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Home » Explore » 36 years since the proposal of “independent learning” “Juku Mirai Seminar 2024: Possibilities of individua lized optimization instruction learned from the first seminar ~Practice of Positive Learning System~” held for cram sc hools

36 years since the proposal of “independent learning” “Juku Mirai Seminar 2024: Possibilities of individua lized optimization instruction learned from the first seminar ~Practice of Positive Learning System~” held for cram sc hools

36 years since the proposal of “independent learning” “Juku Mirai Seminar 2024” for cram schools The possibility of individualized optimization instruction learned from the first seminar ~ Positive Learning
System practice~” held
*Japan Cosmotopia Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 3, 2024
36 years since the proposal of “independent learning” “Juku Mirai Seminar 2024” for cram schools The possibility of individualized optimization instruction learned from the first seminar ~ Positive Learning
System practice~” held
*Withas Co., Ltd., which has been one of the first to address issues in the cram school industry, will be on stage ~Held online from 14:00 to 15:00 on Thursday, September 19, 2024~*

Nihon Cosmotopia Co., Ltd. (Head office: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, President and CEO : Onoue
Yukihiro (hereinafter referred to as Nippon Cosmotopia) will invite guests from Withas Co., Ltd., which has been one of the first to address issues in the cram school industry, to hold a free online seminar for cram schools called “Juku Mirai Seminar 2024”.
Possibilities of individualized optimization instruction learned from the first seminar – Positive Learning
System Practice~ will be held online on September 19, 2024 (Thursday) from 14:00 to 15:00.

This seminar is a learning opportunity regularly held by Nihon Cosmotopia, which has been a leader in independent learning in the industry for 40 years, inviting companies implementing advanced cram school reform. In the future, we plan to hold regular meetings introducing case studies from companies. The next one is scheduled for November.

Juku Mirai site:

Application page:

Sales in the cram school industry were on a positive trend compared to the previous year, increasing by 109.1% in 2021 and 100.6% in 2022. Sales were 97.9% of the previous year, which is lower than the previous year. (From the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Specified Service Industry Dynamics Survey Statistics) Management issues such as the accelerating decline in birthrate and aging population and difficulty in recruiting instructors are cited as causes, and business operators are being forced to reform more than ever. is. However, it is also true that there are many cram schools that feel the need for change but are not actually on the right track. Therefore, we will learn how to tackle the issues faced by the cram school industry based on the practical example of Withas Dai-ichi Seminar Co., Ltd., which has a wide track record in the Kansai region.

At our company, Positive Learning
We are taking on the challenge of new classroom management by incorporating System learning methods. By introducing the initiatives and results, specific points for implementation, and examples of how Selfee is used, participants will learn not only know-how but also the attitude and way of thinking toward tackling issues, and this will be an opportunity to support the transformation of participating companies. We are aiming for

■Title: Japan Cosmotopia Co., Ltd. cram school reform seminar

The challenge of the first seminar that seriously nurtures “students who think and learn by themselves”
■Date and time: Thursday, September 19, 2024, 14:00-15:00
■Format: Zoom webinar
■Speaker: Withas Co., Ltd.
Mr. Taro Yamamoto, Head of 1st Division, Cram School Business Headquarters First Seminar Tsurumi School Principal Tomomi Tada

■Application page:

■Seminar program
1. Background of the introduction of individual optimization guidance 2. Classroom practical presentation
3. Current results and future plans
5.Introducing the independent learning support system Selfee

Joined Withas Co., Ltd. in 1998. Worked in the correspondence high school division, working as a classroom supervisor and area
supervisor. In 2008, he was involved in the opening of Daiichi Gakuin High School, a correspondence high school established by a
corporation, and became the director in 2019. In 2021, he moved to the cram school department and became the person in charge of the individual optimization instruction department, which he currently holds. His motto is “Good luck comes to those who laugh.”

I have been involved in individual optimization guidance, and even though it is group guidance, I am working hard every day with a sense of excitement and mission to be able to provide guidance that is tailored to each individual. I hope that what I will talk about on the day, including my observations and learnings, will be of some use to you.
* Tomomi Tada, principal of Withas Co., Ltd. First Seminar Tsurumi School*
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture. After graduating from Nara Women’s University, she joined Withas Co., Ltd. and was assigned to the First Seminar, which mainly teaches elementary and junior high school students. The classroom where I worked as a classroom supervisor seven years ago changed from simultaneous instruction to individualized instruction for the first time at the first seminar. Since then, he has been in charge of providing individual optimization guidance at the First Seminar on a daily basis.

By completing small goals that they had set for themselves one by one, students gained confidence and were accepted into the schools of their choice. After reading the explanation thoroughly, students are now able to make decisions and take action on their own to solve problems by saying, “I don’t understand this, so please help me.” We are moved by the growth of so many students, and all the teachers are working together to help them accelerate their growth even further. On the day of the event, we will talk about the challenges faced during the transition from simultaneous instruction and the current situation.

Company name: Nippon Cosmotopia Co., Ltd.
Representative Director and President: Yukihiro Onoe
Established: January 4, 2024
Capital: 10 million yen
Number of employees: 23 (as of August 2024)
Address: TAIYO Center Building, 4-9-28 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka HP:
*Our company is a group company of FCE Co., Ltd. (listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Nihon Cosmotopia was started in Nara Prefecture in 1982 as a cram school for elementary, junior high, and high school students, with the aim of changing society through learning. Based on the question, “What is education that is truly valuable for each child?”, we aim to develop “independent learning” that develops children’s potential through learning methods and materials that match each individual’s learning progress, abilities, and individuality. was born. Now that the style of “independent learning” has become established, we aim to “change society” through independent learning.

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