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Home » Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Alinamin Pharmaceuticals begins “joint research on the relationship between fatigue and sleep and the effects of anti-fatigue ingredi

Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Alinamin Pharmaceuticals begins “joint research on the relationship between fatigue and sleep and the effects of anti-fatigue ingredi

[Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.] – A land of sleep deprivation A challenge to relieve sleep deprivation from Japan! -Alinamin Pharmaceuticals begins “joint research on the relationship between fatigue and sleep and the effects of anti-fatigue ingredients” with Professor Masashi Yanagisawa, a world authority on sleep research. *Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 3, 2024
-Sleep-deprived country
A challenge to relieve sleep deprivation from Japan! -Alinamin Pharmaceuticals begins “joint research on the relationship between fatigue and sleep and the effects of anti-fatigue ingredients” with Professor Masashi Yanagisawa, a world authority on sleep research. *~3-year plan to elucidate the mechanism under the theme of “fatigue and sleep”~*
Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) is S’UIMIN Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo), whose representative is Professor Masashi Yanagisawa (University of Tsukuba), a world authority on sleep research. , hereinafter “S’UIMIN”)
We are pleased to announce that we will begin a joint research project in September 2024 on the relationship between fatigue and sleep and the effects of anti-fatigue ingredients. *

* [Research background] *
* ■Is sleep deprivation a national disease? From 2023, national measures such as revising sleep guidelines will begin*

According to a survey by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)*1, Japanese people sleep for the shortest time out of 33 member countries at 7 hours and 22 minutes, which is more than an hour shorter than the national average of 8 hours and 28 minutes. It has become. Furthermore, according to the 2019 National Health and Nutrition Survey*2 by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the percentage of people who sleep less than 6 hours a day on average is 37.5% for men and 37.5% for women.
Approximately 40.6% of people do not get enough sleep. There are concerns that lack of sleep can have a variety of health effects, and urgent improvements are needed. Against this background, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will revise its sleep guidelines in 2023 for the first time in about 10 years based on the latest scientific knowledge, and national countermeasures have also begun.
*1 Gender Data Portal 2021, a survey by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) )
*2 Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 2019 “National Health and Nutrition Survey” ( )
*3 Sleep Guide for Health Promotion 2023

* ■Sleep is “the biggest black box in modern neuroscience.” Trying to elucidate the mechanism of fatigue and sleep*
* “I get sleepy when I’m tired,” while others say “I can’t sleep when I’m too tired.” Exploring optimal “fatigue management”. * The mechanisms of both fatigue and sleep are unknown, and subjective indicators tend to fluctuate, making sleep an area in great need of research, so much so that it has been called “the biggest black box in modern neuroscience.” Under our corporate message of “Changing your energy tomorrow,” we aim to address “fatigue,” which is thought to be closely related to sleep, and the mechanism of action of the “anti-fatigue ingredient fursultiamine” contained in Alinamin products. I have been conducting research. So far, it has been revealed that after administration of fursultiamine, the drug travels to the brain*4 and increases the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain*5.
Additionally, through interviews with consumers, we have researched concerns about fatigue and “energy for tomorrow.” Therefore, we focused on the fact that while there is a phenomenon that “you get sleepy when you are tired,” there are also people who say “you can’t sleep when you are too tired” due to overwork. S’, ​​headed by Professor Masashi Yanagisawa (University of Tsukuba), a world authority on sleep research, believes that “fatigue management” (tentative name), which is self-care for moderate fatigue, is an important key to improving the quality of sleep. By conducting joint research with UIMIN, we will take on the challenge of elucidating this mechanism.

* [Research schedule] *
* ■Three-year plan to elucidate the mechanism. First, we verified the relationship between fatigue caused by various loads and sleep. * The research period aimed at elucidating the mechanism of “fatigue and sleep” is scheduled to last three years (36 months).
As the first step, in 2024, we will conduct research on the topic of “how physical fatigue caused by differences in various exercise loads affects nighttime sleep.” There are different types of exercise, such as aerobic exercise and resistance exercise, and the intensity and time of day can also affect your sleep. We plan to have subjects perform various exercises and analyze fatigue and sleep indicators. After that, as a second step, we plan to examine in detail the mechanism by which the anti-fatigue ingredient fursultiamine exerts its effects when the quality of sleep deteriorates due to fatigue.

* *
* Atsushi Morisawa, President and Representative Director, Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.*

Alinamin Pharmaceuticals’ corporate message is “Changing tomorrow’s energy,” and we have taken on the challenge of alleviating various types of fatigue. Modern sleep is inseparable from fatigue. This time, the event will be led by Professor Yanagisawa, a world-renowned authority.
We are very happy to be able to conduct joint research with S’UIMIN. At the same time, we strongly hope that our knowledge of fatigue research and S’UIMIN’s knowledge of sleep will lead to further elucidation of the mechanisms of sleep.
In the future, we will continue to contribute to society by promoting joint research, elucidating the mechanism, and providing energy for tomorrow.

* S’UIMIN Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Masashi Yanagisawa *

S’UIMIN is trying to elucidate the various mysteries and mechanisms of sleep by measuring sleep brain waves. Sleep is “the biggest black box in modern neuroscience,” and the truth is that we don’t really understand why we become sleepy when we’re tired. I am very excited to be able to research “fatigue and sleep” with Alinamin
Pharmaceuticals, which has been involved in fatigue research for many years. By elucidating the relationship between fatigue and sleep through this research, we hope to contribute to solving the sleep problems that plague many people.

* -S’UIMIN Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President*
* Profile of Masashi Yanagisawa, director of the International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS) -*
Born in Tokyo in 1960. Graduated from the University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Doctor of Medicine. Full member of the National Academy of Sciences. Was in graduate school
The vascular regulator endothelin in 1988, and the vascular regulator endothelin in 1998.
Discovered orexin, which controls sleep and wakefulness. He moved to the United States at the age of 31 and led laboratories at the University of Texas and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute for 24 years. In 2012, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s World Top Level Research Center Program International Institute for Integrative Sleep Medicine (WPI-IIIS) was established. In 2017, he founded S’UIMIN Co., Ltd. and became the representative director from 2022. He has received numerous awards, including the Medal with Purple Ribbon (2016), the Asahi Prize, the Keio Medical Prize (2018), the Person of Cultural Merit (2019), the Breakthrough Award (2023), and the Clarivate Citation Honor Award (2023). * [About Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.] *
Company name: Alinamin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Head Office: 1-8-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
Representative: Atsushi Morisawa, Representative Director and President Business content: Manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals,
quasi-drugs, medical devices, foods, etc.

* [About S’UIMIN Co., Ltd.] *
Company name: S’UIMIN Co., Ltd.
Head Office: 817 Hatsudai Center Building, 1-51-1 Hatsudai,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0061
Representative: Representative Director and President Masashi Yanagisawa Business details: We provide a sleep measurement service that uses easy-to-wear brainwave measurement wearable devices and automatic analysis using AI. We also provide medical-level testing using devices that have obtained medical device certification.

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