[MRT Co., Ltd.] Medical startup Medling starts demonstration experiment of smart home medical care using medical MaaS in Indonesia *MRT Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 5, 2024
Medical startup Medling begins demonstration experiment of smart home medical care using medical MaaS in Indonesia
(Medical MaaS vehicle of PT. Sugity Creatives, an Indonesian overseas affiliate of Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd.)
MRT Co., Ltd. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
Medling Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Kazuma Abe, hereinafter referred to as MRT) is a group company of Representative Director and President: Tomoya Ogawa (hereinafter referred to as MRT), which provides medical DX services in ASEAN.
In collaboration with MRT, which develops a medical human resources platform, and Japanese medical institutions such as the Wakasa Clinic Group, PT.Medling, an overseas affiliate of Toyota Auto Body Co., Ltd. We received a medical MaaS vehicle from Sugity Creatives, which is a mobile medical treatment vehicle that connects to the internet and provides medical treatment.
We will begin a demonstration experiment of smart home medical care targeting local elderly people in Indonesia. This project is based on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s “Reiwa 6th Healthcare Industry International Expansion Promotion Project” (executive organization: General Incorporated Association Medical
Excellence JAPAN). In addition, as a supervising physician, he worked with the Department of Geriatrics, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, a leading expert in geriatric medicine. Professor Junto Ogawa is scheduled to take up the position.
* [Background] *
Many ASEAN countries will continue to experience a period of demographic bonus in which the working population increases and the growth rate increases due to population growth, and the economic growth rate is predicted to be 4.7% in 2023 and 5.0% in 2024 *1. While medical needs are expected to increase as the number of elderly people steadily increases with economic growth, the current situation is that medical infrastructure is not fully developed. To fill this gap, governments around the world are working to improve legislation and digitalize healthcare.
Among them, Indonesia has the lowest number of doctors per 10,000 people at 4.7 among ASEAN countries.
*2. Also, because it is an island nation, there are large regional disparities. Under these circumstances, hospitals and companies have sprung up that provide home medical care services for elderly people who do not have easy access to medical care, but these services mainly involve dispatching nurses to the home to provide simple treatments. Masu.
Meanwhile, SpaceX, led by Elon Musk, will launch its satellite communication service “Starlink” in Indonesia in May 2024, and the company and the Indonesian government have announced that public medical facilities will take the lead. It was the use of Starlink. As a result, it is now possible to operate medical MaaS based on internet communication in Indonesia.
Based on the above current situation, Medling has decided to develop “smart home medical care” in Indonesia, which utilizes medical MaaS that allows medical services similar to those provided at regular clinics to be provided at home.
*1 Source: Asian Development Bank (ADB) “Asia Economic Outlook April 2023 Edition”
*2 Source: Medical International Expansion Country Report 2023 Edition (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
* 【overview】*
This medical MaaS vehicle will utilize Starlink to secure the internet, have nurses and other medical professionals on board, and, in principle, doctors will provide guidance and diagnoses from a remote location. The home medical facility will be developed by recruiting Japanese or local medical institutions as owners, opening new facilities or through M&A, and Medling being responsible for operating medical MaaS, etc. under them.
Originally, Medling operated local clinics and provided cloud electronic medical records “MEDi” for ASEAN clinics in Vietnam and Indonesia in order to spread appropriate medical care based on data in ASEAN. In addition to operational supervision based on clinic management know-how, we support the management of home medical operations using “MEDi.”
MRT is developing a medical human resources platform in Japan, conducting demonstration experiments on medical MaaS operations over several years, and building know-how in areas such as vehicle operation and securing doctors. In addition, on September 4, 2024, we entered into a capital and business alliance with Docquity, which operates a platform for doctors in ASEAN, and will provide human resources business including medical recruitment for the 400,000 medical professionals owned by the company. It is to be carried out exclusively. Through this human resources business, we will support Medling by facilitating the recruitment of doctors, nurses, etc. who will be engaged in medical MaaS operations. In addition, MRT has a large network of doctors and medical institutions in Japan, with over 100,000 registered doctors including group companies, and we are also recruiting people who will become the actual owners of local facilities.
In addition, the Wakasa Clinic Group operates 14 home medical care facilities in Japan (approximately 5,000 patients), and its medical technology is highly evaluated by patients in each region. Based on that know-how, we will support the management of Medling and will be responsible for attracting other Japanese home medical clinics to this project.
Sugity Creatives will be responsible for the production, provision, and maintenance of medical MaaS vehicles.
Additionally, Professor Junto Ogawa of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Medicine’s Department of Geriatrics, who is a leading expert in geriatric medicine, is scheduled to serve as the supervising physician.
* [Business development] *
In order to build operational know-how such as optimal vehicle management, preparations for demonstration experiments in
collaboration with local medical institutions will begin in August 2024 and are scheduled to be completed by early 2025. At the same time, we are conducting a survey to determine location, price, etc., and plan to open the first facility in 2025.
* [Future outlook] *
The MRT Group will integrate the MRT medical platform and medical DX developed by MRT in Japan and ASEAN with the medical DX developed by Medling in Vietnam and Indonesia. Starting with these two countries, which are expected to further develop in the future, the ASEAN Aiming to build the No. 1 medical DX/medical human resources platform, we will contribute to solving social issues in medical and healthcare in ASEAN countries and improving health.
* [Inquiries regarding this matter]*
■MRT Public Relations Officer: Sakamoto (Corporate Headquarters) TEL: 03-6415-5295 FAX: 03-6415-5282 Email: mrt-pr@medrt.com
■Medling PR: Abe
TEL: 03-6821-1373 Email: pr@medring.co.jp