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Home » Explore » Rocket Star Co., Ltd. “Search Fund Information Session by Rocket Star” ~ Challenge to M&A entrepreneurship – Think about your career and life over the next 10 years ~

Rocket Star Co., Ltd. “Search Fund Information Session by Rocket Star” ~ Challenge to M&A entrepreneurship – Think about your career and life over the next 10 years ~

Rocket Star Co., Ltd.
“Search Fund Information Session by Rocket Star” ~ Challenge to M&A Entrepreneurship – Thinking about your career and life over the next 10 years ~
Held online from 16:05 on Thursday, September 19th
Rocket Star Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Takeshi Ogihara, hereinafter referred to as “Rocket Star”) will hold a “Search Fund Information Session – M&A Startup” from 16:05 on Thursday, September 19th. The Challenge: Think about your career and life over the next 10 years will be held online.
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Webinar entry form (first deadline: 9/11 (Wednesday) 18:00)
In recent years, the issue of business succession for small and medium-sized enterprises has received much attention. By 2025, there will be 2.45 million business owners over the age of 70, of whom 1.27 million have no successors and 600,000 businesses are at risk of going out of business over the next 10 years (*). “Search funds” are attracting attention as one of the means to solve these social issues. Rocket Star is a group that is committed to developing many
entrepreneurs through new startup methods through search funds, and at the same time improving the corporate value of small and medium-sized businesses.
In this seminar, Takeshi Ogiwara, President and CEO of Rocket Star, will take the stage and talk about M&A startups by search funds and searchers. We hope this will give people who are interested in starting a business or managing a business an opportunity to think about their next career and life in their 40s and 50s.
*Small and Medium Enterprise Agency “Current status and challenges of M&A among small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises” *Please note that this event has a limited number of participants, so participants may be determined by lottery.
■ Recommended people for this seminar
People who are good at transforming and expanding existing businesses (not 0 → 1, but 1 → 10 → 100)
Those who want to manage the business in the position of president in the future (those who want to become an owner-manager)
People who are worried about their career after their 40s or 50s ■ Seminar overview
Speaker: Takeshi Ogiwara, President and CEO of Rocket Star Co., Ltd. Date and time: Thursday, September 19, 2024 16:05-16:45
How to participate: Online distribution (Zoom)
Participation fee: Free
Capacity: 20 people (If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity, a lottery will be held)
Sponsor: Rocket Star Co., Ltd.
Management: Executive Tailor Co., Ltd.
Contact: Rocketstar Webiner Office ( What is Rocketstar’s search fund?
We believe that a search fund is an initiative in which people who aspire to become managers (searchers) receive investment from investors rather than their own funds, inherit small and medium-sized enterprises that they are confident of growing, and aim to improve corporate value as managers. I’m capturing it. The search fund initiative is a new career that allows people to utilize their strengths for people who are better at transforming and expanding existing businesses (1 → 10 → 100) than the business creation required for starting a business (0 → 1). It is also attracting attention. [Image 2d136739-11-3ef82ca34299650e5eed-0.jpg&s3=136739-11-62475b94cb21cd2453003e0b02cc0bb5-434x270.jpg
Rocket Star Co., Ltd. Company Profile
Rocket Star is a group committed to improving the corporate value of small and medium-sized businesses. We believe that through search funds, we can solve three social issues: increasing the number of entrepreneurs, business succession, and increasing employee income. At Rocket Star, we create businesses suited to the times, turn small and medium-sized enterprises into ventures, and utilize “IT x marketing x organizational development” to achieve business growth and increase corporate value.
Company name: Rocket Star Co., Ltd.
Head office location: Midtown Tower 18F, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Representative Director, President and CEO: Takeshi Ogihara
Business content: Search fund business, M&A brokerage business HP:
Webinar entry form (first deadline: 9/11 (Wednesday) 18:00)

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