing. If not, you will proceed directly to the AI ​​interview.

4. AI interview
The interview with the AI ​​avatar will begin. Screen and microphone sharing is required.

Expected effects of introducing AI interview service
1. Streamline the recruitment process and improve quality
If AI replaces interviews, interviews can proceed without the need for interviewers with specialized knowledge. There is no need to outsource interview personnel or require interviewers to acquire specialized knowledge. AI automatically performs everything from interviews to generating evaluation reports, reducing the time required for recruitment.

2. Discovering diverse talent
Utilize the vast amount of data possessed by AI to find the human resources that companies are looking for. We discover candidates with not only specific skills, but also complex specialized skills, and bring you closer to realizing the systems and services you want to develop.

3. Reduce recruitment costs
IT engineers are highly specialized and in high demand in the industry, so hiring costs are high. If a skill mismatch occurs after hiring, it will be a big loss. By replacing interviews with human resources personnel who lack IT expertise with AI interviews, we prevent mismatches with the skills required by the workplace. It is possible to reduce the costs incurred due to the risk of declining a job offer or leaving the company in a short period of time.

4. Improving the candidate experience
If the hiring company lacks specialized knowledge, the candidate’s specialized skills may not be properly conveyed. We use AI technology to achieve fair evaluation during interviews and help create a path that will make candidates feel “I’m glad I applied to this company.”

SkillBridge uses AI technology to help improve the efficiency and quality of recruitment operations.

First of all, we only accept consultations. If you are facing challenges in hiring high-paying professionals, please contact us using the form below.

Book a business meeting: Contact us: Company website:

Company Profile
Skill Bridge Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-7-13 Nishishiba, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture 236-0017
Representative: Motoki Sato
Established: November 29, 2023

This article has been partially generated with the assistance of AI.