Review Co., Ltd.
[Research Report] What genres of videos do you often watch on YouTube? 1st place was “Music”!
“Sablog” (
(, is a We conducted a survey targeting people aged 10 and older regarding the genres of videos they often watch on YouTube.
We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey target: Men and women in their teens and older
Survey date: July 2024
Research institution: In-house research
Survey method: Voluntary response via the internet
Number of people surveyed: 100 (38 men, 62 women)
Research report: *When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “Sablog” URL (
Survey results summary
When we conducted a survey on the genres of videos we often watch on YouTube, the number one was “music.”
We will also introduce other items in ranking format.

“Music” came in first place.
“Game commentary” and “cooking” came in second place, followed by “fitness,” which came in 7th place.
1st place: Music
・I like Mrs. GREEN APPLE’s songs and often listen to them on YouTube (male in his 20s)
-You can watch and listen to it for free, and most of the songs come up when you search for them, so I use them for various times, such as when I’m working or when I want to relax. (Female in her 30s) – Children watch it to listen to their favorite nursery rhymes, and they also play their favorite songs or the latest songs as background music while doing housework or other tasks. (Female in her 30s) 1st place is “Music”.
Many people use YouTube because they can enjoy various genres of music. 2nd place: Game commentary
・I want background music while I work, so I often play live game commentary from my favorite commentator (female in her 30s)
・My favorite since Niconico Douga moved to YouTube and I’ve been promoting it for over 10 years. (Female in her 30s)
・I can’t play horror games by myself, so I watch someone else’s live commentary. (Male in his 20s)
2nd place is “game commentary”.
Being able to watch in real time is perfect for playing games. 3rd place: Cooking
・I always watch English cooking videos to train my listening skills. You can also memorize cooking recipes, so you can kill two birds with one stone. (Female 50s and up)
・I want to expand my repertoire of everyday meals, so I’m studying while watching them closely. (Female in her 30s)
・I’m not good at cooking, so I try to imitate the quantities and other things when cooking. (Male, 30s)
4th place: Entertainment
・I believe that variety shows are the most essential genre in television programs. On top of that, I view YouTube as a substitute for television, and I believe that if you replace entertainment YouTube videos with TV programs, they will be in the same position as variety shows. (Male teenager)
・The purpose of watching YouTube is to laugh. I watch a lot of interesting content. (female teenager)
・Spending time mindlessly watching and listening to people’s videos while doing housework relieves stress (female in her 30s)
5th place: Makeup/Beauty
・You can learn about skin care and new cosmetics tailored to your skin concerns (Female in her 40s)
・Because I watch makeup videos of various people and imitate them. But these days, there are so many PRs that I tend to feel a little uncomfortable. (Female in her 20s)
・I’m a big fan of Emiri Aizawa, so I always watch her. It’s beautiful and I admire it. (Female in her 40s)
6th place: Education/Study
・I’m watching this summary channel. I like books, but I can’t read them all, so I use them as preliminary reviews. (Male over 50s) ・Even if you are doing housework, you can benefit yourself by listening. You can learn efficiently on YouTube. (Female in her 30s) ・This is because I want to obtain trivia and useful information for daily life, use it to live a better life than those around me, and be able to answer questions from those around me. (Male in his 20s) 7th place: Fitness
・Since I often train at home, I end up watching muscle training and aerobic exercise channels. (Female in her 40s)
・My hobby is muscle training, and I refer to other people’s videos when thinking about training menus. (Male in his 30s)
“Fitness” was ranked 7th.
It’s also useful for home training.
8th place: Others
・I often look at the martial arts genre, but when I search for my favorite fighter, it comes up in a list and it’s easy to see. (Male in his 30s)
・I watch it in many different genres. Genres other than those listed above account for a large percentage. The reason is videos related to investment gambling. (Male in his 40s)
・I’m building a new building, so I’m learning by looking at how to design the exterior and interior for that purpose. Also, consider the floor plan. (Male in his 20s)
Other opinions included “martial arts,” “investment gambling,” and “housing-related.”
When we surveyed 100 people, 22.0% of them answered “music”. Many respondents also said that they were listening to their favorite music, or that they were playing it for their children.
You can see that there are various ways to use it depending on the purpose. Why not watch videos from genres you’ve never seen before?
■About Review Co., Ltd.
Our company operates the information site “Sablogg
(” that is useful for daily life. We also manage YouTube channels, own media, and personal gyms. ■Company overview
Company name: Review Co., Ltd.
Address: GS Sakae Building 3F, 5-26-39 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Satoru Toda
Established: January 5, 2022
Capital: 1 million yen
Business content: Management of web media