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Home » Everyone’s Dreams Come True Association, a public interest incorporated foundation High school students from all over the country present business models to solve social problems Grand Prix of the 5th National High School Students’ Dreams AWARD 5 N

Everyone’s Dreams Come True Association, a public interest incorporated foundation High school students from all over the country present business models to solve social problems Grand Prix of the 5th National High School Students’ Dreams AWARD 5 N

[Everyone’s Dreams Come True Association, a public interest
incorporated foundation] High school students from all over the country present business models to solve social problems Grand Prix of the 5th National High School Students’ Dreams AWARD 5 National Tournament has been decided!
*Public interest incorporated foundation that makes everyone’s dreams come true* Press release: September 3, 2024
High school students from all over the country present business models that solve social problems.The Grand Prix of the AWARD 5 National Tournament, a dream for high school students, has been decided! High school students’ dream AWARD5 national tournament
The Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Everyone’s Dreams Come True Association (hereinafter referred to as the corporation) will hold the “High School Students’ Dreams AWARD 5” on August 22nd (Thursday) at the National Olympic Commemoration Youth Comprehensive, in which high school students from all over the country present business models to solve social problems. It was held at the Center (Culture Building Large Hall). Takahata announces a business idea called “Waste-free mushroom fields – Revolutionizing agriculture.” Kanade (first year student at Ikubunkan High School) won the grand prize. (Distribution archive

* ■What is “High School Students’ Dream AWARD5 National Tournament”* Our corporation has held the business contest “Everyone’s Dream AWARD” for 14 consecutive years with the aim of discovering, nurturing, and supporting entrepreneurs. Starting in 2020, we have been holding the “High School Students’ Dream AWARD” business model contest for high school students in order to expand the base of would-be entrepreneurs, and this time will be the fifth time.
High school students who enter “Every High School Student’s Dream AWARD 5” will learn about various social issues in the world, Japan, and the region, and learn the basics of business through the “Social Business Learning Program,” which our organization provides free of charge online. Masu. They then create a business model that solves the social problem they are interested in.
A total of 1,554 entries were received from 202 schools across the country, and the 10 high school students who made it through the preliminary rounds will present their social business ideas at the national competition as finalists, with the grand prize and runner-up being selected. The judging criteria are 1. Empathy + Social Ability, 2. Business Ability, and 3. Presentation Skills.
Managers from various industries will serve as judges, including Chief Judge Miki Watanabe, representative director of our corporation, chairman and CEO of Watami Co., Ltd.
The grand prize winner will receive 200,000 yen worth of domestic and overseas training travel tickets, and the runner-up prize will receive 100,000 yen worth. In addition, all high school students who have entered will be issued a “High School Students’ Dream AWARD 5 Entry Certificate” that can be used in comprehensive selection (formerly AO entrance examination), recommendation entrance examination, and employment examination.

* ■10 high school finalists selected from 1,554 students from 202 schools nationwide from Hokkaido to Okinawa presented a variety of business models*
The national competition will be held at the National Olympic Memorial Youth Center (Culture Building Large Hall). The 10 finalists presented business models full of high school ideas that solve various social problems.

1. Otono Okutsu, 3rd year, Ehime Prefectural Imabari Nishi High School There are four professional sports teams in Ehime Prefecture, but all of them are suffering from financial difficulties. On the other hand, there is a movement to transfer school extracurricular activities to local communities, but this has been slow due to a lack of coaches. Therefore, he announced a business idea that would help address the shortage of instructors and improve profits for professional sports teams by establishing a “comprehensive local sports club” or “host city system” that connects professional sports with the local community.
Otono Okutsu

2. Ryunosuke Agami, 2nd year student at Nagoya University of Economics Ichison High School
In order to solve the social issue that the number of children with developmental disabilities is increasing year by year, we are running Go classes for children with developmental disabilities. He himself had a history of severe developmental disabilities, but from his experience of overcoming them by playing Go, he came up with the business idea of ​​developing and selling software that makes it easy to understand the difficult rules of Go, as well as opening a Go school. announcement.
Mr. Ryunosuke Agami

3. Kanao Sato, 3rd year, N High School
We are developing classrooms that foster children who can take on various social issues as their own. Do group work using SDGs x future-oriented cards to think about the near and distant future and develop the ability to “imagine” and “create.” Through group work, students will improve their ability to verbalize what they have imagined and created, as well as their communication skills. He announced a business idea to increase the number of certified children by issuing certificates and certification cards to children who have become future-oriented.
Mr. Kanane Sato
4. Waka Sawada, 2nd year ID Gakuen High School
In response to the social issue of young people leaving agriculture and an increase in abandoned farmland, we are regenerating farmland, improving food self-sufficiency, and increasing interest in
agriculture among young people by cultivating coriander, which has a large amount of edible parts, and providing agricultural experience. I’m going. They are operating abandoned farmland on a trial basis in Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture, and have announced business ideas such as Japanese soba and cilantro tempura that also include collaboration with local stores.
Waka Sawada
5. Daiki Suzuki, 3rd year student at Waseda University High School He developed his own face cream for people who suffer from rough skin. Announced a business idea to develop and sell a face cream that uses cellulose fiber, a new material derived from plants, and coffee oil extracted from coffee grounds, which is highly moisturizing and at the same time has almost no stickiness. Not only is it gentle on human skin, but it is also environmentally friendly by upcycling coffee grounds.

Daiki Suzuki
6. Aimeri Tsujimoto, 3rd year student at Doshisha International High School Based on his own experience living in India, he came up with a business idea to help the poor in India. We provide online educational content to the poor and award points according to the progress of the course. By making these points exchangeable for food, the entire household will be motivated to study, contributing to the reduction of child labor. In addition, since it is possible to grasp the academic ability of each individual child, he announced a business idea of ​​introducing talented students to companies, receiving referral fees, and aiming to make profits profitable.

Aimeri Tsujimoto
7. Yuu Fukuda, 3rd year, Hiroo Gakuen High School
We focused on the fact that 140,000 tons of waste cloth is produced annually from garment factories, Cambodia’s key industry, and that washing hands and brushing teeth are not a habit. We make cloth sacks for brushing teeth using waste cloth and provide them to schools. Research has shown that there is a correlation between hygiene habits and academic ability, so we conducted a test at a model school, and once the test results were available, we announced a business idea to sell to schools all over Cambodia.

Yuu Fukuda
8. Jusei Hosoishi, 3rd year student at Oita Prefectural Oita Technical High School
We have developed and patented a “portable hybrid power generation system water turbine” that uses hydroelectric power and solar power. Because the water turbine is lightweight at 3.2 kg, it can generate electricity regardless of the weather wherever water flows. The developed water turbine will be installed in areas without electricity to contribute to the local community. Launched a CSR support business for companies and announced a business idea to generate profits by selling and supporting water turbines as part of corporate CSR activities.
Mr. Jusei Hosoishi

* ■The grand prize winner was Kanade Takabatake, a first-year student at Ikubunkan High School*
To solve the problem of Japan’s agricultural decline, we will utilize the dead space of solar panels to grow sustainable mushrooms. In addition, the used fungal beds generated from mushroom cultivation will be used as insect feed, and insects will be cultivated and sold. They also announced a business idea that would allow them to sell high-quality compost made by crushing the feces generated during insect farming along with the fungal beds. He won the Grand Prix for presenting a concrete business idea that combined existing ideas and business models, including income and expenditure.

Kanata Takahata
Grand prize announcement

* ■The runner-up prize was Shutaro Magai, a second-year student at Takatsuki High School, Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University* Only 30% of hospitals in Japan have in-hospital classes where children admitted to the hospital can receive school education. We also focused on social issues such as the number of long-term hospitalizations decreasing with the development of medical care, the number of children repeatedly being admitted and discharged from the hospital, and the number of children whose learning progress is not being managed or monitored. As a place to solve the loss of learning opportunities faced by children undergoing medical treatment and the feeling of loneliness caused by not being able to go to school, we provide a unique online service consisting of four pillars: learning content, educational counseling, community, and learning management. He presented his business idea to start up a business and won the runner-up prize.

Mr. Shutaro Magai

* ■2025 “High School Students’ Dream AWARD 6 in Osaka/Kansai Expo” will be held* The next “High School Students’ Dream AWARD 6” will be held on August 11, 2025 (Monday) at the Kansai Expo in Osaka. In keeping with the purpose of the Expo, we also plan to accept entries from high school students from overseas. Every high school student’s dream AWARD6 in
The 10 finalists who won the preliminaries for the Osaka/Kansai Expo will present their dreams and business ideas that solve social problems to the world from the Expo’s large hall through real and online distribution.
Information regarding the start of entry will be released on the official website around November this year.

* ■Click here to request/inquire about event reports and other materials*

* ■Public interest incorporated foundation that makes everyone’s dreams come true*
Started its activities as an NPO in 2010. To contribute to the realization of a society full of dreams and where everyone can say ‘thank you’ by having everyone have a dream, chasing their dreams, improving their own qualities, and living a lively life. Established for the purpose of It was approved as a public interest incorporated foundation by the Cabinet Office in 2014. We carry out projects to help people have dreams and make them come true, centering on the “Everyone’s Dream AWARD,” an event sponsored by various companies and sponsored by ministries and agencies such as the Cabinet Office and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
[Location] 1-1-3 Haneda, Ota-ku, Tokyo
[Representative Director] Miki Watanabe [Established] 2010
Official homepage
Everyone’s Dream AWARD
Dream AWARD for all high school students Social business learning program

《Contact information》
Association that makes everyone’s dreams come true, a public interest incorporated foundation
TEL: 03-5737-2727

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