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Home » Explore » AIS Co., Ltd. Accounting system for shipping and international logistics “TRANS-Account” has three types of JIIMA certification: “Electronic ledger software legal requirements certification”, “Electronic bookkeeping software scanner storage softwar

AIS Co., Ltd. Accounting system for shipping and international logistics “TRANS-Account” has three types of JIIMA certification: “Electronic ledger software legal requirements certification”, “Electronic bookkeeping software scanner storage softwar

[AIS Co., Ltd.]
TRANS-Account, an accounting system for shipping and international logistics, has received three types of JIIMA certification:
“Electronic ledger software legal requirements certification”, “Electronic bookkeeping software scanner storage software legal requirements certification”, and “electronic transaction software legal requirements certification” get
*AIS Co., Ltd.*
Press release: September 6, 2024
TRANS-Account, an accounting system for shipping and international logistics, has received three types of JIIMA certification:
“Electronic ledger software legal requirements certification”, “Electronic bookkeeping software scanner storage software legal requirements certification”, and “electronic transaction software legal requirements certification” get
*~Strategic accounting system for the shipping industry that brings together system implementation experience in Japan and overseas and know-how in shipping operations~*
AIS Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director: Hiroshi Oura) is a public interest incorporated association We have obtained three types of JIIMA certification out of the five types certified by the Japan Document and Information Management Association (JIIMA).

In the accounting system “TRANS-Account” for shipping and
international logistics, the public interest incorporated association Among the five types of JIIMA certifications certified by the Japan Document and Information Management Association (JIIMA), we newly acquired the “Electronic Transaction Software Legal Requirements Certification” certification on August 30, 2024.
As a result, “TRANS-Account” has been certified as “*Electronic bookkeeping software legal requirements certification”*, *”Electronic bookkeeping scanner storage software legal requirements
certification”*, *
Obtained 3 types of certification for “electronic trading software legal requirements certification”*
“TRANS-Account” has been certified as a service that complies with the revised Electronic Bookkeeping Act (hereinafter referred to as the Electronic Bookkeeping Act).
*This is a package service specializing in the shipping industry and international logistics transactions, and is the only software that meets the three requirements of the Electric Book Act (JIIMA certified site: as of August 30, 2024)*
■Information regarding “TRANS-Account” JIIMA certification acquisition *1. Electronic ledger software legal requirements certification pattern 1 (creation/save)*
 Certified product: TRANS-Account Version2.2
Certification number: 104900-00
Validity date: September 4, 2026
List of electronic ledger software legal requirements certified products

*2. Electronic book law scanner storage software legal requirements certification*
 Certified product: TRANS-Account Version2.2
Certification number: 014900-00
Validity date: November 9, 2026
List of products certified by legal requirements for electronic bookkeeping scanner storage software

*3. Electronic trading software legal requirements certification*  Certified product: TRANS-Account Version2.2
Certification number: 621700-00
Validity date: August 28, 2027
List of electronic trading software legal requirements certified products ■What is JIIMA certification?
JIIMA checks whether commercially available software and software services meet the requirements of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act (Electronic Bookkeeping Act), and certifies those that are determined to meet the legal requirements.
By properly using JIIMA-certified software and software services, you can conduct tax processing operations in compliance with laws and regulations, even if you do not have a deep understanding of the Electric Book Act.
Additionally, certified products can be easily identified by using the certification logo on their packaging and introduction pages. *1. Electronic ledger software legal requirements certification* It checks whether commercially available software that creates and saves national tax-related books meets the requirements of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act, and certifies those that are determined to meet the legal requirements.

*2. Electronic book law scanner storage software legal requirements certification*
It checks whether commercially available software that performs scanner storage meets the requirements of the Electronic Bookkeeping Act, and certifies those that are determined to meet the legal requirements.

*3. Electronic trading software legal requirements certification* Check whether commercially available software and software services that store transaction information when national tax documents are created on a computer and exchanged electronically meet the
requirements of Article 7 of the Revised Electronic Book Storage Act, and verify legal requirements. This is to certify those that have been determined to satisfy the following criteria.

■What is “TRANS-Account”, an accounting system for shipping and international logistics?
This is a strategic accounting system for the shipping industry* that brings together experience in system implementation both in Japan and overseas and know-how in shipping operations.
We have a rich track record of implementation in the shipping industry, *Multi-currency accounting compatible with essential foreign currency-denominated transactions and dollar companies*
In addition, it comes standard with convenient functions specific to shipping companies that are not supported by general accounting systems, so it can be implemented in a short delivery time without the need for special customization.

Centered on the core basic accounting system (GL), it is composed of various sub-modules as auxiliary ledgers, and by inputting information related to accounting that has been managed in Excel into the sub-modules, each By seamlessly linking sub-modules with the basic accounting system, in addition to functions that support daily business journal entries, the system fully supports closing journal entries such as period apportionment and accrual deferral. It is an all-in-one accounting system that allows you to centrally manage accounting books and evidence (evidence/vouchers).
Additionally, you can freely import data from external systems using the standard journal import tool.

* ↓↓Click the URL below for product information on “TRANS-Account”↓↓*

* [Inquiries regarding products] *
*Click here*

AIS Co., Ltd.
Shipping ERP Division
1-3-9 Kanda Suda-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
PMO Kanda Manseibashi 9F
TEL: 03-6260-8858
Reception hours: 9:00-17:30
*Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and company holidays

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