Accelerate the GPU server business by leveraging the knowledge of the top in the semiconductor industry
*Zero Field Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 5, 2024
Accelerate the GPU server business by leveraging the knowledge of the top in the semiconductor industry
*Katsuji Kuboe, NEC’s first supercomputer developer, appointed as Zero Field technical advisor*
Thursday, September 5, 2024, Zero Field Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Hirashima) We would like to inform you that Katsuji Kuboe, former director of Aura Line, has been appointed as a technical advisor at Yosuke (Zero Field).
Mr. Kuboe was in charge of the first generation supercomputer at NEC, and has experience in IT design and development in a wide range of fields, from technical calculation systems to production management systems for large companies. This time, Zero Field is “GPU
Server for
As we move forward with our semiconductor-related business, including the provision of AI, we have invited Mr. Kuboe, who has been at the top of the semiconductor industry, to serve as a technical advisor in order to utilize his experience and knowledge in our business.
* [Katsuji Kuboe Career]*
At NEC Corporation (NEC), I mainly experienced software development and demonstration experiments in the simulation field at the Toyota Central Research Institute, and I was involved in the design and development of automatic driving systems for ultra-large computers, and automobile failure diagnosis systems that utilize AI technology. Experienced in design and development, automation design at automobile assembly plants, steel manufacturer production line rationalization project, special steel production line on-site improvement, and construction machinery manufacturer production line automation improvement (including IoT analysis) system design.
In addition, he was in charge of NEC’s first supercomputer SX-1 from the first to the fourth machine, and the fourth machine was a NASA research core (Houston Area Research
Transferred to NASA to introduce the software into the Center), and experienced the conversion of numerous scientific and technical calculation applications. NEC
Appointed director of Aura Line, a subsidiary of BIGLOBE. Demonstrated excellent management skills in the areas of IT marketing and IDC business. As a consultant, he has many achievements in providing practical guidance on improving internal efficiency. He has a wealth of practical experience and a wide range of connections cultivated in the environment of industry-leading companies such as Toyota, NEC, and KOMATSU, and has work experience in project management in large-scale system development.
*Zero Field Company Profile*
[Company name] ZEROFIELD, Inc.
[Location] 32F, Grand Park Tower, 3-4-1 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo [Established] April 2017
[Representative] Representative Director and CEO Yosuke Hirajima [Business description] AI/big data related system development and operation business/Multi-purpose high-performance PC sales and operation business
[Corporate site]
Zero Field Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Triple Eyes Co., Ltd. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Yamada
Yuichiro, Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market (Stock code: 5026) Group