Karakuri Co., Ltd.
Musashino Bank introduced a chatbot/FAQ integrated system, reducing operational man-hours by approximately 50% through unified management. Further improve customer satisfaction by expanding non-face-to-face channels ……
Karakuri Co., Ltd. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director and CEO: Shimon Oda; hereafter referred to as Karakuri), which empowers customer support, has become the customer inquiry response channel for Musashino Bank, Ltd. (Head Office: Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture; President: Kazumasa Nagahori). We would like to inform you that we will introduce the high-precision AI chatbot “KARAKURI chatbot” and the AI-equipped FAQ tool “KARAKURI smartFAQ” in 2023, reducing the system operation man-hours by approximately 50%.
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