[HashPort Co., Ltd.] HashPort and Hitachi begin collaboration toward social implementation of a safe, secure, and convenient Web3 wallet using biometric authentication technology
*HashPort Co., Ltd.*
Press release: August 27, 2024
HashPort and Hitachi begin collaboration to socially implement a safe, secure, and convenient Web3 wallet using biometric authentication technology
Image of cooperation between Hash Wallet and PBI
HashPort, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “HashPort”) and Hitachi, Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hitachi”) will begin a collaboration aimed at the social implementation of a safe, secure, and convenient Web3 wallet that utilizes biometric authentication technology. In this collaboration, we will use the Web3 wallet platform Hash provided by HashPort.
By incorporating Hitachi’s public biometric authentication platform PBI*1 into Wallet, users will be able to verify their identity by authenticating biometric information (facial recognition) set in advance. This will improve the security and user experience of crypto asset transactions using Web3 Wallet and the use of DID*2, NFT*3, and SBT*4. Furthermore, Hitachi’s biometric authentication integrated platform service is used as the foundation for incorporating PBI into the Web3 wallet.
*1 Abbreviation for “Public Biometric Infrastructure”.
*2 Abbreviation for “Decentralized Identifier”. A technology that securely and decentralizes the identification of individuals and organizations on the Internet.
*3 Abbreviation for “Non-Fungible Token.” A “token” is an electronic certificate issued from a blockchain.
*4 Abbreviation for “Soulbound Token”. A specific item or token in a game or virtual world.
With the evolution of blockchain technology*5, Web3 wallets, which allow users to manage their own digital assets on blockchain networks, are attracting attention. Web3 wallets are classified into custodial wallets, where a third party such as a crypto asset exchange manages the private keys for users to access their assets, and non-custodial wallets, where the private keys are directly managed by the users. In order to prevent custodial wallets from being hacked and crypto assets leaked, non-custodial wallets, which are safer and have lower risks, are being popularized worldwide.
HashPort is a non-custodial wallet platform called Hash
Wallet, which has been adopted as the basis for multiple projects including the official wallet app “EXPO2025 Digital Wallet” for the Osaka/Kansai Expo. Hash
In order to further improve Wallet’s security and user experience, HashPort and Hitachi have begun collaboration towards the social implementation of Web3 Wallet using PBI.
*5 A ledger that summarizes transaction history developed as a basic technology for handling crypto assets.
■Advantages of linking Hash Wallet and PBI
(1) Key management using biometric authentication
With conventional non-custodial wallets, users must manage the passcode*6 they set to manage their private keys, but if the user forgets or loses the set passcode, the user can lose their assets. may become inaccessible. Hash
By incorporating biometric authentication technology into the Wallet, users can verify their identity by authenticating biometric
information (facial recognition) set in advance, making it possible to manage their own digital assets on the blockchain network without a passcode. Masu.
*6 Things needed to access your wallet again when you can no longer access it. Normal Web3 wallets use a string of 12 to 24 words (recovery phrase), but Hash
In Wallet, private keys are managed using a 6-digit number.
(2) Ensure high safety regarding security risks
Generally, if a wallet’s private key is leaked, the assets managed on the blockchain network may be at risk. PBI encrypts the wallet’s private key using biometric information and converts it into a format that cannot be recovered by anyone other than the user, so even if biometric information is leaked, there is no need to worry about it being misused, ensuring high security. This allows anyone to safely and securely manage NFTs and crypto assets, providing a seamless Web3 experience.
■Future outlook
HashPort and Hitachi are working to develop Hash that applies PBI in various scenes, including NFT usage and event/facility entry/exit management.
We are considering providing a Web3 wallet experience using Wallet. The two companies will continue to support the creation of new businesses and improve the value of customer experience using blockchain technology, contributing to the realization of a safe, secure, and smart digital society.
■About HashPort’s Hash Wallet
Hash Wallet is the official wallet app for Osaka/Kansai Expo “EXPO 2025 It has already been adopted as the basis for several projects, including “Digital Wallet.” In particular, Web3 Wallet at the Osaka/Kansai Expo is expected to be used by 10 million users during the Expo.
Regarding security, when providing the Web3 Wallet at the Osaka/Kansai Expo, we conduct strict security checks in the process of
collaborating with financial institutions, etc. to ensure a high level of safety.
Also, Hash
A Web3 wallet account issued on Wallet functions as a common ID, and multiple Web3 wallets can be used without having to issue an account each time, making it possible to build a Web3 wallet with an excellent UX. Additionally, it can be quickly and easily integrated into existing/new apps.
In addition, for businesses facing challenges in developing their business for the Web3 market, we not only provide the Web3 wallet platform, but also provide all necessary support for smooth business development, from business planning and consideration to system construction. Masu.
■About Hitachi’s PBI
PBI is an authentication infrastructure technology developed by Hitachi that combines biometric authentication and PKI*7, a technology that realizes secure Internet communications. When a user registers for the first time, a one-way conversion is performed to convert the user’s biometric information into a format that cannot be recovered, and a PBI public key is created to be stored on the cloud. After user registration, each time a user authenticates or makes a payment, a PBI private key held only by the user is created on the device that authenticates biometric information, and the PBI private key is checked against the paired PBI public key. This PBI private key cannot be recreated using anything other than the person’s biometric information, so it cannot be spoofed by someone else. In addition, PBI private keys are created and used only during authentication and payment after converting biometric information into a form that cannot be recovered, and are then immediately destroyed and are not stored within the system.
With this mechanism, even if public key information stored in the cloud were to be leaked, there is no risk that biometric information or information regarding user characteristics will be recovered. Therefore, security can be ensured even if public key information is leaked by a malicious insider, which is the main cause of information leaks.
*7 PKI: Public key
Abbreviation for Infrastructure, public key cryptographic
infrastructure. A technology that safely uses public key cryptography and digital signatures in communications over the Internet.
Hitachi’s biometric authentication using PBI (
https://www.hitachi.co.jp/products/it/finance/innovation/pbi/index.html )
■About introduction at Hitachi Social Innovation Forum 2024 JAPAN This matter is related to the “Hitachi Social Innovation Forum 2024,” which Hitachi will hold from Wednesday, September 4th to Thursday, September 5th, 2024.
“SE02-08: Web3.0/Society” will be held on Thursday, September 5th from 15:30 to 16:30.
We plan to introduce this in the article “Social Implementation Status of Biometric Authentication Technology for 5.0”.
For more information, please visit the official website
■About HashPort
HashPort operates as a solution provider that supports the social application of blockchain, with the mission of “bringing undiscovered value into daily life.”
We provide crypto asset-related consulting and system development services to many domestic companies, including crypto asset exchange companies.
We also provide programs to support the success of leading overseas blockchain projects in Japan, and have successfully expanded many projects to Japan.
Representative Director: Yoshihiro Yoshida
Head office location: 12F Hamamatsucho Building, 1-1-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0023
Established: July 13, 2018
URL: https://hashport.io/
Business details:
1.Web3 solution business
2.Web3 platform business
3.Web3 product business
■About Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi is promoting a social innovation business that uses data and technology to realize a sustainable society. “Digital Systems & Services” that supports customers’ DX, “Green Energy & Mobility” that contributes to the realization of a decarbonized society through energy and railways, and “Connective Industries” that provides solutions that connect products digitally in a wide range of industries. Under our three-sector business structure, we solve the problems of customers and society through Lumada solutions that utilize IT, OT (control and operation technology), and products. Driven by digital, green, and innovation, we aim to grow through collaborative creation with our customers. The revenue of the three sectors in fiscal year 2023 (ending March 2024) was 8,564.3 billion yen, and as of the end of March 2024, there were 573 consolidated subsidiaries and approximately 270,000 employees worldwide. For more information, please visit Hitachi’s website (
Please see https://www.hitachi.co.jp/).
■Contact information
*HashPort Co., Ltd.*
*Hitachi, Ltd.*
Financial System Business Unit
Go to the financial solution inquiry form (
https://www.hitachi.co.jp/products/it/finance/inquiry.html )
■Media contact information
Hitachi, Ltd. Digital Systems & Services Headquarters Corporate Communications Department
[Public Relations Officer: Takamatsu] TEL: 080-8453-7035 E-mail: koho@itg.hitachi.co.jp