[Petline Co., Ltd.] Petline “Dog and Cat”
“Senior Preparation Exhibition” will be held at Shinjuku Marui Main Building from September 4th (Wednesday). Project ambassador Kokoro Terada also attended and presented the original picture book “Senior’s Preparation Story” for the first time to elementary school students. *Pet Line Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 5, 2024
Pet line “Dog and cat
“Senior Preparation Exhibition” will be held at Shinjuku Marui Main Building from September 4th (Wednesday). Project ambassador Kokoro Terada also attended and presented the original picture book “Senior’s Preparation Story” for the first time to elementary school students. *-Dog and Cat Senior Preparation Project – Mr. Terada “It’s not just important to protect animals, but what happens after they are rescued”*
Petline Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Yokohama City, Kanagawa
Prefecture/President: Ryo Onuma), a domestic pet food manufacturer, launched the “Dog and Cat” service in April of this year.
As part of the “Senior Preparation Project,” an exhibition titled “Dogs and Cats” will be held to learn about dementia in dogs and cats and to think about the senior years.
“Senior Preparation Exhibition” will be on display for one week from Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at the event space on the 8th floor of the Shinjuku Marui main building. The same exhibition will also be held in Osaka in due course.
* “Dog and Cat Senior Preparedness Exhibition” starts at Tokyo venue! * * Project ambassador Kokoro Terada appeared as a guest at the picture book presentation ceremony *
“Dogs and Cats”, which will simultaneously exhibit “Dementia Photo Exhibition” and “Exhibition of Picture Book Original Art Stories of Seniors’ Preparations”, will deepen understanding of the senior years of dogs and cats.
“Senior Preparation Exhibition” will be held from September 4th (Wednesday).
On the first day of the event, “Dog and Cat”
Kokoro Terada, project ambassador for the Senior Preparation Project, attended the presentation ceremony for the picture book “Senior Preparation Story” originally produced by Petline. President Onuma and I handed out picture books to two children who came to the venue as representatives.
Terada said, “I think it’s important to learn about the senior years from an early age.When I was little, I only thought about protecting animals, but I feel that what happens after they are rescued is also important. ” commented on the significance of the exhibition.
Regarding the original picture book, Mr. Terada said, “This picture book has a story-telling and is not only interesting, but also has a lot to learn about how to prepare for seniors.I think it will be enjoyed by all kinds of people, not just small children.” Commented that there was a learning experience.
When I handed the picture book to the children, I said, “Please read this picture book and have fun learning about the preparations for dogs and cats.”
The children who received the picture books said, “I want to read this picture book and learn more about the dogs and cats who become grandparents.” “I got a dog six years ago, and I wanted to read it and learn more about the dogs and cats who will become grandparents.” I couldn’t take care of them.I want to read this picture book and learn how to take care of them.”
Mr. Terada also toured the exhibition hall and expressed his interest, saying, “When I saw the photo of the cat, Grandpa, I felt how gentle and cute it is only when you get older.” He also mentioned his own pet dog and said, “This breed of dog is prone to arthrosis and hernias, so I would like to check this arthrosis checklist and notice any changes in my dog little by little.” I spoke.
Regarding dementia, he said that his native dog had many things that met the checklist, such as regurgitation and failure to defecate.
* “Dog and Cat Dementia Photo Exhibition” to face dementia in beloved dogs and cats *
We wanted to create an opportunity for people to learn that dogs and cats can suffer from dementia just like people, so this year we have planned a “Dementia Photo Exhibition” targeting not only cats but also dogs. We recruit senior dogs and cats (7 years old and older) in advance, check for dementia or other illnesses, and then have professional photographers take photos of the selected dogs and cats. The animals are displayed along with messages from their owners wishing for good health.
* Exhibition of original paintings from the original picture book “Senior’s Preparation Story” *
At the venue, we are also holding an exhibition of original picture book illustrations for ‘Senior’s Preparation Story’, which introduces the world of the picture book, the relationship between the model dogs and cats and their owners, and the things you should be careful about as your dog or cat enters the senior years. You can see the original illustrations of the picture book that realistically depict what is going on.
* Original picture book “Senior Preparation Story” donated to 100 elementary schools*
We plan to donate a total of 2,000 picture books, 20 each to 100 elementary schools mainly in Tokyo, Osaka, and Aichi. Also, from September 10th (Tuesday) onwards, you can also view it using the app “Ehon Navi”.
■Dog version
“I’ll always be by your side” YouTube: https://youtu.be/N4ntDSVBMrw
■Cat edition
“Mama is here first” YouTube: https://youtu.be/mn1oP6AX-jk
“Mama is here first” Cat language version YouTube: https://youtu.be/sZac4vBR2Zo
Visitors will receive a “preparation kit” containing original picture books on a first-come, first-served basis.
*Overview of “Dog and Cat Senior Preparation Exhibition”*
Venue: Shinjuku Marui Main Building 8th floor event space (3-30-13 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo)
Event date: September 4th (Wednesday) to September 10th (Tuesday), 2024 Event time: 11:00-20:00
*Only on the last day, the 10th (Tuesday), until 18:00 Exhibition contents: 1. Dementia photo exhibition (modeled on cats and dogs from the Kanto area)
2. “Senior Preparation Story” Picture Book Original Art Exhibition
Venue: Hankyu Umeda Main Store 8F Community Park (8-7 Kakuda-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka)
Event date: September 20th (Friday) to 24th (Tuesday), 2024
Opening hours: 10:00-20:00
Exhibition contents: 1. Dementia photo exhibition (dogs and cats from the Kansai area are models)
2. “Senior Preparation Story” Picture Book Original Art Exhibition
*This exhibition is expected to be very crowded at both the Tokyo and Osaka venues, so please refrain from bringing your pet into the exhibition.
*What is “Dog and Cat Senior Preparedness Project”?*
Petline believes that in preparation for the senior years, it is important to review the living environment and diet of your pet dog or cat so as not to overlook any changes, and for owners to acquire the correct knowledge. From these thoughts, “Dogs and Cats”
The Senior Preparedness Project was launched in April of this year. Actor as ambassador
We appointed Kokoro Terada to hold a project presentation event that included learning events with veterinarians and parents and children.
In this project, in order to help your pet dog or cat live a happy senior year, we will develop an initiative where you can easily learn about diseases to be careful of during the senior years, living environment, correct eating habits, and daily care methods.
About the project overview:
Special site: https://inu-neko-sonae.com
*Company profile*
Company name: Petline Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 657-1 Oharicho, Tajimi City, Gifu Prefecture Head office location: 46th floor, Yokohama Landmark Tower, 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Founded: July 19, 1960
Representative: Ryo Onuma, Representative Director and President Business: Manufacture and sale of pet food and pet-related products