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Oro Co., Ltd. Cloud-based ERP “Reforma PSA”, the screen design of the main functions has been updated

[Oro Co., Ltd.] Cloud-based ERP “Reforma PSA”, the screen design of the main functions has been updated
*Oro Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 3, 2024
Cloud-based ERP “Reforma PSA”, redesigned screen design of main functions *-Improves user visibility and operability and reduces process leaks-* Oro Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director, President and Executive Officer: Atsushi Kawada, hereinafter referred to as “Oro”) is a cloud-based ERP company that develops and provides “Reforma”.
PSA (Reforma)
We have updated the version of PSA (hereinafter referred to as “Reforma”). The screen design of the main functions, the payment invoice check function and the payment management function, has been redesigned, making it easier for users to avoid mistakes in payment processing.

* ■Background of the version upgrade*
Since November 2019, Reforma has been developing and implementing new features approximately once every two months based on user feedback.

In a user survey conducted at the end of June 2023 to collect a wider range of user feedback, and in meetings with customers who are already using Reforma,
・”Although I am satisfied with Reforma’s functionality and support, I am not very satisfied with its design and operability.”
・”Reforma’s functionality is good, so I would like it to reduce the stress and difficulty I feel when using it.”
We received requests regarding the design.
Based on these opinions and circumstances, we have redesigned the main functions of the payment invoice check function and payment management function, and will gradually start providing them to users from the end of August 2024.

* ■New things you can do and their effects*
The design of the screen for managing invoices received from subcontractors and payment status has been redesigned, making it easier to check the receipt/confirmation status of invoices and whether payments have been made at a glance.

* ■Future developments*
Reforma, a cloud ERP specialized for the creative industry, has been introduced by more than 450 companies and has contributed to business management and project management.
We will continue to improve functionality based on user feedback and contribute to improving productivity in even more companies.

-Inquiries regarding cloud-based ERP “Reforma PSA”-
Oro Co., Ltd. Reforma PSA Group
TEL: 03-5843-0653 / Mail:

-Inquiries regarding press coverage-
Oro Co., Ltd. Public Relations
TEL: 03-5843-0836 / Mail:

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